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Everything posted by choclatechip45

  1. At least we can find out the info Bay wants to tell Christmas lol
  2. Please Tyler bring out your BB20 self and get Christmas to backdoor Dani!
  3. He is over Nicole. Wants Dani out and is in the middle of a power struggle which he is currently winning against Cody.
  4. Most likely, but Christmas is super loyal to Tyler and Tyler is a much better player than Cody and Dani.
  5. So does Tyler try to get Dani backdoored? Since that's Christmas number one.
  6. Even if Cody wins it could be interesting because he has to pick sides. Enzo and Tyler will be pressuring him to Backdoor Dani.
  7. Cody will be pissed too. Remember he freaked out when Christine was boo'd because he thought he would be blamed as a homewrecker?
  8. I love that Kaysar made Cody and Dani angry and whipped out the FBI hat. He will always be one of my all time favorite Big Brother players.
  9. America is the reason why Evel Dick won and the reason the first season was a disaster. They also voted in Erika over Danielle Reyes in the original All-Stars.
  10. Tom and L4s both received the runner up prize as well. I think due to covid it would be hard to do a vote in this season.
  11. I agree about Kevin. I think I should have realized he would have been a disappointment based on who he was aligned with on BB11 and the fact he thought he could beat Jordan hands with a jury vote. I think it would have been 4-3 either way since Jordan was guaranteed three votes America's vote, Jeff, Michelle. While Kevin was guaranteed two votes with Natalie and Lydia.
  12. I can't wait until Cody explodes on the house.
  13. How did the Dani buy Janelle come up last week? Did someone mention it on the feeds?
  14. Didn't Christmas know Paul's mom, I remember that rumor going around.
  15. I know the contract doesn't let them sue. I never understood why they let her stay in the house on 19.
  16. Maybe she threatened to sue after she broke her foot? ( I have no proof this is pure speculation on my part)
  17. They definitley should have done an All-Stars season years earlier. They should never have put Dan on a split Newbie/returnees cast. They should have named this season second chances or redemption and not included any winners. I don't envy production a lot of the big names have young families and aren't looking to come back right now plus the pandemic you were never going to get the cream of the crop. I think most of the cast was good and All-Star worthy due to placement it lost it's luster for me because of all the Janelle bashing. I assume Christmas and David came back this year as an agreement they wouldn't sue production ala Tom & Lex being guaranteed All-Star spots on Survivor.
  18. re the wall yeller It didn't help Ian kept talking about the wall yeller. He should have just came up with a code name for it.
  19. Lol yes. He says no one who hasn't played Big Brother can't analyze the show yet ED does a Survivor show.
  20. Every time I give up on Day because she is terrible at this game she gets me to like her again. I love her convos with Bay and her non game talk with Kaysar. Ugh what could have been I remember in the first week Day said she wanted to work with Kaysar because she loved talking to him. Taran is great. I love how he just gives you the facts. Evel Dick was talking shit yesterday about RHAP and Taran so they are doing something right.
  21. I see Cody/Enzo as the core of the power structure in the house, but Cody's ideal f2 partner is Nicole.
  22. I think Cody was a bit underrated in BB16 he has always reminded me of Drew Daniels boring, but a good social player who teamed up with a strategist. However he didn't cut the strategist at the Final 3 like Drew did. I think Cody's relationships with Hayden/Nicole/Donny/Jacosta is why that side didn't figure Derrick out until the Jacosta boot by then it was too late. I think if you put Cody in any season of Big Brother he does well since he plays a great social game and can win comps. Derrick does give Cody a lot of credit when he doesn't have too. The biggest flaw in Cody's game is because of his first season he doesn't know how to handle when things don't go his way and he's not a strategist.
  23. I am pretty sure Christmas/Tyler had a conversation in the first 3 days that they were surprised that their partners weren't on this season and they have to stick together.
  24. Rob Has A Podcast. It is run by Rob C from Survivor Amazon and All-Stars. They have a live feed update every day and have pretty good Big Brother content.
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