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Everything posted by DoYouLikeMutton

  1. It seems to me that Howie is more adversarial this season. Not that he is hostile, but he seems more critical of the acts whereby in prior seasons he almost always had very positive things to say about everybody. I am not an ardent viewer of the show, mostly catching the later rounds of the last 2 seasons or so. I wonder if he was told to spice up his commentary a bit.
  2. I felt the same way about Susan Boyle's performance. I was hoping it was a case of the background music drowning her out, but both my husband and I thought her voice was weak and she was lackluster. I don't think Simon will ever say anything negative about her again, no matter what happens. He has stated he is ashamed of how he acted when he first met her on BGT. As for the rest of the evening, there were no surprises, even for the performers themselves. You can pretty much tell who is going through and who isn't once you see who they are pitted against during the result announcements. Nick and Lindsay knew they were doomed, and it was clear Robert Findley would be staying after the Kids were put through to the next round. I had a premonition that Chris Klafford would come out on stage Tuesday night, clean-shaven and with a nice haircut, and really wow the audience with his appearance. Still optimistic, I thought maybe Wednesday could be the "reveal" night. But, alas, it was not to be. I am glad he is still around and after saying there were no surprises for the evening, I am a little surprised he was on the bubble.
  3. Sorry Bir Khalsa fans, but I was very glad to see Bir Khalsa go. It’s surprising to me they made it this far. Guess I don’t like death-defying acts with blindfolded people smashing watermelons with sharp, pointed objects narrowly missing someone’s face. It’s harrowing stupidity and not entertaining to me at all. Thankfully, they are good at what they do.
  4. Sorry Bir Khalsa fans, but I was very glad to see Bir Khalsa go. It’s surprising to me they made it this far. Guess I don’t like death-defying acts with blindfolded people smashing watermelons with sharp, pointed objects narrowly missing someone’s face. It harrowing stupidity and not entertaining to me at all. Thankfully, they are good at what they do.
  5. It was a predictable outcome, and I assumed it would end as it did. Although, I thought it was possible Ray and Caro could pull an upset and come in first, bumping Z & E to 2nd and D & A to 3rd. They all looked great in their formal, last night soiree outfits. Caro looked absolutely stunning in that dress. Best of luck to all the couples.
  6. If we were supposed to get all "warm and fuzzy" over the reunion of Kyra and Cashel, the show fell short. This is far from the ol' "Boy meets girl. Boy loses girl. Boy gets girl." feel-good ending. I couldn't have cared less, in fact, found it to be a real snooze. Why all the fanfare over Kyra's departure. No one else was showered with happiness and surprises upon being dumped from the island. And poor Jered, what, he's chopped liver? If he's not a candidate for hazard pay, nobody is.
  7. I thought the Emily-being-possibly-interested-in-women thing was all contrived by the producers. They tried to create the possibility that Emily and Kyra could form a lesbian or bi couple on Love Island. When they had the re-coupling, Emily was talking about why she picked "this person", rather than saying "this boy" like all the other girls said. They tried to keep up the illusion for a few more suspense-filled moments. Then they took another stab at in when Kyra and Emily had their heart-to-heart talk after the whole Weston debacle blew-up.
  8. Gotta agree with Waving Feather. I liked Cashel. Another good one that got away was Katrina. Beautiful, smart and classy. A lot of what goes on with these shows is contrived by the producers. They keep the irritant around for as long as they can plausibly do so, otherwise Kyra would have been long gone, imo.
  9. Maybe Jered swims in the pool a lot? Probably has it all to himself . . . .
  10. Kyra has been talking out of both sides of her mouth since she set foot on the island. Cashel, you've been warned: RUUUUN!!
  11. The best thing about this show is this forum and you guys who post to it!! The baby thing was kind of annoying and amusing at the same time, but interesting to see who really nurtured the kids and who became a little unglued. I wouldn't mind seeing Kyra and Weston dumped, and a couple made out of Emily and Jered. They both got the short end of the stick due to who they are coupled with. I assume it will come down to the main 3 couples. So what criteria wins this show? The last couple standing based on a popularity contest, or based on who America thinks will actually make the best go of staying together as a couple?
  12. I didn't like Eric from the get-go, but I thought he showed a nicer, softer side the day he got dumped. I didn't like that "I am a hunter and I go after what I want" dialog and perhaps no one else cared for it either. If he showed his softer side earlier, the side Emily was trying to see, maybe she would have coupled up with him. Maybe Kelsey still would have walked after seeing how quickly Weston is able to set his sights elsewhere. Kelsey must be sleeping well since realizing she avoided a major train wreck.
  13. Thanks, Ms Blue Jay. I thought it may be Original Guest, or Original Guy/Gal. I believe you are correct, Dylan and Cormac arrived at the same time, a few days later. On day 4, according to wikipedia.
  14. I just found this forum today, so go easy on me :). What is OG? Been reading your comments and I think you are all spot on. Thought I'd throw my opinion into the mix. First of all, Weston. What a bs artist. Love 'em until the next one comes along, then drop 'em. Like others have said, it is so classless how he has to somehow substantiate his immature behavior by trashing the newly dropped girl. I can hardly understand the guy - and it's not a southern drawl - he talks like his teeth are clenched and he's got cotton his mouth. And seriously, Weston, 25 years old and 63 sexual partners? Eeeek! I feel bad for Jered and Anton. Anton didn't get much of a chance before getting dumped from the island and he seemed like a pretty nice guy. And now that Jered is coupled with Kyra, well, if history repeats itself, that's doomsday insofar as finding love with Kyra.
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