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Everything posted by DoYouLikeMutton

  1. I’d love to see Moira and Calvin come from behind and win this contest. I think they are the only couple who are being honest with themselves (and North America) where their relationship is and where it’s going. They seem to genuinely enjoy each other’s company and are happy they got back together again. Their relationship seems to be where it ought to be after just a few weeks.
  2. I was hoping Carrington would get booted off. Ideally, it would have been cool to see Johnny and Cely booted, but everyone knows that would never happen. I kind of liked Bennett and Lakeyn as a couple. They were at a severe disadvantage coming in so late, but they seemed to like each other. Maybe something will become of it on the outside.
  3. "Two-faced" is a rather strong word, with very mean connotations. No wonder Moira was so upset. Couldn't the producers have found a kinder question to ask the public? I think the producers really dropped the ball the season, between the disgusting competitions and mean-spirited questions that prove nothing and are only very hurtful and very embarrassing to a young person.
  4. I don't know if it was referred to as a prom, but the last episode the final 4 couples were dressed up. All the girls wore gowns and looked great. They each made declarations of their love, then it was revealed who were the 3rd, 2nd, 1st runners-up and the winners.
  5. I so totally agree with this post, I could have written it myself!! 😁 This episode was a total bore (yawn). The nicest part was seeing Calvin be so comforting to Moira.
  6. Yes, especially Kierstan and Laurel. I am sorry to see Kierstan go. Laurel will probably miss her more than she'll miss Carrington once she leaves the villa.
  7. I thought Julia seemed pretty nice. I am sorry she didn't get a chance. She seemed okay with it, though. Probably saw the writing on the wall and thought it best to just get the hell out of dodge.
  8. Yes, yes, YES! Once again, it was so contrived. This way Carrington can have his cake and eat it too, as usual.
  9. Maybe Kierstan wasn't impressed with or didn't want to deal with the aftermath of Bennett's ex. She certainly did an about-face.
  10. I love Elizabeth and Alex, but these interviews go on for too long. This one was 52 minutes, and I listened to the first 1/4 of it. There's an old Swedish proverb: "Talk less, say more."
  11. Thank you! I've been trying to figure out all season why these women are swooning over him. He's immature, self-centered, arrogant . . . what's to like?! 😲
  12. None. Zero. Zilch. No heat. No desire. No lust. The only passion I've seen is between Carrington and, er, Carrington.
  13. Last season's USA. Elizabeth and Zac were a couple from the very beginning, unwavering, and won.
  14. You are so right!! Am I the only one who can't understand Carrington when he talks? He mumbles and is a "low-talker." And why in the world would the new girls BOTH pick Carrington, only to get stuck on a double-date?
  15. As for Mack and Connor, maybe all the drama was the kick in the rear Connor needed to make a decision. At this point, I hope they both find what they are looking for, whether with each other or not. I wish them both well.
  16. I thought it was so contrived. Probably the rest of the Moira conversation was how he wanted to get dumped from the villa and go back with Mackenzie. It looked like a mercy dumping to me and planned ahead by Moira and him. Connor never looked happier and more relieved. I think he was bummed when the text came in telling him he still had 30 minutes . . . tick tock . . . .
  17. I thought Carrington picked an outfit from the girls side of the closet. He looked ridiculous. 😁
  18. Didn't Kierstan get all googly-eyed for Bennett, enough to tell Calvin to hit the road. Then later she seemed lukewarm about Bennett saying she didn't need another conversation with him. He was probably trying to figure out who she was going to pick to recouple with.
  19. The show ought to hire some of those twitter/reddit people who know how to research potential contestants.
  20. Totally agree. I wouldn't mind saying buh-bye to both "boys."
  21. I think that's exactly what Connor will do! Cely ought to recouple with Connor. That'll shake things up.
  22. Calvin sure was busy feathering his nest! Kind of nervy coming back at Moira now that he's worried he'll get dumped.
  23. Maybe he was. I thought Carrington was the "deep as a puddle" guy, but I am probably wrong. They both seem rather dull.
  24. Agreed. Calvin seems so blah, and I can't understand why he is still there or why anyone would find him interesting. During the conversations, he just seems to smile at the girls, yet reveal nothing about himself. I assume in person some of these people have more charisma than what we are seeing on the show.
  25. Very true. The odds that any of these relationships will last are pretty abysmal for all the reasons you stated. I don't think most of the woman are thinking that way, though. They're likely there for romance, love, and a lasting relationship. Although Carrington is being realistic, he is also only 22, and his priorities might be to just have fun.
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