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Everything posted by Claire76

  1. Oh, Caelan is absolutely culpable, but he needs to get off his arse and do what he needs to do to mitigate the circumstances.
  2. Somebody mentioned, in an other thread: If you don't raise your children, you'll be raising your grandchildren. This should be amended for such shitty behaviour, you end up (not) raising your great-grandchildren, too. Cindy can lose me with, "Shannon's turned her life around." I don't see what she's done that's so amazing. If Mckayla wasn't so lazy, I'd suggest Caelan get a DNA test on BOTH kids. Of course, it would be his own fault if Mckayla had been sleeping with someone else. 🙄
  3. At this point, Caelan (sp?) needs to get the court involved to establish child support and visitation.
  4. Bloody hell, the mother of the sisters is 38?! And the years she's slept.
  5. I've just watched them on Hulu.
  6. Gets on my nerves when litigants say, "She KNEW he was with me and we have kids!" Yeah, he KNEW that, too. Key his car. Oh, wait, he probably doesn't have one. 😑
  7. My husband bought a pit for our acreage when our daughter was very young. And he knows how to train a dog. When our daughter was 5, she was sitting on the step outside the house, as she did every day, the dog -the same age- who had previously been very protective of her, suddenly lunged at her face and ripped her bottom lip half off. We've had many dogs since (no pits or pit mixes) and NONE of them have been a problem. So, I don't really have a problem when JJ reads out the letter from the grandfather of the injured child.
  8. The dog has an arm and the defendant had no teeth. I can't believe she tried to pull the race card in defense of her ridiculous dog.* *Don't write to me, and etc.
  9. I loved how she was huffing and puffing. 😄 Imagine being stuck with that for 18 years?!
  10. Finally, an answer to why she ALWAYS has someone else drive her everywhere! Kudos to you, Ambien, for not wanting to kill yourself in a driving accident! Cos, fuck everyone else, anyway...
  11. When Teen Mom returned as "OG", Amber was just getting out of gel. She said, on camera, more than once, to Gary, "It's your fault I went to prison..." I think that pretty much tells us all we need to know about her character.
  12. I would hope DL thinks himself too good to come back to SVU. That dude is woefully underused. And I do NOT need more Rollins drama. How about they offer a compromise where Benson effs off on vacay, out of view, far, far away, for a few? And No-Wah isn't kidnapped? Or is kidnapped but the NYPD can't do shit. It's better than nothing. I think... #MoreCarisi
  13. No. Maybe it's because my dad was a cop, but I'd almost shit my pants and sit the hell down. Oh, and more Carisi.
  14. My wish list is simple: Less Benson & Rollins; More Carisi. I've just read a "news" article which said viewers are desperate to see a romantic relationship develop between Rollins & Carisi. Can I get a HELL NO? In fact, no love interest ever for Carisi in case I ever go to Manhattan and find him lighting a candle in the 10th Catholic church I accidentally searched for him. Also would like people being questioned at work to stand TF still and not be storming around with a clipboard, stacking boxes or not putting down the cleaver and continuing to chop up meat. May I suggest a drinking game where we all take a shot every time Benson says, "It's okay, it's okay..." or "NONE of this is your fault."? And lastly, of course, more diversity with the victims and maybe a case that just can not be brought to trial, no matter how hard they effin' try. ETA: I don't want anyone to die from alcohol poisoning, so maybe half & half with soda per shot.
  15. I couldn't care less if Rollins gets the boot; as long as Carisi doesn't go with. ETA: I was going to suggest she gets sent to another Law & Order from the franchise, but I think SVU is the only one left?
  16. Totally adore Carisi! Doesn't Rollins have a thread here? Interested to know what everyone thinks of that character.
  17. I don't care if Gary's been hired as an auxiliary security guard for Dollar Tree; at least he's doing something.
  18. When MTV bailed this bitch out, she should have gone straight to the psych ward.
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