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Posts posted by debbie311

  1. I was also on edge thinking that Rebecca was going to wander off, or end up at the wrong house.  I don't know a lot about Alzheimers, but I was surprised that she was allowed to leave the party on her own and also went home to an empty house.  Is that realistic?  I mean, I know they said her meds were currently working, blah blah blah, but sometimes meds work until they don't.  I'm like Miguel, I would have been extremely nervous leaving her.

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  2. I was really looking forward to Sweet Carolina but was so disappointed. Agree with all that's already been said here, especially the VERY short grieving period.  I also didn't understand the living situation.  It looked like Josie moved right into the master bedroom but the parents were always there also, as well as the brother (Jeff), like they all lived together in the same house. And who in their right mind would name a legal guardian without talking to the person first?

    The flour fight?  Sorry, not amused. And sorry, but I find it hard to believe that her boss would agree to a "satellite office" in a quick phone call. This was probably one of the worst Hallmark movies I have seen.  Disappointing.

    The commercials! On ALL the Hallmark channels, they ram their upcoming movies and series down your throat.  With EVERY break, over and over!  It's why I DVR most movies and mute commercials when I don't.

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  3. 3 hours ago, njbchlover said:

    During the mask discussion, listening to Whoopi and her concerns, I don't think they will be coming into the studio any time soon.  Sara stated that she has only had her first vaccine dose, so she could still be quite vulnerable for at least a few more weeks.  Whoopi just sounds like she is very, very comfortable moderating from home and is in no real hurry to get back to the studio, even if everyone is vaccinated.  That is her right, Whether she feels comfortable or not, eventually, ABC is going to have to make a decision to require them to return to the studio.  Maybe now is the time for Whoopi to retire and let Joy take over the moderating.  

    New York is expected to be fully open by July 1st.  My husband's company (based in NY) is expecting employees to return to in person office work by mid-June.  Broadway will be back in September.  

    I get it, and I do feel some anxiety about certain settings, but my opinion is that Whoopi is just a little bit lazy and prefers throwing on a smock/workshirt over her pajamas, not having to put on a bra, and just hanging out in her home, rather than making the trek into the city every day.  

    Other news shows and talk shows have been in studio for quite some time now.  I think it's time for The View to do the same, once Sara has completed her vaccines and waited the two weeks after.

    I agree with all of this.  It's really not a discussion show anymore - each person takes their turn to speak, there is no back-and-forth. I think they started doing it that way because back in the early days of the pandemic, they would all talk at the same time and that was pretty annoying. But come on. Why is it that the TODAY show and GMA are able to have their hosts present and not doing it from home anymore. They don't HAVE to have a studio audience, or maybe just limit the numbers. If Whoopi has some underlying health issue that makes her want to stay at home even though she is fully vaccinated, perhaps it IS time for her to retire.


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  4. I understand that ABC likes the ratings boost from Megan (if there actually is one), but to let her spew her lies and misinformation on the network puts them in the same boat as Fox News.  Example:  Sonny said simply stated that Evangelicals and Republicans are the groups that are not wanting to get the vaccine.  50% of Republicans, she said.  She just gave numbers.  Immediately after, Megan says how terrible that Evangelicals and Republicans are being targeted, that they are called "stupid morons" and "hillbillies."  Nowhere did Sonny or any of the rest of them make those comments, but you can bet it will be repeated on Fox that on the View they are calling people "in the middle of the country" hillbillies. 

    Why is she allowed to interrupt Sarah but the rest of them have to zip their lips while MM is talking?  She's ruining this show for me.  And I have to say, they all look very nice today, except for MM.  Her hair looks stupid and that top she is wearing does her no favors.  Is she pregnant again?  And that snarly look on her face.  She has got to be a very unhappy person.

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  5. I expect what will happen is the criminal attorney who said they are going to "aggressively" fight this will get him off. I would be surprised if he gets any jail time at all, maybe some probation and counseling, blah, blah, blah.  Eventually he will be back with Anna.  She has no resources or safety net, from what I gather.  She's completely dependent, as are her seven children.

    I hope I'm wrong. Whatever happens, TLC needs to cut the ties to the family, rid themselves of the stench. And his siblings need to cut their ties too.  I don't care if he is their brother. He's got a problem and will probably continue to act out.

    You know, if this had happened to one of the other boys, I might give them the benefit of the doubt that they didn't download the porn on purpose, they really didn't do it, etc.  But with Josh, this is his third strike.  That we know of.  Who knows what else?  What a mess.

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  6. Bottom line for me - TLC needs to cancel them NOW.  I'm sorry (not sorry) that the innocent ones (the ones who have nothing to do with this) will take a financial hit, but this story is just flat out too unseemly.  Too disgusting. And who would want to sponsor the show now?  Even if Josh and Anna are never, ever seen on the show again, how could the rest of them go on their merry way and act like life is normal. 

    This didn't come out of nowhere.  Josh has a history. I get that he is part of their family, but if they don't publicly condemn him (assuming he is declared guilty) then they are part of it.  The whole thing makes me sick to my stomach.

    Besides all that, the show has gotten really boring anyway. TLC has plenty of other multiple families that they can focus on if that's what they want to do.


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  7. 1 hour ago, geekburger said:

    I think they’ve started cutting the ladies mics off once they are done with their solo soliloquies. Notice they also don’t show the group shots just go from Whoopi to a panelist back to Whoopi so you can’t even see if a panelist wants to respond. No actual conversation on this show with this format. So boring.

    I agree. There is no back and forth discussion anymore.  They give their opinion, Whoopi makes a comment, and that's it. And Whoopi rarely says anything except, ok ...

    It is boring.  I DVR and fast-forward and usually just delete it before it's over.

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  8. This episode was cringe-worthy.  What's weird is these young kids harping on Travis to hurry up and propose. What little kids think along those lines?  Surely they are hearing the adults talking about it and repeating what they hear.

    I wonder what Travis meant when he said he had to talk to his parents.  I wonder what THEY think?

    The chaperone thing.  A few of them said, yes, it's cool to be a chaperone, you get free food, get to go places ... Does Travis have to pay for the kids who tag along each time?  That could get rather expensive for a 19 year old. Or is UP paying for everything? And what was with Gil wanting to read the card before Katie? Was he afraid there was going to be a sexual message in it?  And I noticed he is always watching them just waiting for them to touch or something, ready to jump in. The fact that they can NEVER BE ALONE with the person they are dating/engaged to seems so unnatural, so unhealthy.

    • Love 12
  9. On 4/2/2021 at 12:37 PM, amarante said:

    I recently remodeled and got rid of the popcorn ceiling. It was expensive because it also included expensive asbestos removal by an approved company and then the ceiling had to be primed so that it would look perfect.

    Popcorn ceilings bring down the whole room even if you aren't staring directly at them. They are dirty and collect dust and if you paint them, removal is even more difficult. I can't overstate what a difference it makes in terms of brightening up the look and feel of my home - and people look at ceilings more than they think. Every time you walk in a room you are looking at the ceiling - not to mention lying in bed or on a sofa. Subliminally it sinks in and just depresses the look of the room.

    The reason people mention it when looking at homes is because it is something that demonstrably makes a home more unattractive and it's a factor just as much as a disgusting bathroom. I did a gut remodel so everything was taken down to the studs but I could live with a clean bathroom in good shape that wasn't completely up to date before I would live with a popcorn ceiling again.

    ETA - Almost all popcorn ceiling has asbestos in it because it was considered to be a positive construction material when installed. So it is NOT a DIY job unless you are completely stupid or don't give a crap about either your family or the environment. The ceiling has to be discarded in a hazardous waste site which also adds to the cost. Granted I lived in a high cost of living area, but between removing the asbestos tainted popcorn and having the ceiling done so it looks smooth and beautiful it was probably about $8 or $9 per square foot. So do the math and you could be spending $10,000 or more to do the job.

    Also removing popcorn ceiling is the kind of project that needs to be done before you move in because all of the furniture in every part of the house needs to be moved - everything taken off the walls because the asbestos remediation people won't work if there is anything in a room. They will seal off rooms to contain it which don't have the popcorn but generally popcorn is running through all the rooms except possibly bathrooms and kitchen. Even drywall can contain asbestos - my understanding is that some of the "tape" used also contains it so legally it is supposed to be tested before it is removed.

    Ditto to everything here.  Growing up in the 60's in California, they were "the thing." They're awful. We bought a house with popcorn ceilings and had the popcorn professionally removed before moving in.  Expensive but so worth it.  I would also do without an updated kitchen or bathroom if I had to make the choice between that or popcorn ceilings.

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  10. The show was a hot mess today. At times Whoopi seemed out of it.  Or is that just her normal demeanor?  I will be SO glad when they go back into the studio.  I don't even care if there is an audience or not.  I don't understand why they are still remote.  Other programs like the TODAY show, Ryan and Kelly, etc., etc. are able to sit at a distance and have a normal conversation. And keep their crews safe.  Let the guests be remote, if necessary.  I don't get it.

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  11. I've taken this show off my DVR.  I can't stand Dre.  It's gone so downhill from what it used to be.

    Maybe they need to decide to end it.  I remember I felt the same way about The Middle.  The husband (forgot his name now) became so irritating I couldn't stand to watch it.

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  12. The sex talk with the daughter was so uncomfortable to watch. And filming it for TV? I feel sorry for all those kids. I agree that the brother is creepy. 

    Planting the "Aimee" tree - a nice idea, but Spencer breaking down and crying shows that he is still deep in the grieving process.  Just my opinion.  Erica said that she understood, but clearly she was bothered by his reaction.  Who wouldn't be?

    I don't think I will continue to watch.  Those three youngest yelling and jumping on the furniture are too much.

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  13. 2 hours ago, ginger90 said:


    Personally, I try to avoid anyone who is "extremely" anything. And I don't think anyone is shocked by her patriotism or love of founding fathers. She reminds us enough. Which, I'm sorry, is weird in itself.  Respect, admire, yes, but love the founding fathers?  She has never met them, they are long dead.

    She's too high-strung and opinionated for The View. They need to get rid of her. I wonder what kind of mother she is/will be.

    • Love 18
  14. I just don't get Meghan.  She's so angry!  She appeared insulted to even have to answer the question re the interview. Does she not understand that is her job, to discuss current events?  She can say she doesn't care, has no interest really, etc., etc.  But to go off on that tirade about George Washington?!  Lighten up Meg. I truly do not know how the other cohosts can stand being around her, even virtually.


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  15. 2 hours ago, Haleth said:

    Why are they talking about Dr Seuss again?  Between this and the Meghan Markle talk I feel like it’s Groundhog Day. 

    Whoopi was just reiterating that it was the Seuss family that removed the book.  I'm glad she did.  In my local conservative newspaper there have been editorials and letters to the editor blaming Democrats for it.  Seriously.  People on Nextdoor are also blaming "the left" and President Biden and talking about how this is only the beginning.  Note to them: President Biden has far more important things to do than banning Dr. Seuss books.

    • Love 21
  16. On 1/24/2021 at 3:38 AM, sarasue59 said:

    I was lucky, I had no wisdom teeth at all.  When I x-rayed during a dental exam, I asked how many wisdom teeth I had, since I had none that broke the surface.  When he checked, he said that I had none, congratulations.  I had never heard this before, but I guess that gradually, the human race is losing the wisdom teeth as there is no need for them anymore.  I thought it was just because I was a fool, lol.  

    Same here! Maybe we are more highly evolved!

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  17. The Emgality commercial where the child asks the mother if she will be able to play today.  The mother says of course and they show them doing some kind of fairy-tale playacting, complete with a costume for the dog.  They march around inside and out with crowns on, laughing the whole time.

    I grew up in a time, and raised my child in a time, where mothers didn't do that. Kids played and mother did what she did.  OK, I'm old, I admit it.

    • Love 6
  18. On 2/2/2021 at 9:32 AM, NYGirl said:

    Question for you knowledgeables:  I've noticed that all of the HG shows...both new and old...now refer to the Master bedroom as the Main bedroom.  Why???

    They also keep saying "Main bathroom" which confuses me into thinking it's the guest bathroom.  Is it the Master bathroom?  Can they say Main Suite now?

    Also, do you think they did voiceovers on the old ones?  I'm seeing shows about 2 years old saying Main.  

    Head scratcher.

    My husband and I noticed this last night.  We figured that "master" was now politically incorrect.  I had never thought of it before.  I noticed that they had also sometimes called it the "owners' suite" but last night was the first night I heard "primary bedroom."

    The things you learn!

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  19. We were able to sign up for Discovery+ through Verizon, but I can only watch on my MacBook. We bought our TV in 2016 and apparently it is not smart enough.  We called Comcast and they said that they are "in negotiations" and "sometime this year" they will add Discovery+.  I mean, we can get Netflix, Hulu, Prime, etc. etc. but Discovery+ isn't there.  I believe there is some kind of fix, hook the laptop up to the TV, we get a Firestick or sign up for Hulu, or something else, but I am like a lot of you, I am sick of them adding new streaming services.  We already pay a fortune for cable and just to watch TV is so damned complicated.

    I wonder how successful Discovery+ is. I read lots of complaints on Facebook about people who are also sick of these companies wanting us to spend more $$$.

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  20. 4 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

    Megan who does not believe in science like the rest of her team has no idea that science is always evolving when we know better we do better.  There was a time people believed that HIV/AIDS could be transmitted via the air now we know that is not the case. 

    This is so true.  When I was pregnant back in the 70's, doctors thought is was ok for expectant moms to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes while pregnant.  LOL, I saved the booklet my obstetrician's office gave me back in 1971 and in it is says that it's probably not a good idea to drink too much because you might lose your balance and fall!  Nothing about how it might harm the unborn baby. Are you kidding me?!  (Luckily I didn't drink back then and didn't smoke.) My point is, once studies were done, the rules changed.

    Also, if I recall, initially they thought Covid was spread mostly by touch, hence we were wiping down and disinfecting everything in sight like crazy.  Then once they determined it was airborne, that's when everyone started wearing masks.

    Why is MM so hateful?  And what's with the pink/red eyeliner?


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  21. 20 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    So, Hoda and Haley made Al a birthday cake when it wasn't really his birthday, cause Hoda got her information from a Today show newsletter???  We can add co-workers birthdays to the list of things Hoda doesn't remember, right under co-worker's kid's names.

    I thought that was weird too. How could she not know his birthday?  Don't they usually make kind of a big deal about birthdays?

    She was making a boxed cake, which is fine, but she was letting Hayley "lick the bowl!"  Does she not know you are not supposed to eat raw cake batter?  It says so right on the box.

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  22. 14 minutes ago, geekburger said:

    Echoing that this show needs to be back in the studio ASAP. Aside from the daily time delay fiascos, it’s just boring. No real dialogue. As mentioned up thread it’s Whoopi individuals asking the choirs what they think of something. If Whoopi and Joy don’t want to go back in the studio, maybe now a good time to test some temp cohosts. All other shows are doing it responsibly.

    Ratings are high though so I doubt they’ll make any changes.

    I agree.  The TODAY show and GMA are in studio, socially distanced. I am sure that ABC would provide limo pick ups for them (individually) and the studio could take safety measures. But, whatever.  I just thought today's show was painful to watch, with the over-talk.  And Whoppi seems to have low energy and looks pissed when she is interrupted or not allowed to take the lead.

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