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Posts posted by debbie311

  1. 3 hours ago, Zella said:

    I thought so too. Sounds like something out of a Petticoat Junction episode. (Not that I dislike Petticoat Junction--I like the show, but it's not where I'd draw my inspiration for names from!) 

    LOL, it was my first thought.

    I think Evangeline is a pretty name, but Jo?  Ugh.

    • Love 5
  2. 17 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

    Can they have a moratorium on the discussion of masks for the rest of 2020 ? Please ?  Every day they bring up the discussion of wearing masks - since March!  I know how they're going to respond before Whoopi starts her 'Round Robin' of questioning. We know where each of them stand on the issue, so do we need Whoopi to ask every day, "What y'all think? Should we be wearing masks ?"

    Have to say I agree with you.  We're eight months into this thing and people STILL need to be told to wear a mask and wash their hands? I figure anyone who isn't doing those things at this point is not going to start.

    • Love 8
  3. 19 hours ago, OnTime said:

    Oh, Sara! 

    Why is she surprised that people are still refusing to wear masks? Has she seen coverage of a Trump rally?

    I  really wonder about her.

    I've been noticing lately that she always has a big smile on her face, no matter what serious topic they are discussing.  Whoopi, Joy and Sunny look subdued if not sad, and there is Sara with a big grin. She seems kind of hopelessly naive.

    • Love 4
  4. 1 minute ago, dleighg said:

    he is REALLY rough looking, isn't he?

    At first I was embarrassed for him, now I am just annoyed.  They run it on CNN and MSNBC almost continuously. I hate when he says, "It's free!" They must be paying him a lot of money to do this.  Maybe he needs it.

    Also Tom Sellick with the reverse mortgage commercials.  I used to like him, now I can't stand him.

    • Love 12
  5. There's a commercial for some type of COPD drug.  The woman is sitting on her couch, takes the scissors and cuts off her hospital ID band (which indicates she is a COPD patient), then gets up and collects an ash try and coffee mug, takes them to a flea market and sells the coffee mug.

    I don't get it.  Why get rid of a coffee mug if you have COPD? Is it because people who smoke also drink coffee, and they can't drink coffee without smoking?

    • Love 2
  6. I'm sorry but the twin boys are brats.  They are really unlikeable, especially one of them (forget the name). I really feel sorry for the oldest boy. I also cringed seeing those babies standing on drawers. Those parents seem to have very little control.

    I guess I am a scrooge, but in their living situation I would have not even bothered with a Christmas tree.  The little ones wouldn't care and the older ones should be able to understand that this is just for one year.  

    • Love 2
  7. I WISH they would come back into the studio.  No audience.  Put them at a table where they are spaced far apart, sort of like what they do at the TODAY show.  It is so irritating the way they can't coordinate comments and end up talking over each other.  Then Whoopi gets visibly irritated and everyone stops.  Then they start again with the over-talk.

    • Love 22
  8. 33 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

    The picture of the crowd at that rally was frightening, wow!  I will never understand why people are choosing to be willfully ignorant about a virus that can kill you but can also leave you with permanent damages to your health.. Is sticking it to the liberals really that important?  I would think that their health and that of their families and friends would be more important. Without good health, your quality of life diminishes. 

    I agree, I look at those crowds and think the same thing.  My guess is that those people don't believe the facts/don't think it will affect them. I see it all the time on Facebook. All I can figure is they only watch Fox and it's been ingrained in them to not believe the media, except for Fox.

    • Love 7
  9. 1 hour ago, After7Only said:

    Both Whoopi and Joy were good today.   Sounds like they are resolved that the nomination is going to happen and have chosen not to fight MM on the topic.       

    I have been so down the past few days, and for them to say, it's going to happen, helped me somehow.  I need to let it go. I'm trying.

    • Love 17
  10. It was completely unnecessary for MeAgain to say she didn't cry. Just don't say anything if you didn't, but no, she had to make a point of it.  There is absolutely no doubt who she will vote for.  I think she is probably relieved that now she has an excuse, she was going to all along anyway, regardless of what has been said about her father.

    The way she went after Sara was uncalled for.  Sara was simply reading something Coney Barrett had said herself.  I am glad that MeAgain will be on maternity leave during the election and the hearings.  With our luck she will rush back.  I think she needs to take at least six months, how about a year?


    • Love 16
  11. Note to MeAgain:  Scientists also thought at one time that the Earth was flat.  Are you angry because they LIED to you?  Can you accept that the Earth is round?

    In the early days of the virus they were learning. We were mostly worried about touching things, which led to the run on Lysol, Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer.  Then we were told it was airborne.  It seems to me that it was sometime in May the people started to wear masks, at first voluntarily and then finally by mandate (luckily I am in blue California).

    Sunny looked like she wanted to kill MeAgain today.  I wonder why Joy was out.  

    • Love 13
  12. 1 minute ago, teddysmom said:

    It does help to not watch every day. They can be exhausting. 

    Hope you're safe, I can't imagine living thru those fires. 

    Don't give up hope. 

    I like to remember something I heard once:  There is no such thing as false hope, there is only hope. 

    Thank you.  We are not near the fires, but the smoke is EVERYWHERE.  You may have seen the pictures of the SF Bay Area yesterday, the sky was literally orange. I feel so bad for the people who are losing their homes and possibly their lives due to these fires.

  13. I guess I don't find them irritating because a) I agree with them the majority of the time and b) I don't watch every day so that probably helps keep them from getting on my last nerve.

    I'm in state of high-anxiety 24/7.  I'm in California and the smoke from the wildfires is worse than anything I have ever seen, and I have lived here my entire life.  I'm worried about the virus for myself because I am in the older age group. I'm sad for the ones who have died. I want Trump out of office so bad I am afraid to hope.

    I tune out when Mika starts to talk about KYV, but I am heartened when they go off on Trump. Oh, and I like Clare McCaskill too. I like most of their panelists.  Wish they could all be together instead of remotely.

    • Love 8
  14. I don't watch this program every day like most of you.  I am on the west coast and it begins at 3 am.  I couldn't sleep and got up to watch it.  I have been extremely upset since I heard about Trump LYING to the American people.  I was pretty much glued to CNN and MSNBC yesterday.  Heard the tapes.

    I don't really care about what Joe and Mika wear.  There are much bigger things to be concerned with right now.  Like 190,000 people dead from this virus. I think their concern is genuine. I need to hear it. I try to watch a little of all the news.  I switched over to Fox and Friends and they were yukking it up and calling the Woodward book "a political hit job." Big surprise.

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  15. I don't like Sara on this show. I was so angry at Huckabee I was yelling at the TV.   She is despicable.  I can sense Joy's frustration. Whoopi is not a good moderator in a format like this.  She let Huckabee take control with the constant talking over, although I was glad that at the end Whoopi did say she did not agree with her.  This show today did not help my blood pressure.

    • Love 16
  16. I will be glad when they return to the studio.  I would think if they social distance at the table, like Today or GMA, it could be ok, but what do I know?  Naturally they can't have an audience yet, but at least they would not be talking over each other, or wondering if it is their turn to talk.  That gets irritating.

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  17. I watched this program when it was originally aired, and I recently started watching it again on UP.  I watch a LOT of news (CNN and MSNBC) and when everything just starts to get to be too much for me, I switch over to Reba.  It generally makes me laugh out loud.  I also enjoy looking at the set decoration.  The kitchen especially is WAY too cluttered for me, but I like looking at it, it looks like real people live there.

    The other day I saw the episode where Kyra can't go to England for summer study because Cheyenne flaked and Reba has to bail her out once again.  I know it's supposed to be a comedy show, but I felt so sad for her, especially when Reba told Kyra that she had in fact gotten the money together, but that she had to give it to Cheyenne and Van due to their irresponsibility.  I get that Reba was in a rough spot, but I feel that as long as she continues to enable them, they will fail.  Kyra deserved that trip.  No wonder she wanted to move out.

    Also - Brock is a dentist.  I get that he and Barbara Jean had just bought a new house, but come on.  He couldn't spare $2K to send his daughter on a well-earned trip?  Or couldn't give Cheyenne the money for classes?  I don't know about Texas, but in California dentists make very good money.  At this point in the series Reba seems flat-broke.  Why didn't she get a job, a real job?

    I'm over-thinking this.

    • Love 6
  18. I wonder how these late-night programs are going to evolve with the pandemic.  Will they ever be able to return to a live audience?  Wait until there is a vaccine?  Try social-distancing in the audience?  How about guests?

    I like Colbert and I have enjoyed when his wife is there with him, but the whole "home" thing is wearing thin, I think.

    • Love 1
  19. Why isn't Savannah back in the studio?  She was there after her cataract surgery, but she's back home now.  I have lost interest in this program, and I've been watching for decades.  It's boring. Maybe it's because they can't go outside and interact with people on Rockefeller Plaza, or maybe it's because there are no in-studio guests.  Or maybe they are just bored with it too.

    • Love 1
  20. Why does Whoopi have to laugh or chuckle when talking about serious matters?  Is it nervousness?  I know she is a comedian but so is Joy and she doesn't do that. Maybe I am losing my sense of humor with all that is going on, but I find it irritating. 

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