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They couldn’t charge him with anything because he wasn’t living with any of the kids when the abuse was happening and was (supposedly) no contact with Ruby due to their separation so he could play ignorant. Kevin compartmentalized a lot and Ruby brainwashed him into believing he was being tested and would eventually be able to get back with her if he 'did his part' and stayed away. He still can't accept that the wife he was so smitten with nearly starved their youngest two children to death. What was especially despicable was wanting his own daughter arrested for burglary after getting some stuff out of the house. Hadn't been to the house in a year but wanted Shari in jail. I haven't read Shari's book yet but I'm sure there's a lot more in that...no wonder she refers to both parents only by their first name now. I did not and will not watch that, Shari didn't appreciate it being made and I’m sick of Lifetime sensationalizing real people’s lives. Everything Jodi did was very calculated. Watching those Connexions videos it was obvious she was grooming (and I hesitate to use that word but can’t think of one that is more accurate) Ruby. She faked all the possession stuff to get closer with Ruby, to move in with her, ingratiating herself in her life, to literally get in her bed. And both Ruby and Kevin ate it up. I think by the end of it they were in a full blown relationship. Hope Kevin will come to his senses and not be waiting on Ruby to get out.
It could very well be this too, but all the shooting fantasizing seems like a fakeout to me. It seems like if he does end up shooting himself or his wife it will be through some fake accident, and he'll decide at the last minute that he doesn't want to after all. I do have a feeling this season will have lots more murders, though. Saxon had given off rapey vibes from the start of the season, putting telegraphing hypersexuality to his younger brother, but ultimately ends up the victim. Great writing, and fantastic acting by Patrick Schwarzenegger. His masculinity was fragile to begin with, and I think Chelsea saw through that. It's shattered now and his entire identity along with it.
Well snap, it’s really heating up. We have 2 more episodes. This could go a lot of ways. Timothy is debating murder-suicide, not yet realizing the gun is missing. I was holding my breath the whole time Gaitok was sneaking around their villa, flashbacks to S1 when Kai’s attempted robbery went down south. I second the poster who said may very well be Timothy who ends up staying at the monastery, realizing after talking with the monk that there is so much more to life and he has more to learn. That will be his 'out'. Victoria will OD on lorazepam and wine from the shock of it. Even though we kinda saw the brothers storyline from a mile away, ew! Chloe and Chelsea were a little too smug in this episode at Saxon's disgust at the realization that he got more action from his little brother than the two women. Considering Lachlan is also barely 18 and still in high school, letting it go that far felt predatory on their part. Laurie is pulling no punches and the gloves are off. Rick is preparing for his showdown with Sritala's husband. Belinda, again, needs to stay as far away from Greg/Gary as possible. If she makes it out of this, time to shed the White Lotus for good and get serious about opening up her own spa or start looking for a new ritzy resort masseuse job. I hope Mook (Lisa) has a bigger role in the finale than just smiling widely and flirting with Gaitok. For as big of a deal as they've made her debut out to be, they haven’t given her a ton to work with.
I'm watching for Misty right now. "He died of natural causes!" As Ben lay carved up on a literal platter. Then when Van was rushed to the ER, "I'm not family but we have a very intense trauma bond." Shauna couldn't keep the grin off her face when Lottie was bashing Edwin's skull in and Lottie's feral scream when the three walked up shows just how bonded she has with the wilderness and her place in it. She never wanted to leave and go back to being the mentally ill girl with a rich dad. Meanwhile Shauna is high on the power of being the Antler Queen. I love that this episode only further proved there's nothing really supernatural, half of them are just high from cave gas/shrooms, the screams are just from frogs, and they are clearly experiencing shared psychotic disorder led by Lottie à la Lord of the Flies. The psychological stuff is more interesting than the possibility of the supernatural to me.
RE Milchick - I guess his whole job was just to make sure Mark finished Cold Harbor. He was done with dealing with Drummond’s condescension but it’s not a big surprise he would still be a Lumon loyalist when so much of his career rode on Mark completing the final file so Gemma would be fully detached. The question remains as to why Lumon wants to sever Gemma 25 different ways. Is it easier to create mind controlled slaves this way so they can have the same person do 25 different jobs or something more sinister? The revelation that there are severed employees whose whole job is to play in a marching band is somehow more depressing than the revelation that Lumon is grooming bright middle schoolers into positions in the company. I doubt a rebellion will work if they have Glasgow Protocol and one of the higher ups can basically say a word and disorient them to shift them to their outie who is a totally different person, unless it only works individually and not en masse. As far as why Ms. Casey was a wellness counselor, my guess would maybe be that innie Mark still needed some level of connection with his wife on the subconscious level for him to refine her, or having that connection made the process faster. But a lot about this show is still a mystery. Hopefully we won't have to wait another 3 years for season 3.
I know. I meant more along the lines of how his outie knows the exact location of the testing floor. That has still never been addressed. It was alluded to in Woe's Hollow that outie Irv knows more than was let on all along but that never went anywhere.
9 episodes in and still nothing about mammalians nurturable/the creepy goat people, why Irving was spending so much of his time painting those creepy dark corridors, what Helena’s motive was for talking to outie Mark at the Chinese restaurant, anything really about Jame Eagan, etc etc. Just a lot of cinematic shots and cliffhangers. And Cobel with her smug smirk, cold stare, and cryptic way of speaking is driving me crazy. Now both Dylan and Irving's stories seem to be finished (for now at least).. I hope the finale will tie up some of these loose ends and be satisfying enough to not just leave us with more questions.
The proposal was actually really cute and not nearly as over the top as I thought it would be. It was nice to hear how Baylen was as much there for Colin as he has been for her so their relationship hasn't just been as codependent as they've implied. Sammi comes off really strong. She's like a mini version of their dad. Very opinionated on her sister's life. She did soften a little during the actual engagement event though, which was nice. I'm sensing the glass child syndrome is strong there. Without this big family and some role playing as the villain I don't think there would be much content to work with other than the comedic timing of some of Baylen's tics.
Gaitok definitely should’ve already been trained to carry since he is guarding the entry and exits to an ultra ritzy resort with wealthy high profile guests and seems to be by himself most of the time. I am somewhat relieved it was Timothy who ended up with the gun and not Greg, but that’s not saying a lot. He’s going to do something to keep Belinda quiet regardless and she’s not exactly making it subtle that she knows his identity. Hopefully her son Zion will protect her. Rick has become surprisingly sympathetic. I love Walton Goggins, so it wasn't hard, but his gruffness is charming and now we know more of his backstory and why he wants to hunt down the husband. I wonder if Timothy is going to stay in Thailand and go into business with one of the shady boat dudes. He's pretty much out of options. Piper is already planning to become a monk, she just needs to break the news to her parents. The yacht scene was fun. I have to say Parker Posey is nailing the elitist southern attitude of if you’re not in my immediate social circle you don’t matter despite being surrounded by rich people. Lol. She was almost normal for a second there. Have to say I love Aimee Lou Wood (Chelsea)'s teeth. They're endearing and make her unique in a world of fake veneers. Also lots of Brits have buck teeth, they're more common than you'd think.
Ruby was always batty(imagine forcing your kid to sleep on a bean bag for 7 months) but Jodi was definitely the spark that lit the match. So when Jodi pretended to be possessed she was comforted but when Ruby was convinced her youngest kids were, they were starved and tied up with duct tape? Despicable woman. Hopefully she will stay in prison at least until they're all 18. The middle girls at least seem to be spared the worst of the abuse, though neglecting them and sending them to friends houses to be live in maids isn't much better. Does anyone know the status of the minor kids now? I assume if they're not with Kevin, who didn't want anything to do with them before, they'd be with one of their aunts since social services priorizes family placements. I hope they're with a supportive family member and getting therapy. Shari is a mature young woman and a good advocate. Chad has a way to go I think but he's very young still. Child vlogging is notoriously difficult to legislate since it doesn't fall under the same set of laws governing child acting, though youtube demonetizing a lot of kids channels and removing comments on videos with kids a few years ago did make it a little less hyper profitable. I think that was when the shaytards who were the OG mormon family vloggers before the frankes stopped vlogging as frequently.
So Cobel Freezing her out of whatever Cold Harbor is was the last straw for her before she decided to go awol and return to the town for her drawings? Her agreeing to help Mark was not something I would have clocked. I'm still not sure I trust whatever her motives are. She was always the most rapidly devout/zealous. Learning about her past was interesting, though. Growing up in a Lumon company town and being specifically chosen for her smarts to be an apprentice is more interesting than the theory that she was an Eagan daughter out of wedlock. This whole show is uncanny valley central between the bizarre archaic language the Lumon devotees use and the 'grungy' dirty sci-fi aesthetics. This season had a pretty slow start but I'm expecting a lot more to be revealed in the final two episodes, and I'm here for it. The last two episodes were really good.
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I cringed when he started talking about how he wants him to give a little speech. Just make it natural dude! It sounds like he wants it to be very orchestrated and very made for TV. Honestly, good on the dad for making the point that it should be his (Colin's) moment with her and he has his own memories with her. I get her dad is huge in her life but it's not the dad who's the one proposing. I think there is genuine love and I'm glad they have each other but I can't help but question if this whole proposal was (probably) rushed because they were filming a TV show.
Greg doesn't strike me as a genius, just conniving enough to orchestrate Tanya's murder, which seemed to be somewhat impulsively planned. The question still remains whether Tanya was a mark for him the whole time or if he was just at the right place at the right time when they met, and he only realized how rich she was later. I wonder if that will be somewhat answered this season. Either way he got away with it and seems to be living it up with a yacht so he probably thinks he's untouchable now.. also since he lives nearby, it could be plausible that he actually likes the food at the hotel and the familiarity of the resort so he's purely sticking around for that, and maybe to sniff out other rich patrons. This season is interesting because unlike the others, it's centered around 3 criminals, two that we know of in Greg and Timothy, and it's heavily implied that Rick is up to no good.
That tsunami nightmare opening was terrifying. I think I needed some kind of warning for that. I was shutting my eyes for half of The Impossible. The three women are all holier than thou gossips in their own ways with big main character energy, but Kate is especially annoying. Lol at her becoming a church going trump supporter but masking it as she's not that into politics after moving to Austin...Austin, the most liberal place in Texas. She had to know they would talk about her after that... right? She honestly deserves a taste of her own medicine, if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. I will say this 'toxic sisterhood's' different reactions to the gossip is interesting. Laurie had a meltdown, Jaclyn seemed unfazed, Kate's reaction looks like shame and betrayal. I chortled when Chelsea was bit by the cobra. On the topic of her being a Rick's "soulmate" I've yet to decide if she's just a super airhead and is attracted to him because he's a dark, mysterious older man that allows her to adventure around the world or if there's something else there. For now I'll go with the former, I guess. Even if the Ratliff dad doesn't end up with criminal charges surely he'd be cooked and lose his share of the shady business they set up, likely having to pay back the millions he admitted to taking? I think the desperation of losing everything plus not having access to his phone will crescendo into him some kind of extreme action. The last thing he needs is to be stuck on a boat again with Rick. Belinda is about to be on thin ice calling out Greg like that. He knows she's onto him, and is definitely not fooling her with the new alias.
This was the most unsettling episode of the show so far. They crossed the line from getting vulnerable people to undergo the procedure to kidnapping and imprisoning and experimenting on someone. Makes me wonder yet again, about the mammalian nurturable goat people and how they fit into this.