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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Drew will probably have her take over Aurora (lack of media experience suddenly won’t be an issue for him) or they are setting it up for her to take over Kelly’s once Bobbie passes and her financial problems will never be mentioned again.
  2. Carly didn’t claw her way to the top. Everything she’s gotten has been the result of a rich man she married. The MC came to her when she traded Jax ELQ stock that she got from her divorce to Lorenzo and it was already open and successful well before she ever got involved in it. And no, Joss, Carly having to actually work for a living to support herself for the first time in 25 years because she finally lost the money she got from those men isn’t some grand punishment.
  3. I don’t think so since he wasn’t allowing visitors at the hospital when she tried to see him. However, there were a couple of stills on the ABC press website from Monday’s episode of them interacting, including a pic of them talking and smiling at each other so I think there was a cut scene. I did think it was weird that they had Alexis show up to the Savoy that day to stand in the background.
  4. I would love this if there was going to be change. but you know that once he's back to normal, he'll forgive her for being a bitch and then six months later, there will be something else she'll be pissed at him about, either too much working or arguments with the golden child. I hate the expression ride or die, but if there is one that indicates the absolute oppposite, that's Olivia. That’s why Olivia being so upset now doesn’t resonate with me. She doesn’t even seem like she likes him or being married to him most of the time and he’s constantly groveling or trying to win her over, which just makes him look pathetic. Yes, he was wrong to cheat but they had issues well before that happened that they were never addressed. I saw no reason that she even reunited with him other than wanting a full time father for Leo. The other problem with the Eddie Maine story is the problem with a lot of their storylines. They are solely done to give certain characters, namely Sonny/Carly/her kids and their SOs something to react to. They aren’t putting much thought into the actual SLs and the beats that could be played that would make the storylines interesting to someone who isn’t one of those characters. It’s not really Ned’s story. It’s just a way to stall the reveal that Nina is the whistleblower.
  5. I cringed when I saw that too. We know she won’t but Sam should either tell him that he should tell her himself or take him out of the equation entirely and say she’ll deal with it since he said Scout barely sees him and wouldn’t miss him anyway.
  6. Valentin offering to stay to help protect Anna was probably supposed to be seen as super romantic but I thought it was cheesy. It’s partly because him offering to tag along with Laura makes no sense in the first place. He’s not close to Laura, didn’t get along with Nikolas and who is supposed to watch Charlotte with all 3 of them gone? Valentin’s already been away from Charlotte more often than not since Lulu went into a coma. Joss: “I’m saying that sometimes the system needs a little help to get justice”. Funny how that applies to people who do her and her loved ones wrong but not when her mom and boyfriend break the law. LLC is still overacting and Olivia is the one pushing Ned/Eddie away the most. The rest of the family is keeping their distance and not constantly freaking out on him. Did they mention why he’s at Sonny’s? This is such a dumb pp to force him around Nina. There wasn’t a single other place he could stay? I get not staying at the Qs but he can afford a hotel room. Esme certainly enjoys spying on other’s convos.
  7. IIRC, Drew and Michael didn’t want Carly to buy the stock because they were worried she would lose money, not because of insider trading. Carly thought it was a guaranteed payout because her kid is such an awesome businessman but they weren’t as convinced in the plan.
  8. I’m finding whatever is going on with Esme/Spencer/Trina to be a bad retread of Robin/Carly/Jason, which was a SL I detested because of how obvious Carly was being and how Jason was dismissive of Robin. The best SL they had for a group of 20 year olds is a baby? Add in that they can’t decide whether Esme resents Spencer’s interference in their lives or has slotted him in to the role of baby’s father/her partner and is trying to drive Trina away, which was clearly happening yesterday.
  9. I don’t think she pushed for CM. They had to give her someone and he was around and had no one they could pair him with. The one she pushed hard for when MB finally got his non-Carly pairing was Carly/Jason. She’s been campaigning for it since she joined the show but I guess the previous writers wouldn’t go for it. It was the reason they abruptly shifted from Jason/Britt to a Jason/Carly marriage even though they had been building up Jason and Britt since the moment KT rejoined the show.
  10. He could but what’s his other option? Drew’s only brilliant idea was hoping that Ned would use his connections to rescue them. Diane told Carly she had no way to fight this other than flipping on Drew or giving up info on Sonny and Drew was told he should flip on Carly to save himself, which he refused to do. Their lawyers are pretty much telling them they have no defense because of how obvious they were. The sentence that the judge gave was also nowhere close to the max. The original deal Drew made completely absolved the other party involved and was only 1/40th of the max sentence, which does sound like a complete joke when the judge mentioned that they were obviously working together.
  11. On the bright side, the speech the judge gave was awesome. Everything the judge said yesterday and today was. Though it’s baffling that the show wrote that yet thinks we’ll root for the rich, privileged assholes who committed a crime and expected to skate.
  12. So why can’t Carly sacrifice a single thing for her crime? I’m sure she could sell that gigantic house Sonny gave her in the divorce to pay the penalty and downsize. She hasn’t worked for a year and hasn’t mentioned financial struggles one time. But no, she has to be bailed out by a guy yet again but constitutes to pretend to be some strong, independent woman.
  13. Also something tells me that having a small amount of ELQ shares that you can’t sell won’t exactly set Scout up for life but what do I know Drew?
  14. The amount of times Drew responds that Scout will be fine regarding one of his dumb actions proves how little he thinks or cares about her.
  15. Olivia being such a bitch to Tracy is just making me hate her more. It’s sad when Alexis who has every reason to hate Tracy has been a zillion times more compassionate towards her than her own family.
  16. Carly should have been told to leave the courtroom the moment she started yelling. Gregory’s reaction towards Tracy was a little extreme considering that he overheard both of them snarking. If Joss is so concerned about what’s going on with Drew, why is she out at the Savoy and getting in Sonny’s face instead of in the courtroom supporting him alongside her mom and brother?.
  17. Sasha is nice and relatively inoffensive so I can’t figure out why the show is set on making her constantly miserable. It’s been one thing after another since 2020. I also don’t know why I’m supposed to be rooting for her and Cody when Cody has strongly suspected for a couple months that Gladys is gambling away all of her money and hasn’t given her a clue. If Gladys is already at the point where she couldn’t pay back her debts to Selena, most of her money must be gone by now.
  18. KSt’s makeup is the wrong undertone. That’s why it looks gray on her
  19. That’s the impression I got as well since she’s the only one who has suggested treating him like he’s Eddie Maine. I think the rest of them are going to push him away, at least temporarily, because they’ll keep trying to force him to remember. It’s already started to happen since he isn’t allowing visitors.
  20. Sam couldn’t change her outfit before going down to the pool but had time to pick up that weird hat? Yeah someone hanging out at the pool in a long sleeved shirt and jeans wouldn’t stand out at all. Master of disguise that one is
  21. That part of the story resonates to me. She’s what, mid 20s? That’s on the young side these days to start a family for someone who is career driven and has a post graduate degree. Most of my friends who wanted kids didn’t start having them until their 30s so they could finish school, have a footing on their careers, and be somewhat financially stable. I don’t recall any of them really talking about it when they were younger but it was a given that they’d have a family one day. I do know someone who took it hard when they had fertility difficulties when it came to the time that wanted to start family for a lot of the same reasons that TJ and Molly are- they spent so many years being careful to not get pregnant because the timing was bad and never thought they’d have struggles when it came to the time they actually wanted a kid.
  22. I don’t get the point of this Sam/Cody/Spinelli investigation. Seems like a way to drag things out considering that Cody already knows why Gladys is setting him up. What’s stopping him from telling Sam privately why Gladys did it? Obviously he isn’t being watched too closely by Mrs. Wu if they keep talking about this investigation. Oh dear lord, are they going to make Kristina an egg donor?
  23. So do I but if anything, she should be the last person who would offer given how well she knows Molly. A couple years back when Alexis was going to prison and offered her house to Molly and Kristina, Kristina said she couldn’t live with Molly because she’s too particular about every little thing and it drives her crazy. But she’s going to be able to handle being her surrogate and Molly controlling every aspect of her life for 9 months?
  24. Her fight against Drew pleading was half hearted at best. She didn’t want to be the one to flip on Drew or Sonny but taking responsibility for the crime was never a real option for her. She was wringing her hands and waiting for someone to bail her out like she always does. Before Drew made this offer, they were trying to blackmail Tracy/Ned in the hopes that Ned would magically bail them out.
  25. You know, part of me doesn’t care that Sonny and Carly are complete jerks when they talk about Ned. It’s in character for them and how they’ve always talked about him. What bothers me is Ned is completely castrated and can’t give them that same energy back when he used to. He despised both of them going back to the 90s and being Michael’s mother didn’t change his opinion about Carly.
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