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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Maybe they’re having RS drop the fake NY accent and that’s why this is happening because otherwise, I don’t get the point. I don’t see a NY accent getting heavily mocked. I’ve always been Team Alexis in the surrogacy SL because she was the only one who saw where this was going. Molly and Kristina were already fighting months leading up to it. I’m not sure how long things were ok between them before Kristina decided to be the surrogate but I know it wasn’t that long and both of them completely dismissed her when she brought up the need for a formal agreement. I resented Kristina, Molly and TJ all asking her to choose and intervene after the fact because that was the thing she feared would happen. I think I felt extra bad for her because I do think her not growing up with much unconditional love makes her want to work harder to keep her relationships with her daughters civil. Her mom was murdered when she was young and her father didn’t acknowledge her. All she had was Stefan, who made it clear that his love was conditional on her falling in line, and later Nikolas.
  2. I’m sure this SL was subject to rewrites due to all the writer changes but Kristina said this week that her intention was to keep the baby and allow Molly visitation rights
  3. I saw some others say that as well but I don’t get the argument that the baby’s death is Kristina’s fault. Pregnant women on this show have placed themselves in way more potentially dangerous situations than she did with Ava and didn’t get blamed for harming their baby. It’s not like she instigated a fight with Ava, she tripped and fell out of a flimsy window. Now if you want to be team Molly because Kristina was planning to keep the baby, I get it. Kristina claiming that her relationship with Blaze was so much more stable than Molly and TJ’s after they had 1 fight came off like she was looking for a reason to keep the baby. As much as I was side eyeing TJ, while he didn’t want Kristina around the kid, he didn’t have concerns about coparenting with Molly.
  4. I RME at him. It’s nice that he was there to comfort her but it’s canon that he was a deadbeat to Molly. She’s said numerous times how she’s only had Alexis and we heard Alexis call him and demand he show up because Molly needed his support. He obviously wasn’t coming on his own so I’m going to be beyond annoyed when he plays parent of the year
  5. To be fair, Alexis mentioned Sonny wasn’t there because Molly flipped out on him and partially blames him for the baby’s death so I think his presence would have made it worse
  6. He didn’t just try- he did get primary custody and Alexis barely saw her all the while battling cancer. He only gave Molly back to Alexis after a year and a half because his dad came to town and he thought Molly would be in danger around him.
  7. Curious why they bothered temp recasting Sam for this episode. Yeah she should be there but it’s not like she had any substantive to do. They could have just as easily said she was sick or Scout was sick and she had to stay home. They do that all of the time when other characters are missing from big events
  8. Honestly I’ve heard that they don’t much direction these days so I think it’s just a poor acting choice being made by FH. Maybe she thinks it makes Anna look more layered but her being teary eyed at the drop of the hat just makes her look weak and kind of naive. Like it’s one thing when it was something involving her family or a LO but now they have her crying over crap about Sonny and Jason?
  9. If that’s who Alexis was talking to on the phone yesterday, I’m side eyeing Ric already because it didn’t sound like he had any plans to show up until Alexis called him and told him he had to be there for once.
  10. Like she wasn’t just simping over Jason a few months ago. Jason who’s murdered countless people and feels zero remorse and is now back to being Sonny’s lapdog. What exactly makes him any better than Ava other than her mommy telling her since the day she was born that she must worship Jason and thinks he’s the bestest person on the planet no matter what?
  11. Good for NAC. I only wish I enjoyed Ryan Murphy shows but I can’t see myself tuning in just for him. The ones that start off strong always get botched towards the end and I got disappointed far too many times to give him another chance. Plus I’m not super into the true crime genre. The Jeffrey Dahmer one was so exploitative and Ryan Murphy came off pretty dismissive when the victims’ loved ones spoke out against it and said that they weren’t notified
  12. It felt like she was just thrown in there last minute to use up a min. She didn’t know about Kristina’s arrest at the beginning of the episode yet teleported mid episode to the courthouse for the bail hearing. I could understand Alexis being too preoccupied to call her about it but it’s not like Molly gave her a heads up either and Dante, who also spoke to Kristina at the PCPD, waited until he got home for the day and Sam mentioned going to see Kristina at her mother’s house to tell her. Between today and how she was the last one to find out about Kristina’s accident and was only on for 1 day during it, it’s clear she’s the afterthought in that family. Dante gets more screen time as Kristina’s sibling than she does.
  13. While I don’t hate them, Sasha and Cody would lift out of this show so easily. What is this story with them getting interrupted every time they try to hook up? This cast is so bloated that I hope they’re cut because there’s more entertaining options for side characters if we’re just looking for more people who aren’t related to half the town. Brad was a breath of fresh air today
  14. LMAO Willow basically admitted that Michael’s the kind of husband you have to treat like a child and tell what to do when it comes to coparenting tasks. I’m not surprised he’s wepaonized incompetence personified but shocked the show would actually admit to it.
  15. Willow and Drew mostly don’t work for me because they write her as really naive and easily influenced. Her weird hero worshipping of Drew only made them look more problematic because it makes Drew look like a gigantic creep. He was basically a father figure who now looks like he wants to bang her everytime they’re alone. And what’s the end goal with them? No one is going to be ok with Drew going after Michael’s wife and I can’t see her leaving g this unscathed either considering she’s going against the golden child.
  16. Hmmm now I’m starting to believe the rumors that there was friction because Jacqueline and Kate Mansi because it’s rare to not mention your main costar in your exit statement and Kate posts constant bts pics and videos with everyone but her.
  17. I didn’t say Anna was written well, just that Korte loves her. She doesn’t write Carly well either. I don’t think she’s remotely capable of writing a likable women. All her faves are smug and hypocritical.
  18. I don’t disagree with you but I don’t think this show places heavy consideration on most of the female cast. Korte pretty much only cares about Carly and Anna when it comes to women over 35
  19. I figured it Jagger had a short shelf life when it was obvious the actor and LW didn’t have any chemistry. It was obvious they were trying to throw one of the new 50 something guys to her and that was the only use they had. Notice how they had Brennan randomly decide to save her and he’s apparently sticking around despite the fact that I have zero idea what they’d do with him.
  20. Kristina is far from blameless, she shouldn’t have shown up at Ava’s hotel room, but the way Ava is acting isn’t exactly scoring any points from me. She didn’t care that Kristina fell and was only trying to cover her own tracks and had absolutely no sympathy for Molly losing her child in that tragic way. I dint think she’s ever been quite the “good” person and she isn’t exactly self sacrificing but she’s been coming off like a straight up sociopath.
  21. I’m happy with them bringing on someone new for Lulu. I know she was popular but I detested JMB’s mini Carly version of Lulu and we already have EMc playing her mini me so last thing we need is another one. ER’s version was more sympathetic but it never quite worked. She gave off Pinterest mom, not Luke and Laura’s daughter
  22. She doesn’t really seem all that connected to her sisters. She hasn’t for a long time. When it comes to family scenes, it feels like she shows up more to support Alexis and be Dante’s plus one more than anything else.
  23. Yeah… I don’t think it’ll work. While they are 14 years apart which isn’t atypical for soap parents and their kids, RBu reads younger than her age and JMW tends to look older so I won’t buy it when they share scenes. She’s pretty much the same age as the last Taylor recast but the last actress could pull it off better.
  24. I don’t think that would help the situation since then they would see Ava and Kristina clearly having an argument before she fell. No one is going to believe that she tripped based off Ava’s word alone
  25. ITA that Sam should have been there. It’s a huge oversight that she wasn’t because what was she doing when everyone else was there? However your point about her being a pet under previous regimes is why I don’t feel bad that she’s been sidelined for the past 4 years because god knows we had to sit through her being on like 4 days a week and shoehorned into every story for a solid 15 years and tbh, I don’t think her acting or screen presence warranted that huge focus. If we could get more focus for a former writer’s pet who has since been ignored, I’d rather it be Dante since I think DZ is a stronger actor and scene partner. Give heavy focus to poor Sonny is insanely self indulgent, even for this show. If it was leading to him questioning his life choices, sure, but we know it’s just going to be him being told he’s amazing so what’s the point? Since we know he won’t change he or take responsibility for anything in his life, I’d rather he just support his family instead of getting the focus.
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