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Everything posted by KickYourNose

  1. It's much more comfortable to fit in if you know the rules of the game. How many people in our casual society learn some of the fussier etiquette rules, then trip over themselves in more formal situations? I'm a huge Anglophile and if I ever had the chance to meet Will, Kate, Harry, or Meghan you'd better believe my 40 year old ass would be learning how to curtsey properly for W&K and address all of them correctly! If I ever got to meet Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, same thing! I'd even wear something nice than new yoga pants. 😆 Can I vote for a road trip down to San Anton fo visit the many, many bases here? 🙂
  2. I didn't know this about her until catching up on the forum recently. Since I just watched S11 and her HARSH cut, I had to look up how she's doing now. Y'all! She looks so great!! She looks happy and healthy and gorgeous! I'm so glad for her!
  3. Speaking of Kelli and the toxicity of her management style, Ifound this video really interesting. One of my all-time favorite dancers is Kathryn Morgan, a former soloist with both NYC & Miami. She took 8 years off because of her thyroid, got back into a professional company last year, and announced officially today that she has quit Miami. The primary reason was toxic management and choosing her own health over false promises. I was watching it and wanting every DCC/TCC/ dancer to see it. I hope you enjoy it, especially around minute 19.:
  4. Aww, Emily! Most of her second season is on YouTubeTV this week (WHY skip makeovers and vet cuts??) and has been a palate cleanser. (Season 11 cameos also has the infamous Kelli gif with her hand over her head saying "Duh... I'm a cheerleader... Go, Cowboys!") It's a fun season to watch knowing what I know now. I think Emily got a brutal cut and if pigeon-toes are nails on a chalkboard annoying to Kelli, then Emily should have been asked at panels if / how much ballet she'd taken over the last year to improve her turn out. Again knowing what I know now, I personally wish they'd have kept Emily, Kendall, and Auto Amy, and released Jessika, Tess, and Allie. I have nothing against Tess, but longevity seems the only reason for her leadership positions... and I think the three I would have kept would have provided more heart for the one or two seasons they got to fulfill their dreams.
  5. Oh my gosh, y'all!! I did it!! I got through all 109 pages!! I noped out of last season on TV, losing Brennan, Hannah, and Bridget? Easy to nope out of this season, too. I don't want to reward cruelty.
  6. Welcome to Colorado! I'm in Colorado Springs, so hit me up if you'd like a tour of Garden of the Gods, Olympic Training Center, and stuff! 🙂
  7. And it looks like Heather borrowed Brennan's turtleneck dress from her birthday party. E'ryone swapping outfits!!
  8. I'm curious to see how she performs, too. I went to college in OKC and OCU had a reputation for being one of the top dance schools in the country. I always thought that was weird, as I'd never put a top dance school outside of NYC, LA, etc. I want to see if she lives up to her school's hype. 🙂
  9. I love Marshall. And finding out that he's a foster dad is the icing on the cake!! I'd love to hear now about his journey.
  10. We'r already know from Shelly that they DO recruit within the dancing community. I think the point is simply to ensure that ALL different kinds of communities are reached - take a good look at the places they recruit FROM. Are THEY diverse? If not, are there any local dance communities that are primarily for WOC that they are overlooking? You don't have to be guilty of CO-mmission in order to be guilty of O-mission. I hope this makes sense...
  11. Can someone with IG snapshot it?? And Khalyn's comment re: lack of WOC? I refuse to give Facebook or its subsidiaries any more of my time or attention, which means I miss the tea!
  12. I adore the royal family!! Most especially its two newest Sussexes...
  13. She now has to play ketchup in the rest of her life...
  14. I'd like to see: Ep 1 - initial auditions and semis, including a note on those who got a pass Ep 2 - swimsuit, vet prep, finals - and release the full solos on the DCC site when it airs. I love the idea of them giving a technical scholarship for someone who is a great entertainer but needs some more technical classes Ep 3 - classroom and initial cut - VK, who doesn't stand a chance against the sheer amount of tried and true pro and college team talent. That way she's out of our hair, she can actually maybe try out for her university team, and Kelli has something legit to say to Tina. "Yeah, VK HAS a chance, but I didn't expect the caliber and she was simply outclassed. Maybe encourage the uni team for a couple years?"
  15. Nice!!! Experienced dancers, is this hard to get into or is it like the DCC fam camp thing they do in summer?
  16. Dang it, Big Sky! You pulled me out of lurk mode!! Please may I have one, too?
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