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  1. Aemond is thin and I’m not sure if that’s what makes him seem tall or whether he really is. *eyes my hips* 😞
  2. I thought the same thing. Her prophesies seem pretty useless!
  3. And the mobile pieces, devils, skulls and other horrific images. 😆 Sister Andrea to the rescue! Who needs exorcisms when you have Sister Andrea around.
  4. She’s awful in this. I couldn’t take it and gave up after 2 episodes.
  5. I was thinking that the actors playing Brianna and Roger’s kids will be teenagers by the time the second half of the season comes back! 😆
  6. I don’t mind the big baby. They can’t very well rip a newborn from its mother to put in a TV show. 😛 And after Covid, new mothers are probably reluctant to have their baby handled by a variety of strangers, so the show probably has to take what they can get. Often they use those robotic things. I find those freaky looking. I prefer they use an older real baby.
  7. Idiots. This was a great episode! I was glad to see Sister Andrea back, I wasn’t sure if she’d still be in it. I’m another that’s happy to have the show back and echo the disappointment of the wrap up. It can’t end yet! Someone MUST pick it up!
  8. I’m not sure I can agree with this. Disregarding the debate about the homewrecker blame over the decades, didn’t Peggy kiss Fortune and was basically heading for an affair, even when she knew he was married? Only when she actually saw the wife with the baby did Peggy feel any guilt. Sorry, but in my books, that is a homewrecker, despite whether Furtune had blame or not (they both had, in this case as I see it). You can’t absolve the woman just because history has usually blamed the woman and you don’t like that. In this case it is Peggy’s fault too. Although at least she left before it went any further. But what would have happened if she hadn’t seen Mrs. Fortune with the child? Seems to me she would have then had the affair.
  9. They could have at least given us a season of their relationship. I thought Robert Sean Leonard was a great addition to the cast. Now I have to fret each episode that he’ll be gone by the end of it. 🙁
  10. And the priest’s reply: “This is not possession, this is being an American girl.” 😅 (Just sub “teen” for American girl.) Then he agrees to exorcise her! The whole sequence was hilarious.
  11. I guffawed when the husband was leaving her and both of them called out to each other “You take the kids!” 🤣 As a single mother for 10 years (of teens) I often thought to myself “I wanted custody???” 😁
  12. 🤣 Guess we’re all coming with you then.
  13. I settled in to watch the next episode and discovered it doesn't air until next week. Why didn't you all say something! 😉Or did everyone else do the same? So dissapointing.
  14. I don’t think anyone is blaming them for recasting it’s the execution that was disappointing.
  15. I couldn’t remember either so I looked at the video and she did have a watch on, though you’d have to get a closer look to see any diamonds. But it wasn’t burned up. It showed it several times as she was meandering around, intact and unharmed. 😀
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