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Posts posted by divsc

  1. 13 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

    I wonder if that has anything to do with her son hitting her with the toy!!??

    Yes, I think they tried more conservative fixes first like the laser treatments, hoping to avoid surgery, but it ended up needing surgery to repair. I read that the recovery could involve a lot of face down time so not sure when she will be back.

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  2. “[Bethenny] was a lot younger than me, in terms of our life experience. [My daughter] Allison was already 12 or 13, and she hadn’t been married yet,” Jill recalled. “She’s a downtown girl and I’m an Upper East Side girl, so we never would have crossed paths. We have different interests. But we had something in common called the Housewives.”

    Actually they literally lived about a block and a half apart in the East 60s, but okay Jill. I'm guessing she means social scenes, but still. And really?? "Everyone" "who EVER worked on the show" "always" said that Housewives was six degrees of Jill Zarin. 

    Insert major eye rolls... Please bring her back never.

    “[My boyfriend] went to high school with [Carole Radziwill]!” she shared. “Everyone who ever worked on the show always said that Housewives was six degrees of Jill Zarin. Here’s a case where Gary, not only did he have a friendship with Carole Radziwill in high school… he is brothers-in-law with ‘Red Scarf.'”

    • LOL 8
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  3. I'm not a big fan of ultimatums, but I actually can understand one regarding putting a couple's private life on television. I think a partner has every right to say you do what you want to do, but then let's go our separate ways. But if this is going to work between us, I want no part of our lives being broadcast on bravo. I don't know - I personally think wanting privacy in a relationship is a legitimate relationship dealbreaker/non-negotiable. 

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  4. I only saw it briefly, but did you see B's insta story of her hand next to I think a sweatshirt or something that said "Gratitude" - and I think B's caption was something like, "Or bragging?" I wish I could remember exactly what it said. But if I was reading it correctly, the irony seemed lost on her that all she does lately seems to be bragging under the guise of gratitude. 

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  5. Good for her. I'm glad she chose the guy. At this point in her life, she might as well go for love. I think if this relationship has any chance of working out long term, it's in everyone's best interest to stay off reality television. She wants love, she wants the husband. She doesn't want to be alone. She wants to be with this guy, in the same city. Go for it. If it works out, awesome. If it doesn't, at least she went all in. And the last thing she needs are these bitter, nosy, harping women like Sonja and Dorinda being negative and trying to bring her down. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    Wasn’t it revealed that her dad was helping her pay the rent on her apartment when she was on the show? I have no problem with parents helping out adult children but acknowledge that privilege. 

    Not sure who was paying her rent, but someone obviously was since she didn't have a steady paycheck coming in those days. I know her building at the time well - it was your typical one bedroom small nyc apartment all the way toward the East River. Nice enough building, I think it was over a Greek restaurant that was there back then if I'm remembering correctly. Probably more than your average post-college graduate at a first job that wasn't on Wall Street could swing, but definitely not any fancy, prestigious NYC building. And she was renting, like many in NYC.

    I know this really doesn't address who was paying her bills, but I think she's legitimate in that she wasn't living like a high roller back then. 

    Something about her posts these days just rub me the wrong way. Now it's all her daughter is the center of her universe, as she should be, and she knows what matters now, and I'm sure it's all genuine, but there's still this element of this amazing life she can provide for her daughter with all these fancy, exclusive experiences. She works hard for her success, she should enjoy it and do cool things with her daughter. I just think the social media flaunting of it is so obnoxious. But that's kind of how I feel about social media in general. I get that most people post all that stuff. I'm just more of a fan of keeping family things private, especially when there's a divorce involved and highly charged dynamics and there's a good chance you are (or are purposely trying to) provoking the other side. But - that's why I'm not on reality tv so what do I know. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

    I think it’s about one of the Real Housewives.  There are a few guesses on one of those ladies.

    Ah yes. It does sound like it could be Tinsley on RHONY. Although she is not too old to get married again if that's what she wants.  But she hates all her "co-stars."

    I don't think it's Hoda. I don't get the sense that she's money hungry or that she hates all her co-workers. When she awkwardly told her news, they all jumped up and squealed and looked genuinely happy for her. And she and Joel already adopted these two girls, I don't think she's "too old" to get married and make it all official/legal.

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  8. Tinsley Mortimer engaged to Scott Kluth


    Tinsley Mortimer could become a “Real Housewife” of Chicago.

    The “RHONY” star is engaged to her on-again-off-again boyfriend Scott Kluth.

    Businessman Kluth proposed to Mortimer in his native city on Sunday, E! reported on Monday. The big moment happened as Christmas carolers sang by the steps of the Chicago Water Tower.

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  9. As much as both Hoda and Jenna can annoy me, most of the time actually, I thought they both looked so pretty in the piece when they talked about weighing themselves. Love that purple sweater on Hoda, the style, hair, her coloring, everything. I don't know, maybe it was just something about them being genuinely vulnerable for a bit. But I thought they both looked super pretty.


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  10. Luann de Lesseps says ‘RHONY’ cast was ‘relieved’ Bethenny Frankel left the show


    “Hell of a way to leave a show that’s been so good to her,” de Lesseps said, revealing Bravo and the co-stars found out through Instagram. “Let me tell you, when she tanked in her talk show, she came back with her tail between her legs to ‘Housewives.'”

    She added, “God, if I had a dime for every Skinny Girl party I had to promote, and then she can’t even promote my cabaret show and be happy about it.”

    • LOL 4
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  11. When Teresa was crying and saying, "I'm just happy he's free," Andy was being kind of a jerk saying, "Those don't seem like happy tears."

    I thought it was pretty clear that no matter how Teresa feels about Joe or her marriage, she was happy he was out of a pretty terrible sounding ICE county jail environment. I don't think Teresa is mean-spirited or vengeful that she wanted to see Joe keep suffering. It's a pretty sad/bad situation (that they brought completely on themselves), but I don't think it's that out there that you could be angry, resentful, bitter toward your spouse - but still happy that he's out of those conditions. And that your kids can call him/face time, get access to their father back in some way, etc.

    Andy just seemed like he wanted to provoke. But, then again, watching Teresa and her attitude and the whole thing, I can't blame Andy for thinking these two are ridiculous and not having much sympathy for them. I can't even imagine the headaches behind the scenes.

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  12. That's.... kind of sad and typical and also hilarious.


    An online ad for Luann de Lesseps’ cabaret show, “Countess and Friends,” includes a quote from a glowing review in the New York Times. Or so it seems.

    Journalist Anna Peele tweeted on Wednesday that she was surprised to see that the Gray Lady had called the show “inspiring,” so she checked out the review.

    Turns out that the full quote — which was in a profileof the “Real Housewives” star, not even a review — reads, “Tickets to the first performance of #CountessandFriends went on sale on Dec. 10, and quickly sold out, inspiring Ms. de Lesseps to add a second date, which sold out within 24 hours.” 

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