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Posts posted by divsc

  1. 17 minutes ago, Rosiejuliemom said:


    She's been insufferable since she came back to the show wailing about being homeless.

    I know, I know! I just kinda liked her in the early days, or at least thought she was very smart and quick witted funny. Now this pathological need to be the alpha or something is such a turn off. She does seem to think she's Madonna!

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  2. I feel like Bethenny is savvy enough to know that what she posts is going to get a reaction, so she pushes the envelope on purpose. What that purpose is, I have no idea - it does feel more like it's trying to provoke Jason's anger and a reaction more than just merely showing fun moments with her daughter to her large following. 

    I do think the bracelet is more Bethenny's "loves" than a statement on Bryn loving Paul. But totally agree those gems need to be swappable or it will probably be an obsolete piece of jewelry at some point!

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  3. Edited - I thought I drove past this accident, but after reading more, that was actually a different accident in a similar location on a different day. Which, is not that surprising, because every single day, wrecks on highway 17 or i-526 mess up traffic in Charleston. Except it is usually collisions.... How do you just hit a guardrail and some trees....especially in that location... 

    'Southern Charm' star strikes guardrail, trees in Mt. Pleasant crash


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  4. In most situations, I think it's great when a divorced parent finds love again - and slowly incorporates the kids. With Bethenny, it does have a little bit of FU to Jason because of the  social media flaunting - including Bryn in as one of Dennis' children in a fathers day post, a Bryn love Paul bracelet - I would believe it more if she kept that stuff private and intimate as she tries to rebuild a family. I personally find it obnoxious, but then again, I find most of social media in general obnoxious. I think more than anything, it just comes off like what Bethenny described her own childlike was like - her mother parading different men in and out of the picture. It's one thing if kids are older, but at Bryn's age, it just seems too much to introduce her to different men, like here's mommy's new boyfriend of the moment for you to love. Bethenny is so guarded in other ways, but she almost seems to be missing a filter when it comes to this. Just my personal opinion, obviously opinions vary.

    • Love 16
  5. I was reading that new book out about the fake German Heiress girl (Anna "Delvey" Sorokin) who stuck her friend with a $62,000 bill from a Morocco vacation - it's called "My Friend Anna" - no comment on the book or author, but anyways in it, the author describes this apartment she went to see with Anna who was "apartment hunting" - she started describing the place on 22 Mercer Street ... and a tiny courtyard with a "giant red apple sculpture" in the center and the "suave" realtor.. the author asked if the immaculate apartment was staged - and the realtor said, "No a famous actress lives here." And Fredrik Eklund was there. Guess whose apartment it was lol. 

    Just a brief mention in the book, had zero to do with the story, but I thought it was funny the famous NYC grifter heiress was touring B's apartment, as if she was actually in the market to buy that place! Also made me laugh about the "famous actress" who lived there - actually it reminded me of crazy Kelly Bensimon's comments in that Out in the Wild cray cray podcast she did recently - where she said:

    “I land in St. John, where we were filming, and I was getting a massage and the masseuse said did you know there’s a really big movie star here? And I was like, ‘Wow who is it?’ And they said her name is Bethenny Frankel. And I’m like… ‘movie star?!’ Like, oh my god, she’s telling the masseuse that she’s a movie star?” recalls Bensimon.

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  6. 32 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    Me, too!! I would be shocked that someone was doing that to me. So shocked that I wouldn’t say anything. I would laugh nervously.

    I think that’s why Tinsley doesn’t respond more articulately to their bizarre and completely inappropriate allegations. She is stunned. They are pulling this stuff out of their a- - es.

    It was mean! And it came out of left field. Bethenny goes to Barbara's "defense" to explain how her comment that Luann can't sing, was just a true, offhand statement caught on mic - and then proceeds to sucker punch her by out of nowhere using an example that Barbara has too much tanner on!! What a bitch!

    And whether that was true or not, WTF - they all get so dressed up for these reunions - hair, makeup, fancy dresses - is it that hard to just say "you look nice" - or say nothing at all. The lady comes out for her five minute appearance and you promptly not only insult her to her face, you get up and put your hands on her and start physically rubbing tanner off her body - I would find that so humiliating. And all under the guise of defending Barbara's comment to Luann! The insult sort of snuck in there. 

    • Love 10
  7. I thought Bethenny standing up to wipe self-tanner off Barbara was pretty aggressive and rude. I mean yeah, the lady was orange, but was there really a need to stand up, walk over to her person, touch her body, and start rubbing it off. That felt like a bullying, mean girl move. I don't even like Barbara that much and it bothered me. I didn't think it was cute or funny at all. And I feel like it's one of those things when it's happening, I would be caught so off guard and probably laugh because I wouldn't process it fast enough, but then later be pissed I didn't immediately snap, get that wipe away from me and sit your ass back down.

    • Love 21
  8. Sonja got off pretty easily regarding her batshit crazy meltdown about the Morgan letters. Riiiight so it was just because of her daughter and that Sonja is on the board of a Morgan charity for 20 years. Lol, okay! That's definitely it, Sonja!

    Andy got sidetracked by asking Dorinda why she brought Sonja to that Morgan estate as if that was a malicious intention. Dorinda had a perfectly nice explanation why she thought it would be a cool site to visit, and they never went back to Sonja acting over the top cray cray. Or maybe everyone is just used to it. I think out of all of them, she shows the most signs of being off her rocker. 

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  9. I think all the women are selfish and self-centered, but Luann just feels a bit off. Even when the others do their typical Bravo housewife non-apology apology... "I'm sorry you felt that way" "I'm sorry if what I said offended you"... - they may not take accountability for their words or actions, but they at least seem to recognize and acknowledge that the other person has feelings that may have been hurt! 

    Luann immediately responds what she is irked about in return - even if she has to bring up something from three seasons ago! "Well you called me mean names in the past too and I was really hurt by that." 

    It was mind-boggling that she could watch the montage of clips with Barbara - with Barbara defending her, being her warrior, saying that Lu's sobriety was everything to her, going to bat for her, on top of all the real life assistance she seems to have given Luann - and Luann sits their stone face and can't get past the "she can't sing" comment. Bethenny was right, it was completely tone deaf to the situation. When you have Dorinda articulately explaining why this was off, you know it's bad. And Luann can only respond, "And I do the same for her." No, Luann, this is when you say, "I know she did and I am so touched and grateful, she gave me so much support and her personal time, and was a really good friend to me and I'm so appreciative." Not - I did the same for her. No you didn't!! And if anything, you threw Barbara to the wolves to fend for herself "building relationships" instead of helping her integrate into the group. Which, if it was too much for her to take on given what she was going through, fine, but don't pretend you did the same for her.

    Wonder what they had hashed out a few days before the reunion that Luann mentioned as an aside.

    • Love 15
  10. 7 hours ago, smores said:

    You can pretty much see the gears turn in Lu's brain when she realizes that she has to try to say something that is appropriate but it's going against her natural instinct.  She can sort of sense that this is the time where someone else would feel something, that this is the opening for her to have concern for a friend, care about their opinions, etc, and she is searching her brain for the right phrasing to try and use.  She doesn't get why people were upset with her, she can't figure out why they aren't there to support her.  When they all settled their differences, her response wasn't something along the lines of, I'm glad to have worked everything out, I didn't mean to be selfish and I love my friends.  It was "I'm glad to have my cheerleaders back"  It is ALL about her.  It always will be.

    So much this. You are so right, you can practically see Luann grasping for a human response... and always missing the mark. Part of me almost feels bad for her, because I actually think she is missing a chip and really isn't capable. She almost seems to have some kind of mindblindness, where it just doesn't register for her to hear the other person and relate or see it from anyone else's perspective or feelings. Her response every. single. time. is to bring it back to herself or some variation of "well I was hurt too." Or "Well I was really suffering."

    You can tell why after years and years of this, it drives the other women absolutely batty. You keep thinking, every time, that she will respond with something human or just normal or geez, just ACKNOWLEDGE what the other person is saying... and sometimes she gets so close, you hold your breath.....then she promptly destroys any good will by turning it back to herself and/or victim status. Ramona is going to give herself CTE from all the hits to her own head she does to herself every time Luann speaks! It's so obvious to everyone else what any appropriate response would be, but it goes right over Luann's head.

    Every time I watch Luann, it's like she needs a communication/empathy intervention. You almost want someone to teach her basic polite social skills, like here Luann, let's role play. This person says this to you, what would your response be? And Luann would response, and then you would say, let's try this and give another sample response, and then be like, "Now Luann, do you see how that response showed understanding and support? What did yours show? How do you think that would make the other person feel?"

    I'm sure she still wouldn't get it, but it's almost like she really really needs to hear a few "better" responses modeled for her and have remedial help in showing what she does instead. I don't think she's a bad or malicious person - I really think she doesn't even know that she does it. But time after time of dealing with a person like that is exhausting - there is no reciprocation of empathy or any real connection.

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  11. I'm glad Bethenny addressed her comment about her daughter being a gift and that Tinsley doesn't have one. I don't think it was derogatory, just insensitive. I like her innocent little, "Oh did you catch what I said?" to Tinsley who was like uh yeah, but very gracious about it - well as much as she was allowed to get in any words!

    However, I will say that the reunion was taped before that episode had even aired, so I give Bethenny props for bringing it up on her own and regretting that she said it once she heard how it sounded. In other words, she did this before any public backlash or chatter on twitter or message board comments. It probably was one of those things when she heard it out loud, thought yeah that was bad. Of course, she talked all over Tinsley, who was cut off saying how SHE felt when she heard that comment. But at least B did acknowledge and cringe when she heard how that sounded. I think it says a lot that out of all the remarks or things she regretted about the season or that made her cringe, this is the one she picked. So, at the end of the day, I do think B gets it. She kind of decided for Tinsley it was no big deal because she didn't mean it that way. B still did that, "I didn't like how it sounded" instead of a "I'm sorry if that felt ugh to hear" but - still pretty good she acknowledged that comment and that it made her cringe when she heard it. And Tinsley was very gracious about it.

    I also like how Tinsley said she was a good house guest who makes her bed! Then I kind of missed the next part with the chatter - did Dorinda say she leaves makeup on the pillows or something? Or did I hear that wrong?

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