Bella Maria
16 -
56 Excellent-
Ok, here is something. The first time I watched the show tonight, I was sort of thrown when Vanessa's reaction to Jennifer's cringeworthy behavior (boy you got off easy tonight ole Jen, Vanessa stole your classless limelight) in that she would "disappear", referring to Jennifer's being forced to face her accusers so to speak. Now watching the show for the second time, I think I am seeing a clue as to her true character. If she, Vanessa, were in the same situation she would just disappear. That doesn't quite match the, sweet, sincere, oh so honest and careful of others feelings, i.e. as in never hurting Ashley, which she proclaimed over and over during the season. Ok then, Miss Vanessa would not try to explain herself, she wouldn't try to come to terms with people she conned and hurt, she would just, "disappear". Well, behavior even worse than old Jen's. I guess I get her now. Disappointing.
I guess the real truth will happen if we see Vanessa appearing as a new TV personality somewhere else. She certainly made a lot of people love her so maybe it was just a career move. NOOOPPE, don't like it one bit!!!!! And I don't like that the kids loved her too and now she is gone. Not well done, not at all. Nope, nope and may I say, NOPE!!!!!
What a bunch of crap, I am so upset that I bought in to this, she really got me. what a sap I am, sheeeeeeit. Are you kidding? You just put Polygamy back 100 years because of your need for....whatever??? Here I thought these were elevated thinkers who really cared about each other. It wouldn't taken a couple of seasons, and a full on wedding and all the interviews to know it wasn't for you. You did it for your own gain as far as I can see. man oh man, I am so mad at myself for buying into your bull.
I hope not, I really do. Maybe they just pushed the envelope too far with this crap, and the producers told them to pretend to be broken up to keep us coming back. makes me mad. Something is terribly wrong, either they were never sincere and they were all in it for the money or it is a gimmick for ratings. Either way, pisses me off.
Jennifer that is, not Vanessa. I still think Vanessa leaving was a cliff hanger to get us to go nuts till next season. no way, she is still there.
OMG, that would be PERFECT, and she would have the crazy nerve to go for it too. How do we tell her she needs to contact Bernie. Maybe the producers will do it, good idea.
I am thinking, "no way", it is a publicity stunt, she will be back next season, this had to be just a cliff hanger and a damn good one. I would have bet my savings (all ten bucks if it) that they would be the couple to make it.
S02.E10: One Wedding and a Funeral?
Bella Maria replied to PrincessPurrsALot's topic in Seeking Sister Wife
I think something went wrong with the broadcasting and it was so annoying, but in my area it came on again later in the evening and I got to see the entire thing. Hope you did too as it was worth it to see Paige come unglued. -
S02.E11: The Snowdens Say "We Do!"
Bella Maria replied to PrincessPurrsALot's topic in Seeking Sister Wife
I think the entire thing, the marriage ceremony, would be uncomfortable; mostly because it is being filmed for tv and there are camera's everywhere. I am sure the director's and producer's of the show knew it would be chaotic and that is why so many people were invited, people that they hadn't seen in years or knew well. If I were producing that show I sure would get as many chances for drama in the mix and they did. We saw that when Dimitri's sister was upset at camera's in her face when she was trying to talk to her brother for just a second in private. That being said, I am not sure why the Snowden's agreed to do this for and on TV. Money? Probably part of it, but I still think the three of them are really good together. Not being a woman who gets jealous and also loves her female friends in terms of "sisterhood", I can see the lure of a plural marriage, although I wouldn't have the energy to do what these folks are attempting. I appreciate that they did agree to go public with their private lives as I enjoy watching them and I do think they are sincere in their journey of going through life together, building a strong "tribe" or "empire" and loving each other. Regardless of what people think and say about them, they are elevated thinkers, so we shall see how the reality of a plural partner life actually plays out. I think if any group can pull it of it just might be them. Maybe we can learn something from them, or what we are allowed to see. Their ceremony was for "them" and how they choose to complete their vows are their personal decisions, I don't pretend to understand it but I think it seemed as though they were sincere in their commitment and I like when Ashley said they did not marry 9 years ago to avoid any type of hierarchy. They (Ashley and Dimitri) decided to do this years ago so more power to them, I sure like their choice in Vanessa, she is beautiful inside and out. I don't think Dimitri really wants to sleep around, at least that is not why he married two women, seems like Ashley would have allowed that if it was really important to him anyway. I don't see Vanessa being so lenient however. These are really sensitive cool people. Now, can't say that for the McGees, Paige and Bernie that is, I think they are the McGees. Next week Brandy will throw ole Bernie a fast ball, Paige will act accordingly it seems and Jennifer will come through as the lying, cheap, tramp she is. I only saw her about to go off, OMG, SHE'S ALIVE, SHE'S ALIVE, because someone was "judging" her. Can't stand the heat my girl? Should have stayed home to sling those drinks and play your stupid games with bar room drunks. There is nothing you can do to redeem yourself or justify your futile attempt at trying to grab 15 pathetic minutes of fame. Looks like you will just keep digging your self a deeper hole with more bad behavior. omg, next week will be really raunchy I am suuuuurrrrre. I hope the Aldridge husband has learned a lesson or at least that she "Jennifer" was obviously an inappropriate choice as a possible sister wife and that he was allowing his baser needs to determine the fate of his family, even "courting" her was as obnoxious as it gets. Are you kidding? PLEAAASSZE!!! Not a very good plural husband who is supposed to lead the family. This is exactly what gives the "plural" lifestyle a bad rap, it ISN'T supposed to be about SEX. it is supposed to be about loving each other and helping each other through life, not for everyone. If Jennifer had made it into that family, I would have been scared for the children. I wouldn't let that woman around my cats and dogs, let alone my precious children. What was he thinking and what were the wives thinking. I hope they stand up to more of his bad decisions and say NO NOT HER. -
S02.E10: One Wedding and a Funeral?
Bella Maria replied to PrincessPurrsALot's topic in Seeking Sister Wife
I am not sure how to comment properly, can't seem to comment directly under the box I want to, but I am commenting on RedHeadedZombie's mentioning that she didn't know if they were actually Mormon or not? I remember in one of the beginning episodes Bernie and Paige talked about being asked to leave their church because they wanted to live the plural lifestyle. Uhhhmmm. I think they were asked to leave because Bernie is so obviously foaming at the mouth to have sex with someone besides PAIGE. It is so so so creepy and inappropriate that if they were part of my church, I would leave that church. omg. It is so disgusting on so many levels that it is entertaining I guess. I just want them to get what they deserve. I will say it again. I agree with the person who said they hope Bernie gets a sister wife who is a screamer in bed so Paige can lay there be jealous and fume. THAT would be payback and Bernie will live in hell dealing with Paige and when the women begin fighting, I have no doubt it would go physical. I heard Paige say to Brandy, "I wouldn't beat you up or anything". omg, can you imagine. If I remember correctly she said that when Brandy talked about being intimate with Bernie before Paige was ready. I don't care how much money they are making for this show, for how unhappy they all are, even the kids, it ain't worth it. Bernie, better that you work on the marriage you have NOW, learn to keep your D in you pants, stop coveting every woman you think will "maybe" sleep with you and become a more sensitive father. Paige you need to work on becoming a nice person, you seem evil to the core. Instead of going after Brandy you need to go after Bernie, tell him what you absolutely will not tolerate and if he crosses the line, you need to divorce him and take every penny he made doing this show AND then you need to sock the funds away for your both of your son's education. You messed your life up royal, give those boys a chance so they don't follow in your footsteps. Devote your time to those kids and make their lives worth something; something besides being collateral damage of your selfish need for attention and Bernie's sexual deviance. Of course, you have to stop being a narcissistic witch and I am not sure you can ever get past that. I will "pray" for you. -
When "they proposed" to Vanessa Dimitri said something along the lines of "We always propose to women with an ankle bracelet" I heard that loud and clear too and it bothered me but I thought Dimitri was really nervous, for real (again maybe I am not seeing things clearly) but I know I would be very nervous. THANK GOD he didn't sing the song to Vanessa, I was ready hide my head in my pillow but I actually thought the song was cute. I was thinking then that Dimitri was nervous and trying to be funny as they have said over and over, it took 9 years to find Vanessa and I thought she was the first one they proposed to. I know I say dumb things like that when I am nervous and lets face it, the guy is on National TV Exposure and he was certainly being watched, he was trying to propose, and so that is what i finally decided, he was trying to be cute or funny and he missed the mark, understandably in that situation. I hope so, if he was serious omg.
Well....after reading so many of other's posts about the Snowden's I may be waayyy off the mark here. I do that every now and then in a disastrous way, so it will be interesting to see how this progresses. I just don't see Ashley as jealous, but I might be crazy, and so many people see it in her that I will definitely follow this one to see if I just don't get it. I just think she acts self-conscious sometimes because it is a reality show and they go through incredible scrutiny. I would be nervous as hell to steam my vagina on tv or to have people watch me go to bed while my husband trots off to the new fiance'??? BUT, they are getting a huge paycheck and perhaps they are swingers in disguise, they definitely have the intelligence to try to pull a scam off to make money but I am not sure....yet. I do see that Ashley is tired though. Three darling but hyper kids, that takes a lot of work, sexually, emotionally, financially, physically, she is probably exhausted from it all and wants someone to help take the burden off. Some women are like that, probably very few, but I have known women who just want HELP in life. Dimitri seems like he would be sexually demanding (full of his ability to please) and omg, that gets old after 3 kids I am sure. Maybe she is relieved to have another woman who seems sweet and sincere to share the burden. I don't know, I will watch and see. this couple interests me though. I really kinda do hope they are sincere, I will be disappointed if they aren't and will have to look in to my inability to see what so many other people see.
OMG, the McGees. I agree that they are probably both very dangerous. Paige is one of the biggest bitches I have seen in a long time. Jealous, rude, insincere, and ugly inside and out. At first I thought she was sort of pretty but now that I see her more she is ugly to me. Bernie is just a horn dog-so terribly unattractive, and oh so obvious and although Paige is not desirable in my book she seems like she is just trying to please Bernie to hold on to him. Brandy? Well, I think Brandy was sweet, and I don't think we saw enough of her to understand her motives, but I say RUN GIRL RUN. She dodged a bullet with those two, talk about living in hell. I hope she has enough respect NOT to return for more punishment. Paige probably plotting her demise on a minute by minute basis. Paige was so mean and rude to Brandy I believe that she lured her there just to get rid of her. Cum'on, she lies about what she said to her even though it was on camera and she looked SO HAPPY when Brandy was gone for good. Took care of that sister wife in the running didn't you ole Paige??? Not fooling anyone. Bernie will have to start over to get laid by another woman legit, and who in the world would be attracted to him, omg. Sorry Brandy, he will just attract another over weight woman with not a lot going for her. Paige will continue to sabotage the entire "union" or "courtship" and Bernie will continue to get more sexually frustrated. He deserves it and Paige deserves everything she gets for playing in to his sick game. Paige just wants the paycheck, which she doesn't deserve anyway. Did anyone read where Paige and Bernie were arrested for stalking? They can't even get along with their extended family, how would they begin to get along with a second wife. I agree with the person who said they hope Bernie marries a loud and raunchy woman who screams during sex so Paige can lay in bed in the next room and listen and fume. Hope the paycheck is worth it Paige. If you had a backbone, you would stand on your own two feet, lay the law down for Bernie or kick him to the curb. You don't need him, you are just being weak and a terrible example to your kids. I feel so sorry for those boys, they seem very sweet and they are innocent victims of their horny father and nasty mother. Shame, shame, shame. I guess their disgustingness is entertaining though, maybe they do deserve the pay check. Who's next on the smorgasbord y'all?
I am sorry, I am in love with the Snowdens-I am not interested in Polygamy for myself, but hey, if it works and you want it and you are respectful of others and true to yourselves, then who should judge? Ashley is probably the most awesome woman in the world, she would be a blessing to have as a sister wife. Dimitri is honest and cute, regardless if he wants plural wives. They want a "tribe", I get it. Vanessa is just absolutely adorable and fits in perfectly. I think she and Ashley will be the best of sister wives, and Dimitri is very respectful of both of them. As far as "detoxing", why not? you have to worry when you sleep with multiple partners and she was just being careful and it didn't hurt anything to wait anyway. I have read that people thought she was being controlling. What??? Even if that is true, she has to feel good about things too, it is a family and her needs need to be addressed and if she needed to control something so be it, but I believe she was trying to stay true to her way of life. They eat very cleanly and so they believe in that detox in my opinion. She was so cool about Dimitri and Vanessa sleeping together, and it was a joy to see people behave so loving and real and understanding that sex is just that, sex. A normal bodily function for healthy people, but not the reason to marry or to define a relationship. I hope Vanessa and Dimitri have a child soon, and I hope Dimitri NEVER forgets how lucky he is to have an Ashley. She is one in a million, sincere, real, loving, and I love that she isn't jealous. If she is a little bit and hiding it as some people have stated, so what? She wont' be for long, she will love having Vanessa around. They make a perfect family and I hope to see them next season. I personally, don't think Ashley is jealous, I think she wants a big family and she believes in that concept and sees the benefit of having a plural lifestyle. Besides, she has had 3 children, it isn't like she hasn't had years of sex and probably pretty hot sex, so maybe she is perfectly ready to share Dimitri. I think she has evolved past the whole "sex" part and is looking to the higher purpose of being in a loving union with other adults and how secure it can make the children feel when the family is loving, evolved, and the adults are loyal to each other.
S02.E10: One Wedding and a Funeral?
Bella Maria replied to PrincessPurrsALot's topic in Seeking Sister Wife
I thought from the beginning that Jennifer was sort of trashy and certainly was not a devout Mormon, even if she said, "she grew up around the polygamist life stye". Big Whoop!!! It seemed obvious to me she just wanted to be on TV, and the husband, he just wanted to have sex with what probably looked like a wild woman in bed. HER???? With that family and that older man???? There was NO attraction on her part, she was there for TV exposure; he wanted to have sex with a young skinny trashy girl (fill a fantasy) and the adorable, sweet, existing wives just see the good in everything. Please old dude, give it up. You are lucky to have the gals that you have, don't pursue young, obviously trashy women who wouldn't want to have sex with you if you paid them, obviously. Jennifer, you didn't belong with that crew and you knew it, so obvious you just wanted to get noticed, for what I am not sure as you don't appear to be any type of actress material. Go back to bartending and quit butting in where you don't belong and wasting everyones time. tramp.