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Well, I am really angry and depressed about the secrecy. What the **** do they want?!? It serves no purpose. None. Audition time was so great in the past. It made being a DCC fan something special.
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The Year 1 Gina will come back. She has lost a lot of pounds since year 1, all in persuit of excellence and now the pressure is no longer there she will fill out her Italian cheekbones. I will sure miss Gina Ligi. If you say it out loud it's like music playing, say it soft and it's almost like praying: Gina Ligi, I'lll never stop saying Gina Ligi.
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I have exactly the same!
“As much as I like Marissa (the human Golden Retriever), she really should take it easy in relationships.” The problem with this sentence is right here: Golden Retrievers don’t take it easy! Yep, she is showcasing her new relationship on Tiktok.
They all look like sweethearts. Some are more girls-next-door than others but just based on their glam-level, I am inclined to go for: Alli Kate: more than gorgeous but she needs to be able to dance ofcourse. Because based on their looks and glam, Jordann and Ashley should have made the team. Ryleigh.Paigee, looks like a doll and she was not only a Rangerette (as already commented) but she was a Captain too. She is the real deal. Regan Davis has the x-factor is you ask me. Unlike others, she is really an A plus plus. ashtyn_morrow reminds me of Amanda Dilks! And based on that I am #TeamAshtyn already! Daylee Rhea looks like a million bucks. She has just that extra sparkle. Bailee Jennings is in her natural habitat in front of the camera and on stage. She just belongs there. Glamour is not a choice for her. She has got it. Kinsy Smith reminds me of Ashley Pro and that'll do for me. Taylor Altieri has the model look that the DCC need Saving the best for last: with McKenzie Starr we will have someone that can stand toe to toe with Rachel Wyatt. Mckenzie would look great in HD!
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Cassie. Talking about oneself as the one who is not good at smiling but as the one laying down the law and being proud about it, doesn't look very good. Calling the lowest in the hierarchy (a rookie) out in front of the group is really low. That is not leadership, not from a group leader and not from Kelli and Judy, who let it happen. That is abuse of power: using authority to do what you want instead of doing what is good for the group. If you add Cassie's behavior on the USO tours to all of this, it looks even worse.
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Thanks for the link! Not only it reminded me how great Chandi is (as if I could forget) but it also brought the surprise of seeing Bridget again! Bridget and Amanda, both gone before their times.
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I am afraid that our Kelli is not really good at making consistent decisions. Some are first point. Some are second point and when the first point leaves they become the first point, some are second point and when the first point leaves they stay second point with a new first point coming in. Some are celebrated to be first point, some are celebrated for being second point. Now the second point is not even included...sigh. Trying to make sense of it, of even predict or search for consistency is insane.
I do not know for sure and I do not have any inside knowledge. I do follow the girls on social media and most of them are fading into a new stage in their lives and moving away from being a cheerleader. Taylor* Amber* Gina Lexie Erin Madeline Rachel Caroline *already said that this would be their last year Chandi and Kat are front row but are obviously not retiring yet. If only Amanda would have stayed, it would have been so glamorous, we would have had such a wonderful point and triangle! I am still not over her leaving. I am still sad that Briana Wilshere didn't come back (eventhough she said she would) and that the following girls didn't stayed longer Megan Carcioppolo Kalyssa Singleton Melissa Wallace Bridget Jacob Amy Trader Maggie Rouse