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Everything posted by TMI

  1. DAWN is all about DAWN where will I fit in DAWN get a JOB
  2. Got to see a bit of Coltee's ANGER...bet when cameras were off...Larissa witnessed that plenty of times.
  3. anger does not become you coltee.... attack you....no bruises mom is playing this up ...the both gaslighted Larrisa.. Granted Larissa is a witch
  4. coltee sex toy dollee did not turn out to be what he wanted....so he wants her deported so he is NOT responsible for her for thenext decade...what acharmer
  5. from pulling his hair out trying to please Pao
  6. what mirror is pao using what will she be modeling
  7. Larissa is a horror show BUT when I saw Coltee guzzle down the booze I had a vision of daily life in their house hold. After Dear Debbee drove Coltee to and from work,Debbee and Coltee settled in for a helping of daily bith phtew and a night of binge drinking -at the end of the night Coltee would stagger upstairs to thrillee his living blow up dollee with his sexual prowress until he passed out drunk. To do it all over again the next day Just the life Larissa dreamt of while skyping him from Southee America!
  8. Carly Rose https://people.com/parents/90-day-fiance-the-other-way-tiffany-franco-ronald-smith-welcome-daughter-carley-rose-exclusive/
  9. this uncle is useless. he has kids he should know how to entertain them for more than a second.
  10. Why couldn't Mimi and sister take 2 children out of the group away from the home while mom recovered from oral surgery....oh I know....it wouldn't be as insane! and why the cloth around the face...she looks like marley's ghost.
  11. No Tiff...you CANNOT trust him....he has stolen from his mother..how low can you go?
  12. Sumit thinks Jenny is his SugarMama. He's in for a shock!
  13. why is she packing boots? Laura has already been there...here we go....tears and regret. trade your ticket in laura.
  14. Laura you are a wife...not a fairy tale --nightmare! and the other women is potential wife 2 for his collection...
  15. and Al A Din is thinking that he's the MAN and is going to be in total control....We gonna have FIREWORKS
  16. EMPTY... wow larissa is hitting low ..but on target
  17. Why is Larissa on her phone all the time....setting up her next date?
  18. I wonder what Russ and his family think when they see these episodes run on tv. Please POS Pao -get over yourself.
  19. Setting her mom up to hate Oklahoma grandmother. Pao is such a liar!
  20. Of course Pouty Pedro and Charmless Chantel are lovey dovey...got to have a good beginning for the new spinoff. new outlook on things...Sharper claws
  21. I agree - celebration is for after successful birth ---birth is not a crowd viewing activity.
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