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Everything posted by TMI

  1. laura --you have no friends and you threw your family away
  2. now laura -regrets leaving her son and dogs behind.... what a tool!
  3. I do not understand how a town so poor can have international internet connections and the people have latest in cell phones. Karina send paul home ..HE IS NUTS
  4. Another mother taking kids to live in new land..unknown to all. and next door to north korea
  5. sorry corey is not mad enough for this revelation to be true
  6. great corey ... sitting in a sand pit with your best friend who <<<< your girl
  7. a ring...wow jenny...you came to India for a ring ... you are a mistress
  8. Sorry to say this but with Jenny's hair-do , she looks like a hound dog with floppy ears
  9. I think Tom is the ultimate snob....Darcy thinks that it is so thoughtful that he sent someone to pick her up at the airport because her breath would need sandblasting after the trip across the pond...I think it is because he thinks his sh*t doesn't stink!.... and he's lazy... and he doesn't want to be pawed in a public space... Darcy....you sure can pick them! stick to pillow talk!
  10. Looks as if the spirit of the nail polish shelf is grabbing him at his shoulders...and the old man jeans conflict with the bare chest/sexy trying look
  11. that should be an asset in syria....talk about a target....keep your hand in your pocket at all times -dear avery... vibe I get from her is the girls looking for that improve lifestyle with the ISIS fighters...sorry
  12. sMothered smothered me with boredom and badtaste. pointless show TLC you owe me
  13. SHAME on TLC wasting out time with this sham! Shows you what they think of their audience.
  14. Jenny is giving elders a bad name....she went to India --not for a husband, lover or friend but for a carteaker.
  15. Ronald has a trully sh*teating grin....gotta not trust that dude...he is totally full of crap
  16. POL...everyone hates you....it's that terroristic loser personality of yours.
  17. JAY....You're a Gonna when you sign up for dating apps after honeymooom ...you basically cooked your own goose
  18. Ashley and elvis have left the building
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