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Everything posted by TMI

  1. everybody ignores the wife...run beth... gina--- thinks she is a fragile princess
  2. she has no chance in the world of losing 1 ounce... excuses..you're sick because you are a whale out of water...
  3. The scale will say ....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH help me
  4. Tania -you're a dolt...your soulmate is any guy who agrees with you all the time...and wants to follow your directions all the time!
  5. why does jasmin look as if she is made of wax...nevermind,,,made of ice
  6. Kody -it is called an apartment house. you want to be the king....but you're reallly a Controlling a$$
  7. I think janelle looks exhausted. like she hasn't slept since they moved.
  8. Kody does not care what the kids like or need you know kody---YOUR PALACE??? get over your self!
  9. So far this season has been filled with flashback scenes....memories overload as far as I am concerned.
  10. Tania is such a B**ch! she is now in a panic because she pi&&ed away 1/3 of the 90days studying at witchcraft camp....and when she got home syngin was not a master carpenter...paying 800 dollars which he does not have and creating a palatial she shed for her....he should have called her in costa rica while he was at the beach/bar with his new female friends....but she had her mom keeping him prisoner at her home!
  11. jasmin's perfect mate would be a polar bear...walrus....shark...things attracted to cold fish
  12. yup... will screw up castle plans though--- time to throw meri out
  13. sobbin robin is a martyr. Meri does not want be in a polyg relationship...justt thought she did- Janelle and christine just wanted husbands.... kody is ready for some new material.... he has lost all control of his wives. Kody wants to build a castle so that he can be KING again...
  14. doesn't kody have a car....spread so thin....henceforth....kody will be known as Saint Kody--what a guy!
  15. kody has not been at meri's house for two weeks...why am i not surprised
  16. kody is NUTS go balance yourself or take a daily mud bath in your moat--that will cleanse you after you "visit" each wife....the best will be when you come down with some weird disease.. when he looks at meri...I see hate in his eyes.
  17. https://forums.primetimer.com/forum/471-sister-wives/
  18. finlander girl is the girl of DON"Ts don't touch don't hug don't introduce me to your friends don't kiss don't drink don't kiss people who drink don't talk to me while I am eating Blake DO ..SEND HER HOME
  19. no wedding dress does not look soooooooooooooo good large topped women do NOT need strapless
  20. setting the stage for a disaster meeting with Svetlana
  21. granny is overly defensive. you leave your boyfriend ..alone ...not legal ...30% of 90 days blown away. sister is right...recipe for disasters.
  22. impregnating a new chick....got to keep sowing those seeds He is Russia's answer to Johnny Appleseed....Sasha Kiddyseeder
  23. sasha's problem is not child rearing...it is commitment sasha is souring on stupid girl
  24. red flag....stupid girl...kick Sasha to the Russian curb
  25. Bee lady is always talking....why doesn't SHE try speaking in Turkish.
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