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Everything posted by Leilani

  1. Summit is over 32 years old and he's not an only child, this is a farce. Most inlaws often don't get along nor like their DIL yet people manage to get married and stay together.
  2. Pretty sure Malcolm can do a lot better then Sarah and her weird 'accent' if he wanted. I hope this is just to get some time on TV for himself.
  3. How does Lamar think this will turn out well. How does he expect little Priscilla to not tell anyone.
  4. I would be annoyed too if someone threw cake in my hair and made a mess in the kitchen. How is that fun.
  5. Brittney looks better as a red head. Britney: It's all about ME ME ME
  6. Well if you didn't buy him a truck so he can drive over to see them lol
  7. CHON has aged, he look mid to late 30s not 22.
  8. I know a good man is hard to find, but no way am I buying an ex con a new truck and a new phone when I'm a single mom of a little girl. Save that money for you baby, start her college and wedding fund. Spoil her rotten but don't waste it on a felon with a slew of women.
  9. When you're buying him a truck and paying for his phone, mean's you're his mother not his girlfriend.
  10. Am I a terrible person because I'm just rolling my eyes at that Brittney fake crying scene.
  11. Michael must have a big one because there's no way anyone is turned on by his voice or scrawny body.
  12. She should have spent some of that gambling money on organizers for the bathroom drawers.
  13. I hope Destiny is gone and we don't have to see her again. She's worse then Big Ange and Baby Love.
  14. None of these people have any fun together, this whole season is just full of nagging women and poor men. I think I'm ready for a rich man/she's not an escort couple again, just for the variety.
  15. If you're already needing to go to a therapist before you're even married, it means your relationship is already toxic.
  16. Has anything actually happen tonight, this show feels like it's been on 3 hours already.
  17. He's just not that into you Jenny, go home and find someone age appropriate.
  18. He should have learned by now to stop killing animals in from of Americans lol
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