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Everything posted by ProTourist

  1. If there are any other fans of Black Mirror here -- today is season 5's release day! Only three episodes this time, but I am on board!
  2. One of the tidbits from Justin's narration at the start of the clip is that after advising Dr. Now that Junior had stolen his pain meds, he went in to see the doctor to receive a new prescription. So we know that Justin did indeed have a post-surgery check-in with the doctor; that the appointment he missed when Junior was going to be there was a later follow-up. And we know that Justin didn't have to suffer for too long without pain meds; I'm glad to know Dr. Now replaced them for him. And from the conversation with Dr. Paradise, we know that Justin had already lost weight by the time of that appointment, and that he was already planning to go back home that week, before the incident in Dr. Now's parking lot ever took place -- that he didn't go back home in a huff because of that incident. Regarding that Justin gave up drinking when he was diagnosed with diabetes -- that may have been required due to medications he could have started taking. It doesn't mean he had been a drunk, we don't really know one way or the other, although given his relationship with food it would not be a stretch if he had been a heavy drinker. That he lost some weight when he gave up drinking may indicate that his drinks had been high in carbohydrates, such as beer or spirits mixed with fruit juice. Cutting out liquid forms of carb would have lowered his blood sugar and brought about some weight loss.
  3. Came across someone who recorded and uploaded one of the bonus scenes: I was surprised that Dr. Paradise would have gone to the hotel -- Justin should have been able to go to his office, although he did not want to go. It seems that the session was of no real use to Justin. All they talked about was his forgiving Steven, for his own sake, which he said is never going to happen -- for his own sake. I like Dr. Paradise, but he seems to have no idea how to treat someone this damaged; and wouldn't have the time to work with him even if he did know.
  4. Twopper, thank you so much! Your efforts are greatly appreciated! 😍 😎 ❀️
  5. Thank you so much for this info, CrazyInAlabama! Yes, that scene of Justin's session with Dr. Paradise was definitely not present in the standard episode -- only Steven's session was included. I would love to see the additional scenes. I don't know why the Assantis fascinate me, but they do. It may have something to do with the geography -- I used to have a lot of family in the area, and lived near there myself for a couple of years, so I'm very familiar. And I think you're right that Justin needs a plan for the future, so he can continue to avoid Steven. I think it would be best for him to sell the house after his father dies, and split the proceeds with Steven if necessary, depending on the terms of Senior's will. Then they could continue to go their separate ways.
  6. I think mostly they watch television and are online with laptops, tablets, and smart phones; probably some gaming, too. Sean was shown crocheting, which his mother had taught him. A few others have been shown doing some kinds of hand crafts from their beds, such as jewelry-making. I think one or two have been shown reading books, but others who are on phones and tablets may be reading ebooks, such as Kindle. Some of them will do food prep and even cook from bed, which I don't think is recommended.
  7. Thanks for your efforts, Twopper. I do wish Amazon would make the bonus scenes available -- we pay three dollars each for the episodes (though they do give a discount if you purchase a whole season). Some other television series have bonus clips available, but not this one.
  8. No, I have not read it. He's supposed to have a second book releasing within the next few weeks. Per his Instagram page, the title will be "essential solutions for treatment of obesity." Dr. Now's author page on Amazon should list the new book once it is available.
  9. Here are a couple of screenshots that show the misalignment of the flesh when Janine's thigh is stitched closed, and then the resulting protrusion after it heals. Just so we can all see what we've been discussing. So not a scar per se, but a misshapen area. Peace out. ✌️ ✌️
  10. This is one of my favorite photos of Dr. Now, high-tech surgeon superstar in action (from his Instagram page):
  11. You know something? I've just noticed that the person on the cover of Dr. Now's book appears to be riding a scooter. Not nearly so deluxe as Janine's, though. 😎
  12. With all the bad things Janine has done to herself, this wasn't one of them. Dr. Now created that protrusion in what looked like some sloppy stitching during her lymphedema removal -- which means it could have been avoided. Yes, with all the issues she still has to deal with going forward, why add to them unnecessarily? It may be hidden most of the time -- I doubt that Janine will be wearing shorts or shorter dresses/skirts yet -- but she does have a boyfriend now and might have a sexual relationship with him. I don't mean to imply that it's a huge issue, just one that could have been avoided. People here have discussed the way Dr. Now stitches people up and the big scars that are left behind, so I didn't think my comment was out of line.
  13. I noticed it then too, and was surprised as well. Perhaps he figured it would be corrected later, after further weight loss and skin removal surgery on her legs, but Janine shouldn't have to deal with that weird protrusion on her leg for a year or longer.
  14. The footage could be recent, like a regular year-long follow-up, but ending with the bad news. I would not have guessed that they were filming a fourth episode on Sean, though, as it seemed there was just about nothing left to show of him -- he seemed rather beaten down with nowhere to go and nothing to do. I figured he'd be on some kind of public assistance, living in public housing, not really taking care of himself, until his time was up. From his point of view it was not a one-person job, meaning he couldn't physically do it all himself. Agree that he really felt he needed others to take care of him, and he probably did.
  15. Janine's follow-up episode had a lot of surprises for me. Here are some general thoughts I've had while watching: I think this may be the most surgery we've seen someone have in one episode: lymphedema removal, gastric balloon extraction, and sleeve gastrectomy. And she had knee surgery and skin removal coming up shortly. I must admit that Dr. Now outdid himself on the franken-stitching on Janine's right leg -- he even created a pointy bump of flesh near the knee. πŸ˜‰ I would venture the guess that Janine's stomach must have shrunk quite a bit on its own, given how late in the journey she received the sleeve, because the amount of stomach removed from her was not that large. I was surprised to see Janine using the scooter so much toward the end, when she was down to around 250 pounds and was able to use the walker fairly well. Was it due to 'scooter addiction' as Dr. Now commented, or perhaps her knees were still too painful? But for her last appointment of the episode with Dr. Now, she 'cheated' by taking the scooter all the way to his waiting room, and then using the walker only to go from the waiting room to the exam room, so he would think she was no longer using it! You may have received some momentary praise from the doctor, Janine, but he'll know what you did when he sees the video! I liked the wig! It was flattering for her, and she looked a lot younger, too. I was surprised that none of her brothers went to Houston for any of her surgeries. Only that one sister-in-law Susan and Rachel the niece the first one, and for the WLS only Susan was there. Maybe her brothers don't care for her, or they have some bad history. I was surprised to see her start dating toward the end. Janine impresses me as someone with low self-confidence and as a highly fearful person, especially of the unknown. I think that's why she would cry and scream whenever someone tried to get her to stand or walk, or even when she was being moved from say a bed to a stretcher. Every little unexpected sensation would frighten her, and she'd worry that something terrible would go wrong, which might put her into a worse situation than she was already in. She didn't have the confidence in her own strength nor in the medical staff trying to help her. It wasn't that she thinks she knows everything, or knows better than the pros, but that she fears everything. But as we saw, that fear worked against her after the lymphedema surgery when she wouldn't stand and walk, and so her legs got weaker than they had been previously. So I was surprised to see she had the self-confidence to offer herself as a potential girlfriend, even with the wig and with the weight-loss. But it did seem important to her, so I'm glad she was able to find someone. Janine can be fairly delusional, though, as happens with many of the poundticipants. When she had expected Dr. Now to praise her for having lost five pounds when she should have lost something like fifty, that was just nonsense. She couldn't see it as the failure it was. I noticed in the live chat that a few people found Dr. Now to be mumbling and difficult to hear. I didn't find that with the Amazon video, so they may have done something to correct it, but I also keep the subtitles turned on, which helps. I wish Janine continued success, in all aspects of life.
  16. Oooh, did they say how Dr. Now found out? Did the camera crew who recorded the scene between Justin and Senior in the hotel, show the footage to Dr. Now? Or did Justin inform Dr. Now himself? Did Dr. Now make any comment about it? Any other tidbits? [Sorry for all the questions!]
  17. If anyone here watches the supersized episode tonight, please consider posting highlights of the addition content here. Even if it's just which magazines Senior likes to read. πŸ˜„
  18. The rumor is confirmed: the episode is scheduled for Wednesday June 12. I share your hope, Jeeves.
  19. Oh yes it is, and I photoshopped it a little more after I downloaded it! It was meant as a joke -- I thought the emoji's I used would communicate that, but I should have said so outright. Just a bit of fun! ☺️
  20. Hear ye, hear ye! Steven Assanti now demands respect ! Read all about it!
  21. Fyi y'all, I've read a rumor that there will be a final follow-up episode on Sean Milliken (who passed away in February) coming up in a couple of weeks. If true, this will probably be the first time they've aired a follow-up on a poundticipant who has already died. I suppose if they had already filmed the next/final year of Sean's journey, then they decided to go ahead and use it. We should find out soon. This is the blurb:
  22. I found this image online, it may have been posted to these forums once before, but even if so it may bear repeating. Dr. Now age 35: πŸ˜› πŸ˜‰
  23. He's just jealous. Everyone is jealous of Janine's groovy scooter! 😎
  24. Evening, pounders. My eating habit today has been french toast (with cinnamon and butter, no sugar or syrup), a side of turkey sausage, and a caffe latte. Gotta get in those lattes before the weather turns hot and the switch to iced coffee comes. Amazon probably won't post this episode until tomorrow morning, so I probably won't have much to offer until tomorrow, in the regular thread, but I'll follow along with y'all tonight and chime in where possible. Cheers. I'm eager to find out how Janine made out with the gastric balloon, and if she's still bopping around on her scooter.
  25. The site (linked above) is now showing the June, Chad, and Pauline update as episode #8, for this the fifth season of Where Are They Now? So it looks like we'll be waiting until late July for the broadcast and for other online availability (such as on Amazon).
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