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Aaron Newton

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Everything posted by Aaron Newton

  1. Oh, didn't remember him saying that. Mark Grossman at the Daytime Emmys. From Christian LeBlanc's Instagram.
  2. In have a couple questions: 1. How can Adam not remember anything about himself or his life before the accident, but somehow remember how to play poker on a professional level, as Nick pointed out? 2. How did Victor even know about Adam being alive? It was never hinted, no build-up to it, nothing. Did he just wake up one morning and think to himself that Adam could be alive after all? What or who tipped him off?
  3. Totally called it, a couple of weeks ago, lol. Back then I was just joking but turns out that Victor's psychiatrist actually IS Dr Lipschitz from Suits, same actor. And Victor uses "Spider" as the code name for Adam. Can't help but notice that in the May 3rd episode, they played the song that also played back in 2014-2015 when Adam returned from the dead the first time. This is the song: https://soundcloud.com/rc-cates/3069-up-and-adam
  4. I don't care about numbers, he just looks too young, that's my only problem.
  5. I'm not talking about getting rid of the legacy actors, I'm talking about the age of the characters. Give him at least that. I mean GT doesn't look like she just graduated high school. As for Billy Boy... he was already ruined long before JT stepped in.
  6. I was really hoping they'd recast Chelsea as well since they suddenly decided to make Adam a kindergartener. Or just leave her out for good (maybe even kill her and Conner off screen, that would've spawn some dark, interesting story lines for Adam). But seeing this just puts me off... it's like seeing Noah and Sharon hooking up. Are the writers even trying anymore? I like Mark, he seems like a nice guy and a good actor, nothing against him. But I'm afraid that he's just not gonna fit in this role, no matter how hard he tries. And it's not his fault, it's just a dumb casting choice and JG should've known better!!! Mal Young's writing was terrible but looking from the aging point of view, you gotta give him this, the casting was all right and the actors were chosen accordingly. Adam's presence is not required on the show, they're clearly doing this just to regain some of the viewers they lost under Mal's reign of terror. And it could all blow up in their faces, IMO. Look at it his way: they cut Adam out of the loop in key story lines that involved him or his plot-point... I mean son, Christian, like the custody battle (btw, is the kid still alive or did Nick just let him to starve to death in his condo while he's boning random strangers at the bar?). And now Victor shows up after a week in Vegas with his not-so dead son after sobbing and tearing for months following his "deparing"? What the hell man? How did this even happen? I guess The Moustache will fill us in with some dumb explanation that should iron out the details, right? Btw, I wonder what was the purpose of the gambling-Spider-Dr Lipschitz side story? Are they gonna add anything to that or that's it? Who's Spider, what business he has with Victor? What's Adam involvment in all of this madness?
  7. Exactly what I said. MCE and Mark Grossman.. This has to be the creepiest couple in the show's history.
  8. I'm thinking the same but just try to look past it, it's called suspension of disbelief. If you look at them, none of these so called SORASd characters make any sense (or in Adam's case reverse SORASd, anti-SORASd.. idk, whatever, you get the idea). With no Chels in the picture, it would make sense to resurrect Shadam, I guess...
  9. Who changed the plans regarding Adam's departure from 2016?
  10. Man, these Neil episodes are gonna be gut-wrenching... No point in trying to watch today's episode with dry eyes. Trust me, I'm a guy and I couldn't do it.
  11. I think it comes down to how they'll introduce Adam's new portray-er and hence, new face. If they'll write yet another plastic surgery or if they'll just go with "The role of Adam is now being played by". If it's the first, Adam could just fly under the radar as a virtual stranger for how long he pleases (even after he figures out who he is). But i'm thinking it's the second option, hence Victor's secrecy. Personally, I think this amnesia story is very convenient for the writers, it buys them time, they don't have to worry about Chelsea right now. So once they bring MCE back on board or just recast the role, I think they'll snap him out of it.
  12. When Adam returned last time, he had no clue that he was still alive.
  13. I'm okay with the amnesia story, it's the most plausible. After all, Adam wouldn't just let Nick walk into his wife and son's lives and take his place if his mind and memory was alright. One thing, tho: How does Victor know that his son is alive? There was no sign on air that would indicate this possibility or that Victor is even investigating this.
  14. Nope, that's Brandon, played by Mitch Eakins. Can't wait!!
  15. Does anybody know what role Andy Shephard scored? He was cast a couple weeks before Mark Grossman but no details surfaced as to what role hel'll play...
  16. I meant people in general, not people on this site particularly. Haha, dunno, maybe?
  17. Yeah, people that probably don't watch the show... What would Adam have to do with Lola or Kyle or Summer? lol...
  18. I told you, Spider is Louis Litt's shrink, Dr Lipschitz, lol. As he should. Was the possibility of him joining the younglings even an option?
  19. It's definitely not him. It can't be, that's just dumb.
  20. I still can't stomach the ideea that Victor would keep Adam hidden or would just bump into him in Vegas... Come on Josh, you can do better!!
  21. Oh come on!!! I already popped the champagne! But let's not forget that Mia also said that she'll stay, when such rumors popped up so let's hope it'll happen again!
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