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Pass the Tequila

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Everything posted by Pass the Tequila

  1. I'm new to BB, having only watched the last season of bbcan, which was kind of boring with the bro alliance sweep. So I'm really looking forward to watching this one! I also noticed that other posters here are glad that it's all new players... me too, because I don't know anybody or anything about previous seasons. Lol As a horse enthusiast myself, I was immediately drawn to Holly but is it possible she's had Botox or something in her face so young? 😞 Analyse is stunning. Wow. Nicole already chaps my hide. Blessings to the poster who shared the face chart - thanks! I found Jessica's "balanced Libra" comment to be a great ice breaker and I'll be watching her social game. I admire that she stepped up for Camp Director and campaigned well...girl is there to play! I loathe under the radar weasels. They seem to always win sadly. Looking forward to seeing who is evil and also catching up with reading here. Already had some great laughs! Thanks. 😁
  2. This is such a well written post. Thanks for that.. and I wish I had written it myself.☺️ I sometimes forget, while watching and commenting here, whether I'm a right reasons or wrong reasons viewer. Lol I'm a little torn on who Luke really is so I've been reluctant to comment too much yet. Right reasons says there is something good in him as Hannah said and we probably don't see because it's edited out. He does seem like he's trying. He is young though and he says some dumb things that definitely cross the line. I don't think this means he's automatically destined to become an abuser or gaslighter. I'm sorry I love y'all posters who think he is and agree with practically everything else you guys say, but I disagree that he is truly gaslighting. It requires intent. He's too dumb to have that kind of insidiousness. I think he's just a typical young stud, arrogant and full of himself, recently grabbing on to religion and all the sexism there..but what's really awesome to see is Hannah giving him a good tuning for it!! Delayed or not, she's not giving him any free passes. I never thought I'd say this in a million years but I sincerely hope (for right and wrong reasons), that he makes it to hometowns. I must see the interaction between his parents (and the relationship he has with his mum), to see what if any influence they may have had with respect to his offensive comments (and possibly perspective). I don't know what factors created his filter. It'll be interesting to see. Also I didn't realise he was so short. In my experience 5'8" in a man (I'm almost 5'10" myself) can be emasculating...so maybe he's overcompensating? (sheesh sorry for the psycho analysis...I am not a physician!) I hope this all makes sense! Gah.
  3. I just can't with this Luke storyline anymore. So screensaver anyone? You're welcome. 😍
  4. Omg! I know!! With the vbl!! (visible boxer lines). Hmm...I'm apparently not too old yet to still very much appreciate that! 😁
  5. I do too actually. A lot. She makes me smile...in a good way. It's unfortunately not all black or white, for me at least...because there are times when I cringe. Like when she was skulking in the side room eavesdropping. I just felt very strange during that part. So I'm trying to direct my snark towards the producers (arranging all that). Because afterall she's still my favourite bachelorette ever. I liked Emily too. πŸ™‚
  6. Did anyone else catch Luke S jumping into Luke P's arms ala Dirty Dancing? I replayed that in FF slow-motion. Twice. They were still on the playing field by the sidelines. P was heading back towards the centre of the field/game with his back turned to S who was closer to the edge of the playing field. As P is walking away from S, S mouths off to P. P swings back around to face S. S charges P. P crouched to position himself to catch and lift S. S coiled up and springs into P's arms. Then the slam. I didn't see any knee in the head but that part was hard to tell. I'm sure if he were nailed, the producers would mine that for ratings gold and show it, no? I'm so glad they snuck that clip in! 😏 I don't really understand why I am disappointed when I know a lot of this show is fake. (I probably don't like feeling tricked I guess after the Colton Cassie cluster. πŸ˜’) Anyway I'm tempted to give up and just go read the spoiler thread from now on ...but it's difficult after so many seasons of my jumping through hoops to not be spoiled. I just don't see the point of my thoughts being so confused because I don't know all of the interesting stuff that is being cut out. 😒 I understand this show is formulaic...in that there is always a villian in the first few weeks that everybody hates...but now I'm wondering if maybe Luke isn't as bad as he's being made out to be? (I mean he's still bad but I don't need to be beaten over the head with it). As per the previews it looks like he's sticking around for awhile ... Am I going crazy? Is the show going to have him redeemed somehow? It's always so anticlimactic when the villian is finally tossed. Wouldn't it be interesting if they went off course and switched things up a bit? The previews do look interesting but I suspect are presented completely out of context. I'm sorry I'm so negative lately. I do however find Hannah's "all in 1000%" approach and her ability to make her needs known, to be refreshing overall. I admire her confidence and wish I had even a tenth of that when I was her age. I am choosing to not consider her entitled..although I do see how much she really does like attention. Then again so did I at that age! 😁 Also...too many instances of "like" inserted into a conversation - between that and the pause after every 5th word or the pause after saying "I"...silence for a beat, then continue the sentence = my ears bleeding. 😞
  7. A sense of humour is very attractive in my opinion. I also found that whole interaction between them to be quite endearing. πŸ™‚ Tyler would be really interesting as the next bachelor! 😁
  8. You guys! I hope I didn't break the laugh and like buttons! πŸ˜‚ Overall I think this episode was better than the last, which made me cranky. Gah sorry. And yet here I am ... haven't missed an episode!! I have to confess, I warmed to Tyler when he and Hannah had enunciation and hearing problems... Hannah said something like " you can really whack that axe" (referring to the Highland Games).. and Tyler heard "wax that ass" and said "I didn't know we were that close!" (They had been talking about the bare bums wrestling earlier). Kill me now! Most hilarious moment in the show! 😁 I'm in the "Hannah is over Luke" camp. Why? I think because she expected the producers to help her out of that scripted mess (on the beautiful seaside cliffs). The vibe I'm getting watching them doesn't convince me she is still into him. She is showing some pretty good interest (not just physical) in a couple of the others...which I am glad about. The previews look like we're in for an interesting season. I'm actually not snarking in that last sentence! lol I like a little bit of good sh*t to snark about, but I also watch to see if they just might find happiness. 😍
  9. I didn't like this episode. I resent when the producers force or manipulate me into thinking a certain way. So I'm going to snark shit all over this episode. I don't know whether I'm just being obstinate against the editing... but I have what I can tell are going to be some very unpopular opinions about this episode. I'm not 100% sold on Tyler. Although that last kiss they had (dancing to Jake Owens) gave me full body goosebumps. I can't really explain why I'm not all in with him, but it feels like he's very recently changed out of his "player clothes" and has donned this new "ready to settle down" outfit. Kinda like getting used to new shoes to me. Mike is a pot stirrer .. and Garrett can shove his moral police commentary up his ass. πŸ™„ Luke S irritates me. Maybe because I have a negative filter re his job? He lost points in my book last night. Not that he had many to start with. Too much of a weenie for my taste. 😝 Luke P surprisingly gained points. Yes I said it, but please hear me out! I still dislike him and he needs to leave. I did not like the way he glad handled her off the set 2 group dates back ..so for sure, he needs to go (he also needs to grow up some too). But overall he seemed to be taking her "instructions manual" edict to heart this episode. I mean aside from body slamming Luke (and I realise how ridiculous that just sounded!) But he did seem to dial it back some. He sounded fairly reasonable during the pile on segment... I hate those btw with all that Neanderthal testosterone flying around and the ganging up 14 to 1. Bleh. Plus you can't tell me that body slam isn't on tape somewhere and I suspect isn't anywhere near as bad as it was made out to be... otherwise they would have milked that for all it's worth. I don't have the energy to defend him more than that though. I wish there was a more mature version of this show...
  10. Me three, four wherever we are πŸ˜‹..except I rewound to a few minutes before the commercials started...then ff'd and grit my teeth through the last few seconds of the last commercial so I wouldn't miss a millisecond! Aaaaand just ONE brief sentence by Hannah hardly skipping a beat to the next topic she was gabbing about! What a weird way to do things. πŸ™„ I'm curious to know more, but I'm obsessively unspoiled to the point of not clicking on any links or googling anything bachelorette related. I'll have to wait until atfr to find out...if I even care or remember to. 😜 Ahem, clearing throat 😏..at the risk of incriminating myself for doing this lol, I went back to my Night #1 first impression notes on Tyler G. This is exactly what I had scribbled down..." 28, Psych grad student, Florida, intense eyebrows, "girl of my dreams" comment, navy blue jacket, white shirt open, no tie. " I vividly remember what he looked like and thought he was not my definition of attractive...but I cannot remember if my reaction to his "girl of my dreams" comment was my BS meter clanging or my appreciating his romantic side. πŸ€” I'm saying there's a possibility that I was fooled into thinking he was romantic...shudder... Sounds like he won't be on BIP😨
  11. I loved this episode and couldn't wait to come here and read y'all! 😁 Hannah is the best bachelorette yet and I've been watching since day 1. Of course she's not "perfect", but I can't help but think that this is going to be the most interesting season I've ever watched! (Popping open another can of Pringles as I type.) Best laugh for me was when Sleepy Tyler had the fake baby tucked upside down into the crook of his arm and Jason whoever said all droll, and I quote, "This one is holding it like a football." Omg I loved that segment partly sadistically, but more for how useful it might be for some of them in their futures. Too idealistic maybe? 😎 Slightly off topic but I agree with the poster above ...Where's MuShu? I miss her ...razor sharp tongue wit. Lol
  12. Random thoughts... I think Cam is A to B C. About to Be Curtains. Bye now. I'm fascinated by Kevin's glassy eyes. (aka "nuggets". Thank you above poster) I don't mind men being objectified. 😏 I think Hannah's hormones might have gotten the best of her with Luke P. πŸ˜„ Tyler C - for construction? Mixed attractions there for me anyway. 😌 Connor S - is growing on me but the vocal fry .. please no..seems to be contagious because then Hannah starts up with it. Agh!
  13. Ack. I just reread my dissertation above...I have no life. I'm obsessed. Lol Seriously I keep first impression notes on all of the guys the first episode to see if I'm on point or way off base with my assessments later on in the season. Fun times! 🀣
  14. Hey I've missed you guys! Love the hilarious and clever comments so far! I agree - Scott was a definite plant. I went back and watched his initial convo with Hannah. Deer in the headlights awkward. Also - not hot. Goodbye. I'm looking forward to Grant (profession "unemployed") bringing the humour. He's the sausage party mustard guy with the wry smile. Not overly hot but I hope she keeps him around a while. Tyler G has very intense eyebrows, yikes! John PJ is an agressive hugger and what's up with the scrunchy faced scowly eyes!? I agree with the poster above - producer plant 2.0. Connor S with the vocal fry, got the 1st kiss. Not sure if he's a true romantic or slick. Connor J had a lot of gimmicks...spoke french, did the tiara (did he bring that with him?), and the junk in the trunk. Ew. Was he the motivational car sales guy? Luke P (found God in the shower - snort!) has some Jake Gyllenhaal characteristics to me. I wonder if Matthew is maybe a bit sexist? He did that thing where he held her hands and raised her arms above her head so he could 'get a good look at her top to bottom'. Maybe he's really nice, but I wouldn't like that if someone did that to me. πŸ˜’ No-one particularly drool-worthy imo, but hopefully interesting. Buckle up for the testosterone flashes... which always make me laugh! Hannah is much better than I expected. Can they get camera #2 on Caelyn now please? I picture her purple with apoplexy. 😏 I thought Demi was quite restrained. Lol Looking forward to the season and checking in here. πŸ˜ƒ
  15. I think the$100k is going to be needed to support the winner's (? new ?) cancer stick habit. I'm surprised at all the smoking. I noticed that Adam actually had yellow nicotine stained fingers. Ick. I guess it could be stress...or strategy? (not wanting to miss out on juicy convos) Is there usually so much smoking though? I can't believe the intensity of negativity that I have for Anthony. What a bulldozer! He's highly effective at accusing/attacking others' actions...the same actions that he is partaking in himself and being all indignant or incredulous. Wtf?!! And does he actually believe his own baldfaced lies (and bullsh*t revisionist history?) The alarming thing to me is I don't think this is all just "the game" to him. The aggressive finger pointing and body language and forceful communication style seems to fits him like an old shoe. I bet there's some hx on him somewhere irl..or will be at the rate he's going. He can play people like a fiddle without batting an eye. Exhibit A - Kyra. How dumb can you be ...over and over again?! I would never have let Mark and Anthony speak privately...I mean if everyone is trying to prove they're not lying, then be transparent! "They're" in this context is meant collectively (sigh). πŸ™„ At least Dane hid his face behind his hands and hat when Kyra was going on about whose idea it was (obliviously claiming credit) to keep him afterall. He probably couldn't keep a straight face or conceal his glee. Sorry but Kyra does not deserve to win this.. however I love the monkey wrench being thrown into the peanut butter (TM someone above - tx for the laugh!) babies plans. So when Dane was confirming ride or die final two with Anthony...is that really true? Did that happen in the live feeds or something? I thought he and Adam were super close. Wouldn't it be great if Anthony were blindsided? I can't think of a more deserving guy and truly hope that his oust from the game is epicly humiliating. πŸ˜‘ So I guess, when it comes to rooting for someone to win, I'm basically ABA. (Anybody but Anthony) lol! The mum (and bff) segment was really moving to me. It was so nice to see genuine feelings there ... quite refreshing after all the backstabbery and lying. Oh... also interesting to hear the audience's support for Dane. And I especially enjoyed seeing the jury members interactions! Sam is quite pretty and Cory was gracious to admit she was fooled. Great episode! πŸ™‚
  16. The last two episodes pretty much can be summed up in one word. Meh. Was Damian not aware of the 4 PB alliance when he had that advantage at the beginning of the game? Why didn't he do something? I'm disappointed that Damian and Este are gone but they do deserve it, sorry. Tres boring watching 4 guys pick off everyone else one by one from day one... and hoping that someone for heaven's sake will finally break them up! (side bitch - I can't figure out how to turn off italics - sigh). Oh okay whatever, so back to my mini snark, I really hope the next season isn't a repeat of this strategy. πŸ˜’ Best compliment I can give is to Arisa's to die for blue and white dress! Omg I hope I can find a copy...non-maternity of course. 🀣 Great comments above. 😎
  17. Anyone else a bit aggravated by the circa 1950 guy mentality towards the women? Eg "she'll do what I tell her." Some deservedly or not, I thought the younger generation guys these days had evolved more. 😞
  18. Good intel. I'm thinking of going back and watching some old seasons, previously recommended by someone here, for the Canadian version. And depending on how this all ends I might try out the next season of the US version. Is that in the fall? I'll be busy with the BIP trainwreck this summer. πŸ˜›
  19. I forgot something else! Adam finding the flashlight and putting everything together to be the secret assassin?! And the suspenseful music!? I had fb goosebumps for 10 minutes, legit. The whole outcome of this show would have been quite different had he not figured everything out. Good job.πŸ† I also really enjoyed hearing the audience reactions to the vote. That's some good tv all around. πŸ‘
  20. Oh! I wanted to comment on this. I caught that too!! Adam's fast and clever response was awesome. Epic fail for Anthony, who was indeed being passive aggressive and condescending to boot. He got totally shut down. And I could not keep my eyes off of his face for the rest of the show. Where'd that shit-eating grin go Anthony? πŸ™Š
  21. I'm catching up on the last two episodes but only the last one is worth commenting on. And what a doozy! Omg omg omg! I agree with this! And hope you get a nice new top! 😎 Seems to me that Mark and Anthony are in a weak position now. Este and Damian must be pissed at them. One possible scenario...the PB alliance splinters..and I think this has crossed Dane's mind regardless of editing. Adam certainly said it. Dane's got Este (and by virtue) Damian now, with Kyra (close with Adam) to toss Anthony or Mark. No? Pray that it does...pray pray pray pray... Or maybe the PBs do go final 4? Either way...Anthony..that friggin guy! What's he do for a living? I see his career path heading in the direction of a CEO exec type job (high percentage of pyschopaths there) ...with his complete disregard for people's views or feelings. Total bulldozer! "This mojo can't be bought or taught!" "I'm going to beat you and you and you, all of you!" I. Can. Not. Wait.... until he is voted out. Hate him. πŸ˜‘ Hard to believe, but if Damian or even Kyra, who actually has some drama game - (stirring the pot is at least doing something!!) ..if they can't pull a win out of their hat... I'm rooting for Adam to win! He got a very kind edit last night so maybe I'm too suggestible. πŸ˜‹ Looking forward to the next episode! 🀸
  22. I don't know what to make of this show. I understand that no one wants "blood on their hands"...but I'm so annoyed with all the tough talk (no action) and misleading editing. So I've made a similar, if not reverse deal...if they actually "do" go through with their big plans, I will give myself permission to eat a bag of Cheetos. If they don't go through with their bs talk.. I will not. At this rate, my summer clothes should look fabulous with those extra winter lbs gone!! πŸ†πŸ‘™ The farting is a huge turn off, but I suppose he was alone so at least no one had to suffer. 😝 Anthony's arrogance is off-putting. Can't stand him. Nor his sappy contrived back story about his mum. I'm sure his mother is great and all, but he is so scheming. If he wins this...Booooo! πŸ‘Ž(I don't have a middle finger emogie!) Damian is a bit of a disappointment. That secret room and the 80's cassette recorder/player? I wonder what that means?? I wish Dane hadn't walked in...but shouldn't Damian and Este have hidden it right away?! I would have torn that thing into a million pieces and scattered it everywhere (concealed-ish). Waste other players' time putting it back together. Corey - I think it's too late for her now. She seems too entrenched with Anthony and he's using her. Shouldn't she, Kyra, Damian, and Este (and maybe one of the guys) try to shift the power? I can't remember who the 3 people were that Corey made "ride or die" deals with? Damian was one but who were the other two? I'm not sure what the strategic advantage is with the whole "have not" selection process? Doesn't this just basically reveal who that person is not close with in the game? I'm not sure what the point is? Kyra - is she a floater? I wish I had the time to watch the live feeds. (After I figure out how to! lol) Is there any particular time of day that has more "action"? It seems like I'm missing something. Or at least I might feel less manipulated by the producers. Bleh. Good comments above. Melina - say hi to Corey for me if you see her at the market. She's delusional right now but I hope she catches on before it's too late.πŸ˜‰
  23. This! They did this again after Sam pitched to Mark. Leading me to believe he might "blow up the PBs" since he's "been wanting to do that since the double". Which would have been a great play, but no he's floating. I love the "buy myself a new top" comment... especially funny! Adam is low man on the PB alliance now... not sure what to make of him. I think he and Sam should have approached Cory earlier together with specific details of when Dane first mentioned Corey on the block. With the east coast connection, it might have tipped the scales to Cory believing them. Instead Adam was being shielded/protected. Corey is going to feel like an idiot when she finds out the truth. Or I would if I were her. Anyway Sam is gone and the PBs are going to sweep this game apparently. Bleh. Anyone else can't stand that alliance name? PBs seriously? Whose idea was that btw? It's getting on my nerves.
  24. How interesting. Dish it up gurl! πŸ˜‰ Seriously upon further reflection, I'm really glad that there were finally some bigger plays. I would have felt the initial same way if it had been anyone. Anthony and Dane are playing a really good game. Is it alright to still smh at how easily they can lie? I think Sam and Adam's hormones got them hurt... directly or indirectly. Too distracting and detracting from the game. Also.. the piles of clothes scattered hither and yon drives me a bit batty. It doesn't look like they have closets and hangers, but still, they aren't teenagers.
  25. Wow. I actually feel bad for Sam. And Satan rage for Anthony. Ugh Although she should have seen it coming sooner. (easy for me to say lol) Poor clueless Este. Bless her heart. I don't know how Sam is going to get out of this. Este has some friends. And Adam is too angry to beg and not overly strong in negotiating or strategy. Any guesses on who Damian would send home? I don't know the relationship between Kyra and anyone really. Otherwise the rest (excluding Adam of course) seem pretty dead set on sending Sam packing. Corey surprised me too, as someone else mentioned. She looked like she wanted to punch Adam in the throat, when he was just pointing out the obvious...that she'd been played. I wouldn't want to tick her off in a bar in Nfld! lol Oh one more thing... I hate Dane. There, I'm done. lol
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