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Rebecca berkowit

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Everything posted by Rebecca berkowit

  1. Um, lots of reasons. First, she had syphilis. They could never have had sex. It would literally kill him. She wasn’t in a latent phase. (It’s nice to imagine they might’ve had a chaste romance, but not too realistic. He’s noble, but. It THAT noble.). Also, she was going to become horribly disfigured and die. Also, after the bad guy was killed, Eli was a wanted man. He couldn’t settle on a farm, as long as he was alive, they would have hunted him down and killed him, because a white man was killed, and he would’ve been blamed. Not fair, it was actually the white woman who killed the guy, but that’s just how it was. (Also, Eli said he was willing to take the blame for her. That’s why the other lady and her son left with the sheriff’s people, so the incident wouldn’t be traced to them.) If Cornelia had gone with Eli, they probably would’ve killed her, too, when they found him, whether in purpose or just because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The sheriff at the end told Eli that he would tell everyone he was already dead so they wouldn’t look for him, but that in order to make that work, Eli would have to basically go into witness protection, go somewhere where nobody knew him and never look back. He couldn’t go to start a farm back where he was from with other Indians who might have known him. Etc. I, too, am a romantic, but there’s no way this story was going to end up with them together.
  2. Quick question- if Miranda did eventually marry Steve after Brady was born ( which she did), wouldn’t his name be Brady Brady? Steve is his father. Even people who are not married usually give the kid the dad’s last name, if the dad is in their life and parenting the kid. If they actually do get married, that’s even more reason. But Brady is still Hobbs? That has NEVER made sense to me. I can see a woman keeping her maiden name. But a kid? I’ve never heard of that. I always thought this was soooooo stupid. They should’ve foreseen the Brady Brady possibility. I just don’t think anybody would do this with a kid’s name unless they knew they would never marry the father and the father wouldn’t play a big role in the kid’s life, but they just wanted the kid to have something to remember the father. If the writers knew they would probably get them married eventually, they never should have named the kid Brady. He will always be Brady Brady to me.
  3. Listen, if the only showed people who never did anything dumb or immature, there wouldn’t be a plot. TV is heightened reality. Of course, grown women wouldn’t act like this. That’s why it’s funny. I have no problem pointing out logical plot holes, though. I also have no problem criticizing the characters for their behavior within the show, that’s part of the fun. But I feel compelled to defend the writers of the MILF plot. It’s just absurd and funny that there would be this list, and that these women would care (because, of course, they would. They’re shallow sometimes.). But once you accept the premise, there is no logical “plot hole” with it, so there’s that.
  4. I get that she made it up. I don’t get why she thought her friends would buy it. Or why they didn’t ask her “why did you take a test if you had no symptoms.” It makes zero sense.
  5. I bet Che IS an Android. It’s the only explanation. (I’ll be here all night. Try the veal.)
  6. Agreed. Why did she even buy an Android phone? They have Apple stores in LA. She could’ve bought one. It would’ve made more sense, because she could’ve seamlessly transferred all of her data, messages, photos. That’s what I would’ve done. That’s what anyone with an iPhone would’ve done. She might’ve been due for a new one anyway. I can only conclude that the Android phone purchase was put in there just to dump on Android, or to give her an excuse for not knowing how to use the phone so she would have to interrupt the taping. Again, just plain lazy writing! There were sooooo many other ways for them to do this, including having her just skip the taping altogether because Brady was going to call! I can almost picture the writers’ meetings: “Guys, what if? She loses her phone? And then has to buy— an Android? (Collective Ugh!) And doesn’t know how to work it? So it rings during the taping?” (And everybody laughs and doesn’t ask logical follow ups.). Also, “negative product placement” is brilliant! I bet Peloton has a little something to say about that! And also the designer of those shoes!
  7. I would also watch that show. Unfortunately, that isn’t this show. I also want to watch this show, or what used to be this show.
  8. I think that kid definitely looked at least 18, and he was seriously hot. And he was sort of looking at them in a sexy way, at least in their minds. I think they were just dumbstruck by his hotness. At least, that’s what I think the writers were going for. That this boy was unusually mature (some high schoolers are 18), and he thought they were MILF’s. They had thought he was a little boy. The comedy comes from surprise and reversal of expectations. It was expected that this was a young kid, not a hot mature guy. It is expected for men to react this way, not for women, and not for moms. I can’t fault them for trying, and they weren’t seriously implying that the women were seriously interested in harassing or sexually engaging with the kid in any way. It was more about their reaction, which the kid didn’t seem to mind. (They even showed a girl his own age drooling over him). No harm, no foul.
  9. SJP in her recent New Yorker interview stated she doesn’t watch the shows after making them, and she can’t remember what happened, either on the original series or now. And she’s executive producer, and very close to MPK. So that explains a lot of the continuity issues. This is the same designer who did Emma Watson’s “floating dress,” which was quite the talk of the internet recently (Google it). I do think that some of the fashion on this show is chosen to be deliberately provocative/polarizing. If they can’t get people talking/watching with the quality of the show, they might as well try to get them some other way. These shoes look like they have a tumor. I’m all for a avant-grade designs, but at least make it a flattering shape for the wearer! Nobody wants to see a bloody tumor on your foot! Why would a balloon get stuck in your sandal? Ever?
  10. I think “trick” doesn’t have to mean “John,” I think it can just refer to someone you took home for the night. Any gay men on here to confirm that?
  11. Yes, Nya does seem forced, like they don’t know what to do with her, and we all know that’s because she was originally intended as a love interest/friend for Miranda until Cynthia derailed that by insisting Miranda and Che was sexier. Which it isn’t. So now they don’t know what to do with Nya, because Miranda is not even in the same state, so they just throw her in with other characters like Lisa and see if that works. Also, does anybody else think the actress who plays Nya talks like her lower lip is numb? Just me? Ok, then. But in the scene where she was drunk and slurring, it was honestly hard to tell. Something about her delivery is always off to me, probably because the actress has no idea where the character is coming from.
  12. I think the characters are like Barbie Dolls to MPK, he just dresses them up and puts them in what he thinks would be fun situations. It’s too bad there are real viewers out there who watched the original series and related to these women and their stories. Wasn’t it supposed to be about four women, in the city, and their lives and relationships? Wasn’t it supposed to be an honest look at women, how they thought, talked, and behaved? Weren’t we told, back in the 90’s, that these were lives we could aspire to, that it was ok to be single, that it was ok to have sex with different men? A lot of us would like something like that now, but addressed to women who are now older. What is it like to be widowed? Divorced? Have children leaving the nest? How do relationships change? How do you meet new friends? That’s what I would like to see. And some of it is there, with Charlotte, Nya, and even Carrie. Miranda is just the worst, though.
  13. I liked Bros! It was good! I don’t know why people didn’t like it! But it doesn’t mean they’re homophobic. Sara Ramirez really comes off as grandiose and super narcissistic in that article. Not everything is about you and how you’re non-binary! Likening the Che storyline to the George Floyd protests (yes, really) is just beyond. What is wrong with this person? It’s like it’s the first time someone has come out as gender diverse. Not!
  14. The scene with the strap-on was the most unsexy sex scene I have ever seen. It was like they’d just gotten a new board game or some sports equipment and were trying it out. No eroticism at all. Same with all their sex scenes. Very “insert tab A into slot B.”
  15. I don’t know where this belongs, but on the topic of MPK/Pat Field- I just re-watched the behind-the-scenes documentary on the HBO website, and the overall impression is of a toxic workplace in which the employees are afraid of MPK and SJP, and so nobody says no to them and their every bad idea is indulged. (Che). It seems like the kids of workplace where if you aren’t a “yes man,” you quickly get shoved out. Cynthia is portrayed as a yes-man, and it works for her, as she gets to direct and episode and she gets the Che thing. The doc spends a lot of time with the wardrobe person who used to work for Field on SATC and has replaced her on this one. She praises Field and gives no reason for the departure of Field. She, in particular, seems to HATE/fear MPK, and she must clear her each and every wardrobe decision with him and SJP, down to each outfit, shoe, and bag, in the most suck-uppy way. She pretends it’s a teasing relationship, and she respects their wardrobe ideas, but you can see it’s really not, and she’s just doing this to keep her job. They show a dispute over a stupid hat between MPK and SJP, with this wardrobe lady in the middle, and it’s just horrible. I would NOT want to work there, and I can understand why Cattrall left, why she doesn’t like MPK/SJP, and why she wants to be dressed by Field.
  16. I didn’t think about that angle on the Brady thing, because I didn’t hear him say “everybody’s breaking up.” You’re right, he was probably upset about Miranda and not just his own breakup. That would explain the crying, and why he wanted his mother. Makes the episode hit harder emotionally, if Miranda is realizing not just that he needs her because of the breakup, but that he just needs her to be HOME.
  17. Yep, he was totally in the preview. Just to keep us watching, I guess. Also, I may be cynical, but I think they put that whole book excerpt in there about how she “stared at him for what felt like hours but it was only a minute” to address the whole “why didn’t Carrie call 911” criticism from last season. They really devoted a LOT of time to her repeating that particular passage, about how he was on the floor and she was just standing there, staring. Which we all saw and questioned. Apparently, they want us to know it was much shorter than it seemed! Also also, the writing in that “memoir” was so terrible, Candace Bushnell would be upset if she watched it, which I understand she doesn’t.
  18. Brady was kind of a wuss, sorry. He was crying sooooo much over this breakup. Had they been dating long? It seemed a little over-the-top. I would think he’d be more angry and/or drunk. MPK probably would want teenage boys lusting after him. This show seems really obviously written by a gay man sometimes. But, that kid was HOT, and I like that they went there. It’s transgressive, sure, but that’s what SATC was about, pushing boundaries with women and sex. But I’m a mom of a high schooler at a ritzy private school, so I can totally relate to these plots. It’s like reality, but just a little heightened. The Lisette intro at the beginning of the episode with the whole forced exposition by Carrie (“oh, you are my neighbor and you design jewelry and you won this particular award and you have a new jewelry show coming out which I am going to), was so awful and clunky! These writers can be so lazy! At least have Lisette bring it up in passing! Or just have Carrie tell the girls at lunch she’s going to the jewelry thing. Or don’t! But it’s like they knew we had already forgotten who Lisette was and so they had to remind us.
  19. I agree, am sure she didn’t take a test. But she SAID, on the phone to either Charlotte or Miranda, that she was completely asymptomatic and would not have known she had it. “Except for the test.” Why would they have her say that? What test? Why would she have taken a test? The person she was talking to would’ve certainly wondered why she even took a test if she had no symptoms. Or was she hoping they’d believe she had been required to take one to record the podcast? Was she? Are jobs still requiring that? When does this take place? I thought this plot point made no sense. She should’ve just said she had some slight symptoms. Or that she had the flu. It’s like they were trying to get a laugh from the whole Covid thing. Too late, too unfunny.
  20. I liked this one, it’s better when they don’t go all in on the preachy diversity stories and just make it light and fun. They did a good job in this one of integrating the new characters without making it a Very Special Episode (though, of course, Lisa and Nya are suddenly BFFs, because they just have soooo much in common, like discussing hot Black dudes. Eye roll.). Loved Charlotte this episode, the whole thing with the Milf list was hilarious, and I loved her Burberry apron with Burberry shirt (and Burberry shoes and purse). Liked the treatment of Carrie’s grief. Quibbles: first of all, no way that in June 2023 someone saying they have Covid would send everyone fleeing from the room like that. And why did Carrie even take a test? Again, no way it would’ve been required today. For anything. So the whole “I’m asymptomatic and wouldn’t have known but for the test” is a huuuuge plot hole. She should’ve just said she had the flu. Covid makes no sense in this context at all. Maybe it would’ve in 2021. Now it’s just not current and also in poor taste. Another plot hole- what did Miranda think when she brought her phone into the taping illegally? Was she just going to answer it if Brady called? Suddenly run out of the studio? Stupid. Makes no sense. A better way to do this would have been to have her miss the taping, because she had to face the choice, right there, of leaving her phone (and Brady) or supporting Che. That could’ve made her realize what was more Important. They could’ve had the same fight outside the studio after she missed the taping. Also, Che came off as a selfish bitch who doesn’t care about Miranda at all. Third plot hole: why would that guy be stealing all the very unique items from a buzzy new designer at a show that got a ton of press? There’s absolutely NO WAY he could’ve fenced those they would be immediately identifiable, no fence would touch them.
  21. Aiden!!! I always thought she jerked him around so bad with going back to Big and playing them off each other and all. He was a good guy! I started watching the show when she was already dating Aiden, so I wasn’t invested in the Big relationship.
  22. Also, isn’t a blow-dry supposed to DRY the hair? As in, when it’s wet? Who goes in for a blowout and all the guy does is fluff around your already-dry hair? Why didn’t they show her going to the sink first? Wouldn’t he say “go get washed?” (He certainly would, or wash it himself). Obviously, they just wanted to show the conversation and also maybe have no idea what a blowout involves. Do they have any women writers on this show or is it all gay men? At least have him say something like “How do you want to style it today?” , so it seems like maybe a consultation they would be having before the washing or something, and not like they’re showing the actual blowout. (Or, make it a haircut! Or show her starting the conversation after coming from the sink, not walking in the door! So many possibilities instead of this lazy writing!). And then, the guy’s like, “I’m not done!” No shit, dude, you didn’t even start yet! (You fluffed the hair around slightly, like a terrible actor with bad writing and no direction). She isn’t washed! Someone tell me, are dry blowouts a thing? I have seen it on the menu at some quick blowout places, but I don’t think it’s the usual procedure. Especially for people with curly/wavy hair- you need to apply the heat when it’s wet, once it’s dry it’s too late to get it smooth. A blow dryer is just that, a DRYER. If you’re going to make a cheap “blow me” joke (and I am not above doing that with my stylist), at least know what you are talking about.
  23. And just like that, they lost me. First, I guess I need to say it: the vagina is self-cleaning with the appropriate Ph maintained by the body. There is never a need to “balance the ph.” Any products which claim to do so are actually harmful and just designed to make money by making women feel dirty. I thought we knew this. THAT, and the phrase “vaginal odor,” should’ve been the reason Carrie objected to promoting such a product, not some sudden squeamishness about vocabulary. (If there is an odor, it’s because you have an infection and need to see a doctor. Probably because you used a product like this and upset the ph.). I thought we knew this. I thought this was a feminist show, with women writers. Second- the Black characters are back to serving as object lessons about Blackness, this time with clunky exposition about Black hair, colorism, and what it was like for Black people in the past. They should just be part of the ensemble, like everyone else. Every story doesn’t have to be about them being Black. That’s what went wrong the first time. Well, it was fun while it lasted.
  24. Well, I’ll be darned, maybe I’m just jet-lagged, but I thought this was good! It was funny! I actually laughed a couple of times. And the new characters weren’t loudly proclaiming their diversity, (except Che, see below) they just seemed like part of the ensemble. Che is still not funny, not in the least bit androgynous or transgressive, and I’m so old that I kept wondering who the other person was when someone said “they” (and they did make sure to say “they” like five hundred times, even when Che was standing right there, just in case we didn’t get it). But I actually liked the character in the scenes with Miranda and the phone call with Carrie. The writing on this just seems more like the old show, just about friends and silly situations and not trying to make such a political point. I love all the characters, they felt like old friends again. Your mileage may vary.
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