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  1. I'm going to Key West on Friday. I don't care how may months since this was filmed but there is no way I'm drinking tap beer now.
  2. Yes to this entire post. My daughter dealt with female athlete anorexia nearly 5 years ago and "recovered" within a year. I can't imagine her (and neither can she quite frankly) being a role model or in a capacity to help people dealing with anorexia with it being so fresh. But I am giving Amelia a pass because shes so young, and well, she has Rinna for a mother. I certainly wish her well in dealing with her disease
  3. I cant believe I am going to say this but I really didn't see anything wrong with Vickie and the others twerking. I mean, I am close to Vickies age and hey, when we are on vacation and there is most likely some alcohol flowing, I have been known to act younger than my age so to speak. Granted I am not being filmed for television, but sometimes you just want to have some fun. We are not that old that we have to be relegated to sitting primly at the table with our napkins in our laps. Yes there were other diners there that may have been disturbed by it, but I have been on that end as well and I just say let people have their fun. It didn't look like they were in all that fancy of places when the twerking took place, so I say go with it. I am hoping that this is the ONLY time I justify Vickies behavior, because I generally think she is a vile person.
  4. I think the only thing she said about her daughter was she was her "feral" child. Gee, thanks Mom.
  5. So Tinsley flops down on her daybed in her massive closet and says “she has finally made it”. Exactly what has she done to finally make it?? I am trying to keep liking her, but she is making it so hard!
  6. I am in now way an Erica fan, but I don't understand why it was "weird" of her to leave. I know as I get older, periods get worse and worse, and yes, sometimes you have, shall we say, intestinal issues that flare up at that time as well. I would not want to be at a friends house dealing with that when there are other options available. I think she was being considerate, not weird. And yes, she looked so much better in the morning without all the makeup she usually wears and her hair kind of natural. As for Teddi, if my houseguest/friend did the same thing and I thought it was weird no way would I tell that to their face. I would hope they were ok, ask if I could do anything for them, etc. I may possibly think it was odd, but never say it to their face. Good hostess and all that.
  7. I am not sure if I want this show to come back or not. I too was expecting something different when LeeAnns mom walked thru the door. And it did not sound like LeeAnn was totally abandoned like she implied. I do think LeeAnn looked so pretty in her THs with her hair curled and pulled back. Both her and D'Andra need to ease off on the straightners some times. I don't know if it is the heavy eye makeup, fake lashes or whatever, but both D'Andra and her mom have such bloodshot eyes and they look painful. Not sure what is going on there. It may be just me, but I think Birkins are ugly and really $12000 per bag. Crazy.
  8. Loved this episode. I hate to admit it, but I actually loved Kelly. Quit touching me, why are you telling me what to do, my daddy is going to call your daddy. Gold Jerry Gold! Vickie leaving Shannons room saying she has to call Steve because he was so worried about her. Um Vickie, when you called him on the way home from the hospital to eat your casserole, I believe he said you should just strap yourself to the outside of the plane and come home. So very caring.
  9. Yes Chris Sullivan....he seems like a nice, fun guy. Love his hats!
  10. This show is circling the drain. We get it...everybody hates Vicki. In the earlier episodes I liked Peggys husband, but after that butterfly thing with the poor waitress he lost me. It was not funny in the least, and then Peggy adds hes off his meds. Nice job there. I am liking Megan his season and her baby is such a cutie. I appreciate how Megan just does the baby thing and the work thing, and makes no big deal. I can appreciate that Shannon is maybe not as exercise oriented as David, but come on, go support him at his events. I have run many races and even though my husband complains about how silly it is, and the time consuming training it entails, he is the first one I see when I cross the finish line. I felt bad for David at the end with no on beside him.
  11. Lydia please pack up your two new vehicles, your fairy Dusting mom, your Justin bieberish boys, your nobleman hubby and his balls and feel free to leave the OC. Thanks!
  12. Unpopular opinion but I feel bad for Lu..as I feel bad for anyone that divorces. Once it seemed like a perfect union and for whatever reason it failed. I can't imagine. Do I think she is probably an insufferable woman who thought she had it made...yes. Do I wish that on her..no. I wish her the best without Tom and hope that the rest of the ladies are being cool...not uncool with it!
  13. I know they have to do this for the "show" but dressing for dinner every night when it is just the girls seem so exhausting to me. On our trips we just throw coverups or what ever on and stay casual. I cant imagine dragging so many clothes on vacation and doing hair, makeup just to stay in and scream at each other. When Bethany was laying on her stomach and getting a massage, her shoulder blades looked like they could cut glass. Girl is thin!
  14. Most amazing episode ever! I literally laughed out loud many times. I am Lu's age and all I could think after seeing her fall twice was girl you are going to be sore tomorrow! Ramona is the worst guest, traveler, friend ever...ugly American indeed.
  15. I enjoyed all the cringeworthy moments of this episode, but I am so looking forward to the Mexico trip: Lu tripping and falling. Sonja drinking out of the marg pitcher and Lu running and grabbing it from her. All the screaming, fighting and everything else that goes along with these "fun" trips. And in the preview we hear Ramona again complaining/scheming about the "good" room. Never change ladies, never change!
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