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Everything posted by MythTaken

  1. Please. The opening of your first line was patronising and belittling. You know exactly what you were doing and lembergwatcher actually tried insinuating that I am one of the people who sees Xander as the “true villain” of the show. It’s incredibly obvious that you 2 don’t like anyone saying negative things about creepy sexist Xander. Other posters have pointed out Xander’s sexism and you responded afterwards. His fans tend to defend or downplay his actions though, such as him acting entitled and creepy towards Buffy, or putting the blame on her for Riley’s actions in S5. Then there’s him slut-shaming, which is apparently acceptable and “not a big deal”, as I’ve seen his fans say. When posters have to compare a character to a murderous vampire in order to make him look decent, he isn’t that decent. He’s just better than a murderer.
  2. Who are you even quoting “strongest fighter” from? Who has said that the strongest fighter has to lead? That could count Faith, as well as Buffy. Ah yes, people can’t be ungrateful assholes if they have previously done something good. That’s how it works. Since the gang had previously helped Buffy, that totally means they were fine to kick her out of her own house. Nothing ungrateful there. Helping her out before totally negates their actions in S7. One might say that and one would be wrong. Treating the people following your lead like any other solider isn’t “ungrateful”. It’s tactical.
  3. Because Buffy was the one who had been on the frontline for 7 years. She was the one who had sacrificed her life to save the world. She was the one who was chosen to fight. The others didn’t have Buffy’s strength or determination. Just look at how they immediately started to follow Faith after they kicked Buffy out. None of them could lead. They hardly even bothered trying. They wanted a Slayer to show them the way and they chose poorly with Faith. As much as you enjoy insulting Buffy’s intellect (like you have in other posts) she was smart. Judging her emotional actions at the age of 17 (again, like you have in another post) does not mean she was not intelligent. Willow did not have the intelligence to lead an army of fighters. It’s ridiculous to pretend otherwise. You’re seriously suggesting that being booksmart, meant that Willow could lead an army of fighters? Come on. You cannot be this bias… Giles never showed an ability to lead a group of fighters either. Again, having booksmarts doesn’t make someone good at leading. Buffy was a good leader and ultimately proven right. Her friends were ungrateful assholes, who had been used to freeloading from Buffy after S6.
  4. Yet you’re so defensive of Xander (and rude to anyone who criticises him), even though he tried to stop Buffy from killing Anya, when she returned to being a Demon and started killing again. Seems hypocritical. A bit like Xander. At least Buffy had the excuse of being 17 and the one who had to kill her bf. Xander was an adult and didn’t have to kill Anya. He still stepped in and tried to stop the murdering demon from being killed.
  5. This just confirms what I said. Xander was based on Whedon. I didn’t say he was the only character based on Whedon, or that Xander 100% represented Whedon’s personality. People here are very quick to be rude and belittle people for having an opinion. I said he was a terrible character and a “nice guy”. Why are you twisting that into the “true villain”? So are we not allowed to call out Xander’s attitude and hypocrisy, because he wasn’t the worst person in the show? How does that make sense? Xander was clearly not the worst person in the show. “Saint Spikey” easily had him beat. Do you know who else did? Anyanka. The horrific torturer and murderer, who Xander had no issue being with, despite all of the grief he gave Buffy over Angel. There’s nothing wrong with thinking he should’ve been called out for this hypocrisy. Buffy reminding him that she had to kill Angel in Selfless doesn’t cut it. Some fans need to accept different opinions, without being so rude about it. Xander is disliked by many. That doesn’t mean everyone is saying he’s the “true villain” or that he’s free from criticism, just because you like him. If this is what some fans are like these days, I can see why this forum isn’t popular. I’ll leave you guys to keep defending the sexist creep that is Xander. He’s obviously perfect and not allowed to be criticised!
  6. Terrible character. A “nice guy” who never got called out for his actions, leading me to believe we were often meant to sympathise with him. Given he was created by Whedon and Whedon based Xander on himself, this makes sense.
  7. You’re not “making excuses for Weatherly”, but you’re 100% trying to downplay what he did/said. The man openly spoke about wanting to spank Dushku (in front of the crew, who joined in with the harassment), and he told Dushku he wanted to take her to his “rape van”. How is that creating a rapport? Sounds like straight up harassment and even threats to me. This is why men continue to get away with harassing and hurting women. People will always defend or downplay their actions. I’ve seen so many people straight up call Dushku a liar, ignoring the fact that video evidence exists and Weatherly admitted he was guilty. Some here have even tried blaming Dushku for not speaking to Weatherly first, even though she did and if she hadn’t, so what? Why is it always on the women being harassed to correctly respond?
  8. You say that like it’s so easy. Just look what happened to Eliza Dushku for speaking up.
  9. A sop? Saville had a completely different accent, so it wouldn’t make sense to do an impression of him, while playing a Scouser. It was a great performance regardless. I don’t quite believe that. People seem to enjoy making it personal way too much. The comments about MH are plain nasty.
  10. I haven’t posted here in ages, but I see it’s still 90% Benson (and MH) bashing. I’m no Benson fan, but don’t people get bored of this? McShane’s accent in the ep was weird. He was obviously trying to sound Scouse, but it sounded like he was doing a bad Jimmy Saville impression. I thought he dislikes the #metoo movement too, so I’m surprised he did an episode about the event that helped make it so big.
  11. I have nothing good to say about Buffy in S7 regarding Spike. I absolutely detested him and their relationship. They were awful and I especially despised the treatment of Robin, both from Spike and Buffy. I do disagree with your comment about Anya though and even if she did mean it that way, Buffy was the slayer. She had to take charge and lead the others. She wasn’t “better” than them as a person, but she was in charge and she had to dish out orders, including to young girls she knew would did under her leadership. The way the group treated her was vile, when all she was trying to do was keep everyone alive and save the world.
  12. I actually thought she was more annoying in S7. Especially when she called Buffy lucky for being the Slayer. She was there when Buffy died and she thought Buffy was lucky, because she had to fight evil every day?
  13. I made the mistake of watching a clip from this ep on YT. Penny not wanting kids sure brought out the incels/mgtow/typical misogynists 😆
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