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Everything posted by JillThePill

  1. Not boring at all. Thanks for the rundown. Very interesting!
  2. I think that once LVP stops filming, the rest of the cast will go above and beyond with antics and laughing and "omg, this is the best time ever!". I think they probably viewed it as an audition for an LVP-free show and really turned up to show that they don't need her. They can try....
  3. Well, I don't see the point in pointing to something PK says unless you believe he means it. Seems to me he has shown himself to be slimy in so many ways that nothing has says is reliable. Maybe we're supposed to believe him this time because it fits the anti LVP narrative people are so excited about.
  4. So somehow now PK, of all people, is being held up as some sort of bastion of truth, honesty, and judge of character? When did this start? I, for one, wouldn't trust a single syllable he says about anyone. Also, I rewatched episode 1 this morning, paying close attention to the VPDogs scenes. When they are all beginning to sit down, the Johns are starting to get into the Dorit story. Lisa, not for the first time, says that she doesn't want this discussed and then she looks right at the camera. They cut away at that point. Those who say that she should have shut down filming (as if she's anything more than an employee of RHOBH), she may have tried there. There is a cut there.
  5. Me, too! I thought it was only me. Clearly I need to improve my pajama game. I wonder what those cost....
  6. I have always thought that this was the beginning of EJ's problem with LVP. When Tom said LVP was his "only worthy adversary," EJ could have spit nails. Shortly after that, he reprimanded EJ for speaking when he was speaking, and she looked like a belittled child... And she knew LVP got her number right there and then and has hated her for it ever since.
  7. According to LVP on Twitter this morning, Lucy was 10 weeks old. So that gives you an idea of the "viciousness" of these "bites." 🙄
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