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Everything posted by AndySmith

  1. If a study was commissioned, the number of kids found to have been expelled from their school cross referenced with the number of kids who broke an arm from falling while trying to sneak out of their homes is probably not that common or high. Well, it might be among students who were expelled from their schools.
  2. "Anecdotal evidence is evidence from anecdotes, i.e., evidence collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony."
  3. I'm not using anecdotal evidence to justify anything.
  4. Well, I'm glad we have anecdotal evidence from one person to settle this issue.
  5. Well, if she moved there, and you took her on as a client, you'd be set for life ;) I can almost imagine Caroline Stansbury's facial expression if she met her for the first time...side-eye with one eye-brow raised, thinking to herself "What the bloody hell is that?" Opening Youtube, and typing in "Kyle Richards on ER" is a specialized talent.
  6. Her tagline in Dubai: "When you've traveled the world, you can speak in 30 different accents, sometimes in one sentence." Just imagine how that one sentence would sound... Here is the only clip I can find on Youtube of Kyle on ER...well, the only one that mentions her. I'm sure she is in some other scenes in the background and/or helping the docs out.
  7. That American humor and all. Some people just don't get it.
  8. Poor David, all of his friends moved away to And They Were Never Seen Or Heard From Again Island...well, expect for poor DeadScott, because, you know.
  9. Hmmm...I don't see the word personally anywhere in there.
  10. We know people from the show, otherwise, we wouldn't be on here commenting about them... I guess Christmas and his birthday is no longer enough?
  11. I never said I knew someone personally from the show.
  12. Well, pink is one of Dorit's favorite colors, no? One carrot-flavored Xanax smoothie for the bunny, stat!
  13. All the while muttering "But...but...Lisa Rinna said..."
  14. And anytime someone gets up to leave the table, she'll say "Oh, now?"
  15. Mark as the new Doug...yeah, not the best idea the show had. Luka kind of worked as a new Doug...of sorts...but the writing had slipped by that point. At least Luka gave Doug a run for his money in the attractiveness department.
  16. And a Buddha Bar Birthday party too...Dorit must like luxury gifts beginning with the letter B.
  17. We all know people from the show, but that doesn't necessarily mean we are fans of all of them.
  18. I don't quite see it that way, but to each their own...
  19. Knowing someone and saying you're a fan of them are two separate things. Also being asked by Christina Aguilera to perform at her birthday party must have been nice. Of course she can. She can regale us with tales of PK flying in ostrich poop specially for her, for her next hairdo style.
  20. Given how many nationalities, ethnicities, and accents there are in Dubai, and if you go by the theory floated on here that Dorit's brain is wired to pick up accents, Dorit would sound like she is speaking gibberish within a week, if not sounding like she is speaking in tongues outright...
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