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Jul 68

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Everything posted by Jul 68

  1. I hate to say it, but I don't even remember who Claude is. Can anyone tell me what epi to re-watch so that I can jog my memory?
  2. Well that was dull as hell. I'll be honest; for the first time EVER, I baled out before it was over. It's DVRed, so I can always watch the ending later, if something posted here piques my interest.
  3. That wouldn't work on this show, though because 6 months is about 3 seasons and they love Rebecca Mader too much to have her gone that long. She could only break the magical rules so many times before it turns into the whole portals popping up constantly crap we have now. You know what? Never mind. I forgot what show we are talking about for a minute there.
  4. I had a very similar thought, only I'm thinking either Mickey is doing it as a way to teach Henry to only write what has already happened or Hades is doing it to screw with them.If Henry is actually writting it, he isn't helping to write their escape or Hades demise as he is supposed to be doing. Shouldn't we have seen him at least ATTEMPTING to do this? I would like to see him trying and drawing bad stick figures (as I would) and then tearing out the page and tossing it in the magical garbage.
  5. Why is Belle even trying at this point? Oh yeah, TS:TW.
  6. I think the writers forgot about our tree-afied dwarf friend. I wonder if anyone is still tossing tacos across the border? Regarding the newest spoiler, have they shown runes before? I don't recall.
  7. Also, the loft gives them an easy excuse for everyone being in the same room all the time (except Henry off 'writting' upstairs). Speaking of, I have a teen boy and if he slept that much, I'd DRAG him out of that room. Seriously, no teen sleeps that much without a medical condition.
  8. Here in the states, Davy Crocket and Daniel Boone are far from obscure and are still taught in History classes as early as elementary school (Kindergarten - 5th grade). While I am wary of how real life persons might be portrayed with TS:TW, I am waiting to pass judgement until I see if/how it unfolds. ....crossing fingers and holding out hope.....
  9. I think that it was Rumple talking to Belle. I think he learned a (soon to be forgotten, I'm sure) lesson from the situation he let Emma put him in. By coming immediately clean with Belle, he freed himself from a level or two of Hades' blackmail. Rumple is many things, but he is normally fairly intelligent. Is there more going on with him than meets the eye? Yeah. There always is, which is what made him such a delicious character in S1.
  10. They probably think they're being clever again forgetting that LOTS of people know what "Friend of Dorothy" is a euphamism for. Seems that it's easier to get into Underbrooke than to walk out of Storybrooke unscathed.
  11. I'm wondering if Henry doesn't remember writing the pages because he DIDN'T write them, Hades or Mickey did.
  12. I think they should ditch the half season arc thing. I find it quite annoying. No quality hour long drama does that, at least none of the ones that I watch.
  13. Thank Zeus that the boards are back up, but of course everyone's gone to bed by now. I guess I'll read the next few pages during lunch tomorrow.
  14. OK. That was spooky. Are A&E finally reading this board?
  15. Shanna Marie: As usual, I agree with everything you just said.
  16. I'm hoping that the trip to NY was just to show Violet what the LWoM is like. Henry would pick NYC because he erzatz lived there and wants to show her his old haunts before she goes back to living without electricity, internet, and cell phones.
  17. I never read this thread, because I live in Spoiler world, so if this has already been addressed, forgive me. If CS ever get married, do you think Regina would let Killian adopt Henry?
  18. Nah. Knowing the snail's pace that A&E has set for CS, it's either a run of the mill big kiss or a 'let's shack up' kiss. If they ever do get married, do you think Regina would let Killian adopt Henry? Oops. Better move that over to the Spec thread.
  19. They were 2 different people who shared a body and appeared different depending on who was in control.
  20. Bite your tongue! Don't even put that out there in the ether.
  21. I think Henry wants to be a Hero so that he can live up to the standards that he feels his family has set. They are all (Regina included) heroes in his eyes and are all (generally except Regina) hailed as such. I can see how a teenager in that family would feel an overwhelming pressure to be one.
  22. Maybe she heals the sweater too. Magic is a great stain remover, but it comes with a price...
  23. I thought that the Abandon All Hope thing was a shout out to the Disney ride Pirates of the Caribbean. Maybe my Floridian is showing on that one.
  24. I brought this over from the spoiler discussion thread so that I don't accidentally cause it to be blocked. Congrats! You weren't TOO far off base. Did any of them tell Milah about Henry? My husband decided to call his father during that scene, so I didn't hear everything.
  25. I'm wondering if there is some sort of rule that Hades can't harm his guests. In my mind, he knew what Rumple was planning and set the James Bond villian death trap on the super slow setting (as all such devices have only that speed) to give the trio time to rescue Killian, therefore not violating the rule. Same goes for random minions beating Hook. I was curious who would be first to take my pun bait and how long it would take. {Ding ding} Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner. Congratulations! LOL.
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