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Jul 68

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Everything posted by Jul 68

  1. I've given up all hope on the networks. I have refused the watch any new show until it hits season 2 for many years now. I even did this with our beloved OUaT. It's like they want us to all give up and only watch shows on cable, Netflix, and Amazon. I meant to add that I keep singing Hook's song at work and people are starting to look at me funny. I think I need to change songs.
  2. I was once at one in a church where the bride requested (and the DJ played) The Thong Song.
  3. I just have a feeling that it's going to turn into AfterMASH or, worse yet, W*A*L*T*E*R.
  4. I love this quote from Ginny regarding her and Josh's number: Source: http://www.eonline.com/news/849137/once-upon-a-time-12-things-to-know-after-the-musical-episode Warning, the remainder of the article is rather rage inducing A&E horse fritters.
  5. I just discovered that the soundtrack is on Spotify, so I'm quite pleased. As I was listening to it, I realized that back in the SEF (Singing Enchanted Forest), Hook clearly got Snowing to the Queen's castle. I guess that Hook and his crew didn't get to Rumple before Blue erased their memories. Must have been an interesting conversation ? Hook: How in the bloody hell did we get here?! Smee: Rum? By the by boss, where are we?
  6. Could you imagine him truly finding someone his own age? Isn't Rumple the only person left who is (that we know of)?
  7. Loved Emma's dress and makeup, especially her lipstick. It was all beautiful. THAT should have been how the show ended.
  8. Come on guys. We want to see the wedding. Not just snippets. Show, don't tell.
  9. If Charmz hadn't hesitated, Regina would have been dead. I thought he was smarter than that. Nice last minute deus ex machina from Blue.
  10. Because he wasn't in the room when Rumpy stole the potion.
  11. Did anyone else just see a Kay commercial for wedding rings? Smart move on their part.
  12. "What they call green with envy, I just call looking good" I love that line!
  13. Did they put Lana in black and feathers to compare her to BF?
  14. What the what?! Henry brought her to Storybrooke to break the curse, not my neck from another retcon whiplash.
  15. Love this song. Colin is even charismatic when singing. He's the perfect man. Swoon. His wife is one lucky lady.
  16. It's just shocking to see on Disney marquee show on a Disney network, especially before 10pm. Not that the word carries the gravitas it once did, but it's DISNEY. I've worked for Disney. It's shocking.
  17. You need to Tweet this. Repeatedly and often.
  18. Ugh. I forgot how much watching live sucks. Commercials!
  19. Silly husband just called me. I'll call him back at 9.
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