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Everything posted by GordonGartrelle

  1. QUOTE Rollins has horrible taste in men. I don't know if I can agree entirely. I'd go for Donal Logue and I'm a straight male... Okay, so you are not blind. For whatever reason, that chubby redhead makes that look work. But look at how he went out. Rollins told him "You don't have to be part of our kid's life" and he pretty much responded with a "Great, cause I have a job out of town, but if you need anything let me know and I will make it back."
  2. Lindsey is crazy as a shit house rat In all my years, I have never heard anything like this and it is the most funniest thing I have ever heard, my goal, for the rest of my life is just to add that phrase to everyday normal conversation. EDIT: 01/22/2019 - 5:28PM. Now this is Spooky. Here I am watching Homicide: Life on the Street, S4E4, and Baliss just said that phrase to a perp during the interrogation.
  3. I loved that Brent was exposed for what he really is. An insecure little boy. I've developed a very good eyeroll for people like this.
  4. OMG. I thought this was going to be something to laugh at and make fun of but it's not. This is the most depressing thing I have seen in a while. These kids are losers, and it's not because they don't have any idea of what they want to be, it's how they carry themselves. These kids are broken and sad, and they need therapy to build up their self-esteems. C'mon, these are like the kids of the characters of the Sopranos. Your parents (at least if they aren't douchers) don't want this for you. You gain nothing from trying to be a gangster. Cause you are not. You are a Wannabe's. and I keep calling them kids because that's what they are. Younger than 23, older than 12. They shouldn't be on this show, they are being exploited. And Isn't it more tough to not talk about how tough you are.
  5. The fact that they said the season finale and not the winter season finale makes me think this show is not coming back. Usually shows premiere in September. As much as i like this show, i can forget it by nine months.
  6. Did Nicole just get out of witness protection. Her high school picture and what she looks like today are two different people.
  7. Joe is an unmitigated asshole. Who suggests a split when your woman clearly has PPD? Dick. He is not the catch he thinks he is. Cyn needs to bail and quick. I had one of those spit your drink out moments. Here is your girl that is sad and hurting and obviously wants some emotional attention from you. and you respond is I'm okay if you want to break up. I don't even understand how anyone would be in a relationship with Joe, he seems dimwitted to me, as in someone who may suffer from mental retardation.
  8. Yes, TXHORNS79, I think that may have saved the episode, LOL.
  9. This show makes me feel like we have to teach our kids, that we love you, we will never give up on you, don't let some doucher kidnapper make you think so. There was another L&O: SVU, where the dad died and never knowing that his daughter was alive. There was a L&O (MOTHERSHIP) episode based on the DC Sniper case, where the dad died never knowing his son was still alive. I thought she was in on it only for a split second. After I didn't see a smug reaction or the lighting wasn't different or a different sound, I realized she was legit. You must understand as a fan of all the Law and Orders and now Chicago P.D., there is a formula to tell who is in on something. The victim and protagonist are just filmed different. What creeped me about that scene, was that they flashed a badge and she let them into her home, and into her basement. This woman came across as so dimwitted that I worried, what if Fin and Carisi were not real cops. You just let two dudes into your house.
  10. . Not just the occasional snarky remark where the characters intended to be funny, but outright comic moments rooted in the obliviousness of a character or physical comedy. For instance the classic "Master Baiter" scene. "Not a masturbater, the (D) Master Baiter", after some poor idiot stood up. Wow. Classic, LOL!
  11. May you explain the "not my cup of tea" stance that represents Amanda.
  12. And that woman with the house? Had a decided lack of curiosity why two NYC detectives were interested in her former tenant and her basement. I would've at least asked why they wanted to see my basement before leading them down and leaving them alone there after asking about my paneled wall. Holy Cow, that woman was so oblivious I didn't know what to think of her. And then she comes back after they ask her to leave with tea and drops the mugs, and the mugs crash, and I have a serious eyeroll.
  13. She really had it out for the Blue-haired girl and her bra, didn't she? Yeah the girl was talking a lot and doing the most, but you showed up at their house during their down time. aside from the bra situation, which i hope in any other meeting with your boss, blue haired girl would have gone inside and put on a shirt. I think Lindsay was trying to figure out who the cool kids were based on how they got drunk. Alright.......I hate this show, but damn it I will watch.
  14. I thought the actor playing Cici's father was good so I gave a damn he got to see his kid alive. OMG yes. In the chaos that was this episode, the gentleman that played the dad was really good.
  15. as a fellow memeber, i not only remember the username, but your strong opinions of the Olivia character. I miss IMDB message board.
  16. I felt like maybe because I was tending to other things while watching the episode that I missed something because I also could not understand how every other 3way was consensual but he decided to rape this one girl? (I"m not saying it doesn't happen, I'm just saying in this episode it didn't make sense) And the dead girl was a Red Herring, served nothing to the plot except to make us think that ??? (forgot name) was dead. Wack!
  17. You're from IMDB message boards? It was just an odd episode. Of course the female perp would be found less guilty. In this episode she was weaker. Had he been the weaker perp he would have flipped. And yes it was very predictable that Sadie was CeCe. It's almost as if they wanted us to guess it. Dad speaks about how daughter thinks she ugly duckling with low self esteem, picture of her in compromising situation with a plastic surgeon.
  18. I'm not following Lidnsay on the talk show circuit, but has she said anything about it being closed down or does she still play it off as its a successful business.
  19. I was so embarrassed by that behavior. In the real world couldn't Panos be charged with something for making an employee do that. And how fortunate that she was attractive, what if she was unattractive or very, very very old or a man, would he still be expected to kiss the VIP client. This was just so beyond unprofessional and that is what's lacking in a lot of busineses.
  20. Yes Every Family has their own rules and I'm gonna add this one when I play. Lol
  21. OMG. That's horrible. I don't know what emoji to put. LOL or Smack to the face.
  22. I'm not saying that she looks great but Lindsay does look about 32. What age are the commemorators putting her at?
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