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Everything posted by Elodea

  1. I wondered about that too. It seems like such an odd phrase to use for interior decoration. Maybe someone can ask her about it the next time she does an instagram Q&A. This episode was pretty dull and boring overall, as was the first. I could barely pay attention towards the end of it.
  2. I tried to discern what he was crocheting during the episode and I also wondered what he did with the finished projects. I noticed three distinct projects they showed him working on; the first with pink (and blue and green, I think?) multicolored yarn, the second with the black and white yarn, and a third with the red/yellow/orange yarn. The one with the black and white yarn seemed to be some kind of small ball/spherical object and the third project looked like it was a scarf. I also noticed some yarn scattered in his apartment. It's too bad he couldn't have found some kind of crochet/knitting group to join (despite the challenge it might've been for him to actually go somewhere to participate in such a group, and his apartment being in a condition making it less than desirable for people in such a group to come to him) that would have provided at least some kind of social interaction for him, and/or found some way to crochet for charity as mentioned above. With other poundticipants, Dr. Now has mentioned the importance of having someone to support them with their weight loss, so it surprised me that there wasn't more of an effort to find someone to do that for Sean after his mother died. Yes, Dr. Now arranged for the various psychologists/nutritionists/physical therapists/etc but there was no friend or family member or significant other in a role to support Sean with his weight loss. Obviously things could still go in the wrong direction if that person continues to enable the poundticipant, but Sean had no one and that definitely didn't help him.
  3. No, it's not that difficult - at least the beginner routes, for someone of a normal weight and in at least average shape. I went rock climbing once for the first time last fall and was able to complete the easier routes on the bouldering walls without much of a struggle. You'd think that someone at the rock climbing place would've explained this to her, but I'm guessing even if they did, she just ignored it like she ignored the trainer's advice when she tried to hike the trail at Hanging Rock.
  4. I was also wondering at first why she and Buddy didn't use the Capital Bikeshare bikes while in DC. Then I went and looked up if there's an official weight limit for the bikes (something I had never thought to look up before, since I don't weigh 350+ pounds). There is indeed a weight limit and it's 260 pounds, mentioned in the user agreement. I think it's more of a liability thing rather than a "the bikes will break if the rider is too heavy" thing, not to mention it'd be difficult to stringently enforce, but there is actually a weight limit. If you want to read the user agreement, it's here and the weight limit is mentioned under section 7, which covers prohibited acts: https://www.capitalbikeshare.com/user-agreement
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