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Everything posted by Vandy10

  1. Did I just hear Jana say “collapse-id?”
  2. I’m sure we would have already heard on social media if Druscilla got hit by a car or seriously injured, but I cannot imagine any other reason Jihoon would be sobbing like that.
  3. Well Cheesestick must be right up your alley!
  4. You know you’re in the Middle East when every restaurant table has a box of tissues for use as napkins. 😄 It’s one of those regional idiosyncrasies that stick with you.
  5. The braces don’t do it for you?! What kind of octogenarian South Florida sugardaddy are you, anyway?
  6. What did Chuck mean he’s never seen Andrei like this and the Andrei he knows is a different (better) man? He’s been riding Andrei’s ass for 2 years! He’s never liked him!
  7. This whole family dinner is cringe. For Chuck and Jr.
  8. https://images.app.goo.gl/saeq2LLBw4S765LV9 I’m probably a terrible person, but throw-shoeing guy is on Twitter, and I smile every time I see him respond to people. Oh man, I meant shoe-throwing guy. But I like the mix-up enough to keep it. 🙂
  9. Syngin (and family) have a very different accent than my SA friends. Has it ever been established if his family is native-Afrikaans speaking? I suspect that’s the difference.
  10. Sometimes, in some Latin cultures, fat is said affectionately. I...don’t think that’s the case with Mom Melyza.
  11. So passive-aggressive Janice. “Wow, I didn’t know you had talent!”
  12. Uh, Cheesestick is groaning hard for that breakfast.
  13. And it’s the drums and brass section to announce Colombia!
  14. And now mother and father Jihoon are fighting. It’s a happy dinner for that whole group. 😬
  15. I have a work call at 9:30, and this show is sucking the joy out of me, so I’m going to go watch the premiere of Taskmaster over on the CW before that meeting. Maybe I’ll make it back before PillowTalk. Snark on!
  16. Don’t cry, Jess. You’ll be back in Brazil as soon as your visa is up in 6 months. Especially if Debbie has her way!
  17. I thought it was weird too, so I Google translated. Turns out it’s a cognate, and in Portuguese it’s pejorativa/o. Now I have to decide if I think Larissa’s even smart enough to know that word in her first language. Hmmm...
  18. I just realized we’re going to get a 90 Strikes Back for TOW once this season is over, aren’t we? 😞
  19. Oh, good. Someone else has this memory. I’m not going senile, yet. 🙂
  20. There was something about how fertility clinics wouldn’t help gay couples back then, so it was on the DL. Maybe he said something about pretending to be married while at the clinic? I’d have to rewatch his first episode to be sure.
  21. If I remember his first episode correctly, Kenny didn’t have kids with a wife. He had a friend who agreed to be a surrogate.
  22. Depends on the country. I’ve moved a few different places with my cat, and only one required a 7-day quarantine. You have to do lots of paperwork beforehand and have proof of vaccinations.
  23. If you’re actually moving to another country, you should take the pets you have. But cheese stick is going to be there for 2.5 seconds, so he should’ve had his mom watch the cat while he went on his little trip.
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