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  1. I'm with you on the 4400 genre. Resurrection was good but only lasted a short while. There is a French version that is similar but different. And there is the book. I actually enjoyed watching the French version. The subtitles gave me something extra to do with my eyes and noticing the cultural difference inherent with the foreign production was interesting too. Additionally there is an Australian version that is the same but quite different as well. I can't remember the name of it right now. I was able to binge into it because work was so slow that I had ample time for the tele. too much time in fact.
  2. Yes I was indeed being politically incorrect solely for the purpose of eliciting a smirk or two. Cheers
  3. Oh you're just sympathizing with her because she's black and female. So racist and sexist of you. ;-) Whereas on the flipside my sympathies for Ben's position has nothing to do with him being white and male. :-)
  4. Peacock>>>> NBC. I get it. LOL I pondered the tombstone thing for a second before my mind ran off to the "don't puss out" path. Glad I'm not the only one who caught that.
  5. I think you're all wrong about Fiona.
  6. I have nothing against the actress myself. My disgust is directed at the character and the writers that constantly portray the woman in the relationship as the one in control and the man as the one who serves at her pleasure. Hollywood writers don't seem to want to portray relationships as two way streets. Hell yeah he is not dead. They did everything but show us his personal life. Doubt NBC would write him out like that.
  7. So I literally came looking for a forum to post my disgust with the drama they have the Grace character to and her hubby play all teary eyed about. Many moons ago now my wife wanted the whole divorce thing. I showed her the teary eye because it suited my purpose. It was genuine, I wasn't faking. I was hurt and upset. I was also livid. When she tried the "you need to move out routine" she was literally shocked when I explained to her that if she wanted out of the relationship, she needed to leave. She tried to argue and my response was a simple, "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. And by the way, take your kids buy leave our son right where he is." It's amazing how the tune changes when they realize they were never really in control. So when I see these sappy scenes play out on TV time and time again, playing up the strong woman, weaker man idea, it pisses me off. I taught my son that friends come and go. It doesn't matter whether it is a school friend or "the love of your life". Sometimes they leave. There are plenty of fish in the sea and the better of a friend you are the easier they are to catch. He waited a long time to get into a serious relationship but I think he has hit it out of the park. I don't think I've ever seen a more balanced couple. They change who takes the lead in a situation and who follows so seamlessly that if they're still together in 20 years they should write a book. Screw Hollywood and their portrayal of men as wimpy teary eyed, oh please don't leave me baby buffoons. I imagined that I'd run into a bunch of people defending the strong woman. Glad to see that 100% of you think that she is just acting like a self serving, short sighted b*tch. Okay, off my soapbox now. Thanks for reading and now back to regular programming.
  8. Good catch. Yes. I didn't notice that when it was on.
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