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Everything posted by deedee2

  1. Bit of an overreaction to Dr. Zasio's perfectly reasonable question to Wilhelmina.
  2. They replayed time after time after time the same shots of the interior. Yup, I noticed that as well. There was that one green or blue bag that appeared in almost every shot of the hoard. There was a mention of urine soaked carpet, origin unmentioned. I caught that too and thought I must have missed them talking about rats or something. I didn't hear the bit about sitting on the sofa with the dogs. Interesting they didn't show the pets. Maybe they were staying with relatives while the house was being de-hoarded. Actually, I'm glad the dogs weren't shown. My heart always breaks for those poor animals that have to live in such squalor.
  3. Thanks for the quick reply. I haven't been following consistently since before they took a break. I just remember HATING it when Matt Paxton started spending the night in the hoard. Totally gratuitous and, frankly, stupid. Glad they stopped that!
  4. Question: Did Hoarders change their format, or were new episodes always 2 hours long and focused on only one hoarder story? I seem to remember it being one hoarder/one hour. Then at some point it was two hoarders per episode. Well, two hours for one story has its minor merits, but some of the scenes do drag on and on. Last night's episode could have easily been edited down to 1 hour without any loss of substance. To my mind, if you're gonna have a 2 hour show, then at least give us 2 hoarders!
  5. Hi guys. I haven't been here in ages. Glad I remembered my username and pw! Anyway, the reason I signed in: I've got TLC on in the background and "Hoarding: Buried Alive" is on all afternoon. The episode on right now has a woman named Anne who looked very familiar to me. After a minute I realized she was Sandra from Hoarders - the one who was a former interior designer living in a huge mansion that was bought by a gay couple. Remember her? But on "Buried Alive" her name is Anne and she lives in a duplex and has two daughters. 😳WTF!! I googled Sandra/Anne to see if anyone else noticed that it's the same woman playing two different characters on two different shows, but didn't see any discussion about it anywhere. Anyone have an idea what the deal is with this?🤔 ETA: The "Buried Alive" episode with Anne is Season 4, Ep14 - for anyone interested. I googled images of both women but only found ones of Sandra ... and now I'm thinking maybe they're not the same woman - they only look very much alike (?). They even wear the same beanie and have the same haughty attitude. LOL, sorry for this weird post. I am driving myself a bit crazy with this!
  6. Yes, she did. It was in the scene when she and Aladdin were in his car, and Laura made some comment about the engine sounding strained (or something like that). She bragged a little about knowing such things because of her previous long-time job, and Aladdin said, "ok, Laura, I will open a garage for you" ... which made me laugh out loud.
  7. Hey 90DF friends! I'm having my place renovated and had to move out this week. The place I'm temporarily staying at has no cable. Can anyone suggest a livestream so I can keep up with my favourite guilty pleasure?
  8. This is why I loathe identity politics. It divides us into ever smaller groups and makes us all increasingly suspicious of each other.
  9. It's not even about crazy haggery. Laura could be perfectly lovely and wonderful. But no 29 year old man with options wants to marry a post-menopausal woman almost twice his age without an ulterior motive. Aladdin has certainly been putting on an Oscar-worthy performance. And Aladdin's claim that in his country men look only at the heart and not the age or appearance is nonsense. It's not a cultural thing, it's a biological thing.
  10. I respect your opinion, and I'm sure fetishizing Black women is a thing, but I tend not to jump directly to the worst possible interpretation of a situation, or automatically ascribe nefarious motives to people. It's quite possible that Ben's first love happened to be a Black woman, and so he associates good things with Black women, and therefore prefers them. Ben hasn't given me any indication that he has some creepy sexual fetish with Black women. He finds Akinyi very beautiful -- and I don't blame him because I think she's beautiful, too.
  11. Are people suggesting that Akinyi is being fetishized by Ben because she and his ex-wife are both dark skinned? Well then my ex has a 'fetish' for blondes, and I have a 'fetish' for brown-haired Dustin Hoffman-looking men. Sometimes people just have a type. People tend to be attracted to a certain look for whatever reason. Doesn't make it a fetish.
  12. Why would Sumit's wife's parents allow their daughter to stay in this marriage after he made a fool of her on tv for weeks?
  13. She'll just drag out the engagement until they break up. ETA: I see 100 people just typed the same thing, haha.
  14. Corey has guts, knowing that Evelin doesn't want to get married. But like he said, he had to try because it's what he really wants. Kind of romantic, if I'm being honest. If she says no, at least he'll never wonder 'what if'.
  15. She wasn't criticizing the culture. She said she felt lost and didn't know what she was doing, and looked like a fool because of it. She was knocking herself, not Korean customs.
  16. Deavan has grown on me, and Jihoon is adorable. I wish them well. (sorry for the total lack of snark 😁)
  17. Now you've got me thinking of my late father, who always had something hilarious to say about people on tv. I imagine he'd make the same comment about Darcey that he made about Robin McGraw (Dr. Phil's wife). He said she was like a toy poodle who had to take 3 steps for every one step Dr. Phil took. My Daddy could be cruel, but he always made me LOL 😂
  18. Not to mention a tv camera crew. My original assessment of Tom still stands -- he's trolling the show. If that is what he's doing, then it's cruel to Darcey (unless she's in on the joke), but I can't help feeling he's doing it all with a wink and a nod to his buddies.
  19. Looks like he's trying to understand her English. To be honest, I don't know how any of the foreign fiances understand their American partners. Deavan speaks in "Perry Como, Still Alive" mumbles, and I'm always amazed that Jihoon answers her appropriately.
  20. The three young black men don't look particularly uncomfortable.
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