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Everything posted by deedee2

  1. Olga is so lovely. I really hope Steven can get a grip on his anger issues because Olga is going to be miserable in America.
  2. LOL! Larissa telling Coltee he's an attention whore, and Colt telling Larissa to calm down because, "you've got a ring, ok?" Worst couple ever.
  3. Kalani says, "I know that I love him" ... What?? I don't see any "love" in this situation. I wonder what she actually means when she says that.
  4. She reminds me of an older version of Whitney Thor.
  5. So ... why is Leida marrying Eric, anyway? Sounds like she's got plenty of other ways to come to the U.S., if that's what she wants.
  6. Honestly, I find this couple unwatchable. I can't relate to either of them, and they're both so unlikable. They're not even in the ballpark of being remotely suited for each other. Larissa needs an aging, bored, married sugar-daddy who will keep her in leather couches, fancy cars, and air conditioning. Colt needs a woman who will agree to be his wife-appliance and have zero expectations. This has to be one of THE worst matches ever on this show, and that's saying something.
  7. Yes, that's the other part I can't figure out. What can this kind of free publicity - acting like totally dysfunctional, self-absorbed loons - do for their careers.
  8. Alright, I can't handle not understanding these two anymore. Somebody please help me out here. I watch them and can't for the life of me figure out what they're doing together. Jesse looked like he was literally holding himself back from beating Darcey to a pulp in the car on the way to the airport. And then when they arrive, he says, "good job", and she jumps on him like a chihuahua to hug and kiss goodbye. In what universe do these juxtaposed behaviours make sense.
  9. My guess is that her age is as she claims -- 52 or thereabouts. Angie looks like a typical middle-aged woman who overeats junk food, doesn't work out, and dresses as if she's a 120 pound 17 year old.
  10. Oh ROFL, Yukon Cornelius!! Yup, yup, I totally see it. :-D
  11. Ok, so now that I've gotten a better look at Bearded Jon, he's looking a little less like Treat Williams, and a little more like ... you're all gonna think I'm nuts ... Paul Benedict, who played Mr. Bentley on the Jeffersons. Yeah, it's hard to explain why I see that, but ... I do.
  12. Oh, LOL. Michael's face has taken lessons from Azan on how to say the right words while maintaining an impossibly blank expression. Poor Angela. I really hate to see women be so clueless.
  13. Yes! I was just about to write (before seeing your post) that when I first saw a pic of Jon, I thought it was Treat Williams. Glad I'm not the only one.
  14. That's some pretty good snarky hilarity. Especially this: I’m speechless. I feel that the only thing I could say that would be worthy as a response [to Darcey's epic professions of love] is that life, humanity, and — oh look, a goat. And this: I am assuming that their universal love for each other will most definitely merit at least one more season on TLC ... (Can TLC legally show pure, epic, universal love on TV? ... LOL. Their epic universal love doesn't exactly radiate through the small screen, does it. What is Jesse getting out of this whole thing aside from tv exposure that makes him look like a total assh0le to a large audience?
  15. Once again, I'm behind in my 90 Day-watching, and have not read any of the posts here. Just wanted to say that I don't know why Darcey subjects herself to Jesse's belittling. Last season I thought Darcey was weird and delusional, but she's grown on me. She seems like a genuinely nice, good-hearted person who is quite insecure. All the more reason to run far, far away from Jesse, who constantly feeds her insecurity. Get somebody age-appropriate and not so self-absorbed, Darcey! Find a man who will think he won a prize with you. Btw, Darcey looks so much better without the harsh raven hair. And Jesse can play Rolf in the revival of Sound of Music. :-D
  16. Haven't been here in months! Just caught a show tonight (a rerun) for the first time in awhile. Oh my. Azan really can't hide his disgust, can he? How can Nicole not pick up on his obvious total lack of interest in her? How? How? She talks about the wedding night and then the next night and then every night after that. And Azan forces a half-smile and says, "that's a good thing" ... while looking like he wants to slit his wrists. Ugh, it's uncomfortable to watch.
  17. Not bad, BalisticNikki. I can see bits of most of them in Andrrrei, although I'd trade Jason Bateman for: Leo Dicaprio in Gilbert Grape.
  18. And Spanish, like in Tangiers.
  19. Is Annie trying to pass herself off as 24? Yeah ... no. She looks close in age to Aika, who is 36.
  20. Why would one jump to the assumption that they do have broader prejudices? And, btw, forming an opinion of someone based on "knowing the type" is the very definition of prejudice.
  21. In fact, isn't Elizabeth's father just as concerned about Andrrrei as Molly's dad is concerned about Luis? Totally appropriate in both cases, imo.
  22. Right? Glad I'm not the only one who feels no chemistry between them. Evelyn needs to go away to college and grow up a little. Expand her purview. David is older, European, and worldly. They're such a mismatch.
  23. To be honest, Broke Ass David strikes me as a decent guy. Yeah, down on his luck and a little sad sack, but fundamentally nice. I also think Annie is nice and sincere. Not sure what she's doing with him, though. His level of broke-assness is not easy to deal with, and she seems like the type to stick things out with him. Then again, I could be totally misreading them.
  24. Didn't Poor David mention a couple of episodes ago that his best friend lent him lots of money already? And now he's going to be living in his house because he can't afford a place of his own? I'm starting to wonder if David went in search of a Thai wife so that she can eventually support him.
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