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Everything posted by deedee2

  1. Manners and basic common decency doesn't make for interesting reality tv.
  2. What is Hamza's end game here? I imagine he just wants to go to the US because there is zero chemistry with Memphis. Then why has he not made any effort to learn English?
  3. So I keep reading. I'll have to watch it again to catch it.
  4. Did Ximena just say "I don't like it" about kissing Mike?
  5. LOL! This scene with Ben's kids is hilarious. They're so much more mature and realistic than their dad.
  6. They do have accents, but the vocab, grammar, and slang are near perfect.
  7. Why do Alina and Elijah speak English so fantastically well?
  8. Memphis, stop putting all your trust and hopes in strangers on the internet. Stop getting engaged to men you've never met, who can't communicate with you in a common language, who are from foreign countries with vastly different cultures. That would be a good start.
  9. 28 year age difference. Ugh, another creepy old guy.
  10. Jasmine is really playing up the crazy. I think the producers told her to dial it up to 11.
  11. "I need to poop". really, Memphis.
  12. I honestly didn't need to hear the minute details of the mechanics of Caleb's and Alina's night of sexy-time.
  13. Was that last season? I watched very sporadically, so didn't catch the wine tasting antics. Wasn't he the Mormon guy who spoke a little Russian because he was on a mission in Russia or something? There was another Steven a couple of seasons ago with his pregnant Russian fiancé. After awhile they all start to blend, lol.
  14. Is wine/alcohol available in Turkey?
  15. OMG, I thought I was the only person on Earth who remembered Sniglets. The only ones I can recall are "Alfred Hitchcooking" - stabbing at a block of frozen vegetables to make them cook faster; and "Mega Nega Bar" - the line you draw on a check to prevent someone from writing, "and a thousand" dollars. Ok, sorry for getting off topic.
  16. No, because it's gross to watch people roll around and slobber on top of each other.
  17. Totally agree about Tim. He is genuinely funny in an intelligent and natural way. I could be friends with Tim in real life.
  18. Hi guys. Haven't been here in forever! Stopping by to ask - am I just getting prudish and pearl-clutchy, or is this show pushing the envelope more and more on the TMI front? Memphis telling the world that sex with Hamza was too fast, and actually using the word "ejaculate"! What the -- A little romantic kissing is nice, but I really, really don't want to see a sloppy on-the-bed makeout session with slurpy sound effects. I literally averted my eyes when Caleb and Alina started getting into it. And next week's teaser: "I took a ride on his disco stick". I mean ... eww. What is it with these super-aggressive women demanding sex from men? It's so cringey to me when Alina, Memphis, and Kim complain that their men are not making the moves in the first 5 seconds of meeting. Cool your jets, ladies! Desperation is not attractive! *sigh*. Maybe I'm just old.
  19. Right! Thanks. And thanks for the Youtube of The Life Laundry!
  20. Hmm, that's a new one for me. I've watched on Youtube all the available "How Clean Is Your House" episodes, and "The Hoarder Next Door" (or whatever it's called. The one with psychologist, Stelios Kioses). There's also the Hoarder series with Jasmine something ... the woman who grew up with a Hoarder mother. The British hoarding shows are vastly different from the American ones. More lighthearted and (imo) effective. At least the hoarders are given weeks or months rather than 3 days to address the task of clearing their home while tackling their psychological issues.
  21. On the show, the narrator said they studied marriage and family therapy.
  22. 😆 Hillarious. You reminded me of the therapist on another episode (possibly on "Buried Alive") who wore open toe sandals while walking through a septic-soaked floor of a hoarder couple's hallway.
  23. All I remember hearing is that the nephew was living there while looking for a place of his own. I don't think they specified how long he's been there, but maybe I missed it. He did seem rather with-it and intelligent, so it's baffling that he'd subject himself to such conditions. Maybe he's financially strapped and figured he can rough it for awhile to save a few bucks. (?)
  24. Same here. There is so much awfulness going on, and the hoard is the least of the sickness.
  25. The Zazz is right. Wilhelmina's reticence seems more like fear of Tim, or the product of Tim's control of her. What an unhealthy dynamic. Somehow, the dysfunction feels more toxic when the players are all smart and educated.
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