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Posts posted by Nysha

  1. It's so nice to see everyone! I missed an entire week of work last week because of bronchitis. Thankfully, I only work 5-6 hours a day because I've been having a 2-3 hour nap after work and then going to bed at 10 pm. Besides the after-work fatigue, I can't shake this cough. It's not the constant phlegmy bronchitis cough, it sounds yucky but I'm not coughing anything up.  

    • Hugs 20
  2. On 1/16/2024 at 12:12 PM, Westiepeach said:

    So... hypothetically... if I were to register, and I put down a Catholic church as "my" church, she wouldn't take my money because I am not a "like-minded lady?" Or would she take my money and spend the weekend trying to save me?

    She would take your money, then turn you down and tell you the registration fees were non-refundable. Just like her g-d would, I'm sure.

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  3. 5 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

    I hope they're using birth control in some form, and are purposely postponing having kids.  If so, good for them!

    I wouldn't mind if for some reason they couldn't have kids. There's enough JB Duggar grandchildren running around being raised with his beliefs and educated by his uneducated adult children that the loss of 2-20 from on kid is not an issue for me.

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  4. 9 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    The entire post is written from a woe is me perspective. Poor, poor Kaylee sacrificed so much because her baby dared to arrive early.

    Most NICU moms are forever grateful for the loving care their babies received by everyone involved.

    My heart aches for Gideon, Nemo, Newbie and any future Rod grandchildren born into this self-centered family. May they thrive in spite of the asshole adults around them. 

    Unfortunately, Jill learned to be self-centered from her ultra-Christian homeschooling family, she passed it on to her kids, and in another 20-25 her grandchildren will be the same self-centered hypocritical uneducated jerks. Even if 1 or 2 escape, the net number of Rod a$$holes is going to be incredibly high.

    7 hours ago, Trillium said:

    The certainty did. In Jill’s magazine paper, Kaylee’s “article” included the story of the twins that were in the NICU and they gave the grieving mother a Bible highlight with passages that, paraphrasing here, “God chose your baby to die for REASONS” 

    Jill and now her children often tell stories where they think they are the hero, but they just come off as assholes.

    I'm not defending what she did, but in their world, believing that their god is in total control does comfort them. It's "I don't know why little Hezekiah got COVID and died, but I know god has a reason, I just have to have faith."
    I read an autobiography about an Amish man who quit the Amish life to join a different xtian cult. He recruited a couple of his siblings. One of his young nephews died horribly; at the funeral, his Amish dad defected to join his cult. Their takeaway: god tortured their beloved little boy to death so his grandfather would quit his xtian church to join his parents' xtian church. This horrific tidbit comforted the parents and other family members. 

    • Mind Blown 7
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  5. 8 hours ago, MsMalin said:

    In all fairness though, it must be hard when you are so hated in social media.  I think the biggest lesson here is "Be careful what you wish for". TV stardom was the worst thing to happen to the Browns.

    I bet she's also depressed that she got what she wanted and what Kody kept telling her he wanted, and now she has to deal with his anger at being 'betrayed' by the other wives. And those wives seem to be pretty happy, something she probably hasn't experienced much in her life.

    • Like 17
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  6. 4 hours ago, Heathen said:

    That brown thing they wrapped the baby in looks something from the reject pile at the St. Vincent de Paul. What a way to welcome a new baby -- with a dirty dull rag for a blanket. 

    Unfortunately, those are the popular colors for babies right now. My 13th grandson is due at the end of February and almost all the baby clothes I could find were sad beige-autumny colors. 

    • Sad 11
  7. 29 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

    There was a box of stuff Tim and Heidi opened. I assume it was from all the Coveretts. They were at Heidi's grandparents house (not sure which side). 

    This was all found on Ellen's public FB. The younger brother got an x box or something. The teen sister got lots of Taylor Swift stuff! 

    Wow, the Coveretts sound like a normal family with Christian beliefs. I sure hope Tim & Heidi's life is based on them and not on David & Jill's.

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  8. I have trouble waking up after surgery, so every day surgery I've had in the last 30 years (3) has turned into an overnight stay. The insurance refused to authorize the second surgery stay because I lived within 40 miles of a hospital and wouldn't accept my doctor's explanation that it was a 60-90 minute drive. Thankfully, the hospital agreed to waive the charge if the insurance wouldn't pay for an overnight stay because I was on oxygen for most of the night.

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  9. 1 hour ago, oliviabenson said:

    Watch the video of Rod boy playing with Giddy. As soon as Jill shows up poor Giddys eyes start to bug out like the Keller boys. Jill terrifies her grandsons. What does she do to them??? (On Kaylees page)

    I bet she does the same screechy look at me schtick she pulls with her children. I went to church with a lady like that who would aggressively tickle babies and little kids until they cried and then gaslight their parents into believing it was the kids' fault for not being "tough" enough to play with Grandma LastName. I can see Jill doing the same thing to her grandbabies.

    • Mind Blown 1
    • Sad 13
  10. On 12/4/2023 at 5:08 PM, Ancaster said:

    I just saw a new doctor who specializes in long-Covid, though apparently he's also a PCP.  He was so wonderful I actually had tears in my eyes at one point  two points.  The appointment didn't last particularly long, but I felt heard, understood, and respected, and that everything I needed to talk about was listened to, and he seemed to ask all the questions he needed.  At one point I said I didn't like my PCP, who basically said "You might have long Covid, go see someone else."  Dr Lovely then said he might be able to recommend someone before I left.  At the end of the appt he asked what kind of PCP I was looking for and I mentioned someone I thought he might know (community connections) - he didn't, so I said, "Someone like you then (wry laugh), but I understand you're not taking new patients."  He told me he'd fit me in.  More tears.

    I sat in the carpark for a while afterwards, just feeling relieved and grateful.  I don't know if anyone here has long Covid, but it's quite a lonely thing - not many people "get" it because it's one of those invisible problems.  It was such a relief to talk to someone who understands and even anticipated some of the issues that can be hard to understand. The first time I teared up was when he gave the perfect analogy, describing it as like a new cell phone, at first it works well and seems to hold a charge forever, but gradually the battery runs down faster and faster and the phone never seems to work at 100% any more.

    Thanks for reading.

    @Anacaster, I'm so glad you had a positive experience and the doctor agreed to accept you as a patient. My best friend was recently diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and like Long Covid, it's an invisible problem that people just don't seem to understand. Big hugs to you!🤗

    • Like 5
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  11. Oh man, I just got back from the grocery store with KC. I wanted to go early in the morning before the crowds, but it was also before my brain kicked in because I forgot to give him his ADHD meds or take my meds.

    Everyone in the store knew exactly what we bought, what he wanted for Christmas, how much he liked Oreos, Chocolate milk, gummy bears, hot wheel cars, and half a dozen other things I didn't buy. He wasn't complaining or naughty, just very loud and talked the entire time. He is simultaneously amusing and exhausting. 😄 

    I kind of want a nap, but those dishes aren't going to wash themselves. 

    • Hugs 14
  12. On 12/1/2023 at 2:47 PM, CalicoKitty said:

    I just got home from my first visit with the radiation oncologist, who is very nice.  My tumor is not malignant, but it is pretty large.  I found a lady who has a "handy woman" business who drove me this morning, and will drive to all my appointments.  She needs the money, and I don't want to drive that far, so I think it will all work out.  I have an appointment at 8:00 AM Monday for another MRI and to have the radiation mask fitted, and then it will be 5 radiation sessions that can be all in one week.  Hopefully, this will keep it from growing.  It is getting close to my brain stem, so we want to keep it in check.  I see a lot of MRIs in my future (I HATE MRIs), but it is still better than cutting a hole in my skull.  I feel good just knowing I have a plan in place.  I'll see after the mask fitting--I hope it is not too bad.

    I'm glad you've got transportation and your tumor isn't malignant. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, oliviabenson said:

    OMG I had leftover Brie cheese spread. I put it in the mashed potatoes. It was pretty good!

    I once put leftover horseradish from a special event at work in my mashed potatoes thinking it was sour cream. It was surprisingly good and now I keep it in the house.

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  14. I just got back from a 4-day visit with my oldest. His wife is pg with their second so KC and I took a trip to Boise for her baby shower. We went to our first hockey game and it was so much FUN!!! My 18-month-old granddaughter loved all the excitement for the 2/3 of the game & fell asleep for the last part. My grandson, was on the Jumbotron twice dancing. 

    We also went to my son's in-laws' house and KC got to ride and then drive the 4-wheeler. He's now begging me to move to Boise.

    He's spending the next 3 days with his mom. I'm dropping him off and driving another 2 hours to my sister's house. 

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