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Everything posted by tinkerbell

  1. Interesting to me today - The first segment talked about comics who made homophobic jokes. Then they had Clay Aiken and Ruben Studdard on. 15 years ago, when Clay and Ruben were on American Idol, making "GAY CLAY!" jokes were standard for comedians, talk show hosts, and everyone else. When Clay Aiken was a contestant on AI, and declined to discuss his sexuality, Kathy Griffin, Jay Leno, Jimmy Kimmel, Conan O'Brien, Howard Stern, used him as fodder for their monologues and routines. Homophobic jokes and insults were pretty standard, and Clay was the target for quite some time, for demeaning comments and ridicule. I remember hearing some graphic disgusting comments directed at him, at a time when singers, actors, and anyone in the public eye was held up to ridicule if there was even a hint they might be gay. I think that this is often forgotten or denied. I'm not defending Kevin Hart. I'm just saying that people forget that homophobic "humor" was a huge part of mainstream entertainment for a long time, and singling out one person for it isn't fair, when so many others get a pass. And, that we kind of forget pretty quickly. about how common that ugly brand of humor was. It's never mentioned any more, how "Clay Aiken" was a punchline of many jokes only 15 years ago, and comics used his name AS a gay slur.
  2. I get it. There are very few antibiotics I can take that don't make me puke or give me terrible abdominal cramps. Worse than that, I got a terrible rash (purple bruises all over my les) from ibuprofen and naproxen. And prednisone make me crazy-anxious and irritable. I ended up having spine surgery because any medication therapy caused more problems than they helped.
  3. Exactly. She said it as though she went through puberty earlier than others, then said 14 or 15. Yes! You can't have it both ways. The stores I shop at, medium is 10 to 12, large is either 12 to 14 or 14 to 16. 18 is XL, which is where "plus size " starts. What the hell is she talking about?
  4. This is actually a pretty brilliant compilation, showing how rude and hypocritical Meghan is.
  5. If and when Joy leaves, I hope the ratings tank and the show gets cancelled.
  6. It's fairly easy to disagree with someone and still get along. It's not easy to get along with someone who glares at you, interrupts you, shouts over you and says "I don't care what you think!" before you've even finished a sentence.
  7. I'm glad someone addressed this, because Scalise bugged me when he said that. like a woman's crowning achievement in life is her wedding, when the responsibility for her is ceremoniously handed over from her father to her husband. UGH. Nothing against weddings, but when men talk about "walking her down the aisle" as the moment they look forward to when their daughters are little, it makes me see red. Similarly when new dads to a girl are told "better save up for a wedding!" News flash - not all women are straight, not all women are going to get married, and not all marriages take place in a church where there is an aisle to walk down. Also - fathers of the world - start thinking about your daughters, not as future brides, but maybe look forward to her college graduation, her professional career, her buying a house, traveling, anything. Don't raise your daughters to think that "bride" is what they want to be when they grow up. Let her know there's more to life.
  8. Yeah, Meghan tries to cast blame on Joy - "well if I"m not allowed to say gun", and "two days ago there was something brought up about guns, and it was said - oh, guns again!" (Not exact, because Miss mumble-mouth spit out the words too fast, then sipped her tea/bourbon, whatever she's got in that cup.) And then, as Whoopi tries to wrap it up, Meghan KEEPS MUMBLING. Whoopi couldn't be happy about that. I think that of all the annoying things Meghan does, that is the worst - the passive-aggressive mumbled comments almost under her breath WHILE OTHERS ARE TALKING>
  9. And then Meghan justified her interruption by saying she didn't care about Joy's opinion. When Joy tried to finish, Meghan screeched over her.
  10. she not only said she wanted to fight with Joy, she said, on her first day, how honored she was to be occupying hasselbeck's chair, and expressed admiration for the Bitsy/Rosie splitscreen incident. (the one that led to Rosie leaving the show). Meghan wants to have a fight like that with Joy, one that will cause Joy to leave.
  11. the "baby it's cold outside" song - the radio station was not BANNING the song. they weren't stopping people from listening to it, or singing it. The radio station decided not to include it on their Christmas play list. Great. It's got nothing to do with Christmas. IF they hadn't made a big deal of announcing that they were taking it off the playlist, nobody would know.
  12. Watching the show now on DVR, after reading the comments here. Here's what didn't make sense to me - It's a "day of Hot topics". they talked about pres Bush. Meghan read what was basically his resume - all the jobs he had, his accomplishments. Whoopi said some stuff about his personality. Abby said some stuff about his family. They have said all that can be said, not interrupting each other, everyone saying what they wanted to say. So when Joy says that one of his greatest accomplishments is the Clean Air Act, and how important the issue is to her, and how trump is trying to dismantle it - she was just bringing the topic up to date, how Bush's accomplishment can be negated by the current president. Meghan talked right over her, said "can we focus on the president, please? I don't want to talk about trump." WTF?! I mean, isn't trump president? Meghan says she's not interested in what Joy has to say. Isn't this "THE VIEW?" Isn't the premise of the show a group of women talking about their opinions? Meghan is not having it. Sorry, Megs, but at some point the topic needs to move on, it was not necessary to have an entire hour devoted to Bush. Joy had some interesting things to say about what is a global emergency, shut up and LISTEN to her. the second segment, Sunny brings up the transition between Bush's presidency and Clinton's, alludes to the fact that this did not happen in the current presidency. Then WHoopi brings up being saddened by the current "us vs. them" mentality. So, they were able to move the topic to the contrast between Bush and trump, without interruption from Meghan. What they were saying was very similar to what Joy had said - different ways that Bush was better than trump. Yet nothing from Meghan about how Sunny and Whoopi aren't allowed to talk about things Meghan isn't interested in.
  13. Yes, it's one glaring thing that Meghan has in common with, as Whoopi calls him "the guy in the white house". seeing EVERYTHING as red/blue, conservative/liberal, "us"/"them". She probably views "red state things" as shooting guns, watching Fox News, grilling meat, and drinking whiskey. I can't imagine what she thinks "blue state" people do - order sushi and watch Rachel Maddow on TV? drink wines from California? Make protest signs? Oh, I know! we knit pink hats!
  14. A doctor I worked with had guessed, on two separate occasions, co-workers were pregnant. I asked her how she could tell. She said the first sign is a "softening" of facial features - sometimes like a fullness under the jaw. I noticed that with Abby a while ago, her chin/jawline was less angular.
  15. WHAT? You aren't going out and buying a Whoopi Goldberg Christmas sweater? Seriously, the oversize sweater over leggings is a cute look on SOME people. But on others, it gives the image of a candy apple on 2 sticks. $99 at Zappos
  16. Meghan: "Stop clapping until I'm done talking!" Audience, : "No, if we clap after you talk, you'd think we were clapping for YOU."
  17. I wonder if Meghan ever watches the show back on TV. Because she would see that much of the time that she is on camera, we see her eyelids, as she's looking down at cards, reading quotes and statistics. There are a lot of things that make it difficult for people to relate to her, but, even without the screechy voice and the conservative opinions, the visual impact she makes is pretty awful. If she could even watch with the sound off, she'd see that much of the time she is either looking down reading, or she has a frown. It's not what she had once said, "resting bitch face" it's a hateful glare at her co-hosts, or a dismissive look at the audience applauding for someone else. But mostly, on TV, she's READING ALOUD instead of just trying to talk about what she thinks. The others will occasionally read a quote, or a number, to make sure they have it right, but they know to look up, and continue talking after they have checked the cards. It's annoying, and she comes off as condescending when she does it. Nobody turns on the TV to watch someone read to them. Imagine taking a class and having the teacher read a lecture to you instead of looking up and acknowledging you. (I know late night talk show hosts are often reading their monologues off teleprompters, but it's usually their own words, and when the teleprompter is held up next to the camera, the effect is that the host is TALKING to the audience.)
  18. Meghan: "please stop clapping so I can finish" Why? what are you going to say? "But Obama!" "But Hillary!" "But Al Gore!" "But Europe!" and so on, and so on. No, audience, keep clapping - drown her out!
  19. Go Sunny! Yes, when the current administration is doing something that we object to, having quotes on blue cards about "Obama did it too! here are some numbers!" is not a defense. Meghan is basically saying that if you weren't "infuriated" at Obama doing something, then you have no right to object to anything trump does. And she wants her "friends on the left" to concede that they are wrong. Wrong about what? There was a brief shot, when Whoopi was talking, the camera focused on Meghan GLARING across the table at Whoopi. The look - narrowing her eyes, frowning, showed her anger, and I LOVE that the producers/camera crew decided to show that. Joy : "Is Leo DiCaprio in office?" BWAH!
  20. Yes, I wonder if the talking-to was about how you can say a certain behavior reflects or is indicative of "racism" but not that a particular PERSON is "racist." Saying a person is racist is much more likely to have consequences like a lawsuit, while explaining how some action reflects racism is an opinion about behavior. Whoopi picked it up and said "it's RACISM," and I think that a Black host pointing out racism is much less likely to end up n any negative response than a white host calling a political candidate racist. Especially the day of an election, to say that a candidate is racist would not be wise.
  21. She doesn't miss being on The View. That's OK - I don't miss her, either.
  22. Meghan REALLY pissed me off today with equating Espy taking a campaign contribution (but he gave it back, AND alerted the CIA) from a questionable source. (thanks to her husband's notes on her blue cards, I assume) . It's her idiotic attempt at "both sides are bad!" I loved Whoopi for being able to contradict her. I guess I love whoever gave WHoopi the heads-up about the real story, after they learned Meghan was going to bring it up, because I don't give whoopi that much credit. I think her original comment about Espy was "he's no saint." Oh, OK, so that's the standard? Meghan said something about being "stuck" with Cindy Hyde-Smith. NO, Megs, you don't live in Mississippi, you're not stuck with her, and you do not HAVE to defend every republican. Really, it's OK to think that in some cases the democrat is the better person. I found it funny that Meghan was "talked to" about calling people racist. REALLY? of all the bullshit she says, THAT is the thing that is offensive? And I bet they are not happy with her announcing that she's been "talked to". she hates being there, that is clear. But it's also clear that she thinks of it as her civic duty, to represent the republican point of view.
  23. I think Abby might have been worried that talking about the racism of her husband's grandmother might involve some backlash from her husband's family members. She regretted bringing it up, and didn't want to go any further. My grandmother was very racist. I let it go because she was born in 1890, and grew up in a racist environment, never having opportunities to know anyone outside of a closed circle. My dad had more education, more opportunities, and grew up in an era where he was exposed to different people and different ideas. I have a problem with his racism. It's kind of the norm for old white guys like him (90+) and he's a dying breed. That's why the racism, as they were talking about in Mississippi for example, bothers me so much. I had so much hope that my generation and those after me, were past the racial hatred.
  24. Thanks for posting this. What a cute dance number. dancers were young, old, Black, White, fat, thin, gay, straight - all dancing. A nice change from the norm. I finally saw the first segment. Meghan missed the point of thanksgiving with her "it's OK if you're not happy." Thanksgiving is not about being bubbly and happy all the time. It can be a time for quiet reflection of the things you ARE thankful for. THe segment about women taking their husband's last name - Meghan says in her generation, women are keeping their own name, she doesn't know ANYONE who changed their last name when they got married. (bullshit) Sunny reads a statistic that " only 20% of women married in recent years have KEPT their last name." And Meghan says "there you go!" As if Sunny just confirmed what she had said, when actually Sunny's statistic CONTRADICTED Meghan's point.
  25. Yes, Sunny - everyone knows that until that catholic priest says "you may now kiss the bride", no kissing has occurred.
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