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Posts posted by DanaK

  1. Just now, One4Sorrow2TooBad said:

    Can someone explain why on Rotton Tomatoes reviews site, Season 11 Doctor Who audience rating is only 30% and the critics rate it at 94%?  I've been watching the nonstop  older episodes  of past Doctor Who on BBCAmerica .  Honestly, they've been awesome compared to the crap sandwich of season 11 episodes. 

    I’ve seen some comments elsewhere that think it is some fans ganging up and review bombing

  2. One of the things I found I didn’t like about 12 was how he seemed to be 15 steps ahead of everyone in a way that was pretty off-putting. I’m not sure I can explain it well, but It wasn’t about being smarter, it was how he seemed to revel in manipulating people like chess pieces for the lulz or something. The Zygon rebels two parter was one example, where he works to convince both sides to keep the peace (and Capaldi was fantastic with the anti-war speech), but then reveals he’s tried the scenario 15 times already. There are times where he reveals he had already worked out the problem and wasn’t in real danger but pretended to be. He manipulated Bill Potts to try to kill him in the last Monks episode and pretended to die and regenerate, but he was just testing her. The more times he did things like this, the more annoying it got

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  3. Just now, Llywela said:

    Funny you should say that as an American viewer you don't feel you need a season-long arc, because it is a storytelling approach that originated in the US and it is rare these days to find a show that doesn't use that narrative structure in some shape or form, on either side of the Atlantic.

    That's usually with cable and streaming shows. I watch a lot of procedurals, plus given I'm older, I think I predate the more serialized approach lol

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  4. 52 minutes ago, Llywela said:

    I think one thing we've all maybe struggled with a bit this season is that the character development and character stories haven't been front and centre, the way we've become used to over the 15 years of New Who - they are there, but have largely been playing out in the background of each episode, subtle and understated, only rarely stepping into focus. Which, combined with the lack of an ongoing story arc to hold everything together, left the season feeling a bit aimless - each episode perfectly enjoyable on its own merit, but with no clearly defined overall theme or focus to give the season any real structure as a whole.

    Looking at it as an American viewer who watches a lot of broadcast TV and not that much cable, I don't necessarily need a season-long arc or theme. But I think one theme this season is the characters getting to know themselves and each other and developing as a team

    ETA: And there were two small season arcs this season. In the first one, we got various tidbits about the Stenza hurting people and then a revisit with Tim Shaw. The second was Graham and Ryan mourning Grace and growing closer

    • Love 4
  5. In regards to Yaz's development, I think she's had plenty to do, but she hasn't had the same flashy and emotional arc that Graham and Ryan have had. Hers is more understated I think, in that she wanted more to do than she got as a young police officer and now she's mentoring with a 2000 year old alien that she looks up to and likely idolizes and takes initiative to talk to people or investigate things on their adventures. She's also a sounding board for the Doctor, which sometimes can be a thankless task

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  6. 16 minutes ago, Dobian said:

    I don't see why it needs to be defined as a "problem", just that it would be interesting to see what the Doctor feels experiencing things as a female after 2000 years as a male.

    We saw her delight at being included in Umbreen’s women-only pre-wedding party in Demons of the Punjab and her annoyance at being dismissed by King James in Witchfinders. In Rosa, after being addressed as Madam, she commented to herself that she was still getting used to that. It’s not a big deal for Time Lords so she would likely adjust quickly. It is how others treat her that has been and will be the bigger thing

    50 minutes ago, Cruella said:

    What a  pathetic loser this Tim Shaw creature is - 3000 years and two of the most powerful beings in existance at his full disposal, and yet he failed to destroy one insipid planet like Earth. For 3000 years! 

    "Not killing" is nice and all, but if they simply locked up this Shaw thing in this cell (I was deathly bored so might have missed something), isn't it infinitely more cruel? I don't know about these species, but humans can go insane in solitary confinement, especially one that long, without any movement or variety. Personally, I imagine someone finding Tim Shaw a hundred years later, insane and drooling, and putting him out of his misery, while wondering what sort of monster had done it to him. And he probably deserves to go insane, if only for his stupidity, but let's not pretend torturing someone into madness is any more ethical that shooting them. 

    I guess someone might come soon and grab him? Or?... None of that was well explained. 

    It was a stasis chamber, so he likely would be in suspended animation

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  7. I enjoyed this episode, but one problem that stands out on rewatch is that in spite of the planet having a toxic atmosphere and toxic water, the Tardis crew don’t show any physical signs of distress because of it in terms of being sweaty, thirsty, hot, bedraggled, etc (the two racers apparently had medicine they took)

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  8. Is the New Year's special supposed to be longer than the usual episode length? It's set for an hour timeslot for BBC's transmission, but it appears BBC America is setting it for a 90 minute timeslot, similar to the Season 11 premiere, which suggests it will be longer than usual (with a bunch of added commercials of course)

  9. @Rainsodden Becka’s husband had indeed died as I recall, so she was now a rare female landowner. Unfortunately, she let things get out of hand with the witch killin’

    What was really interesting was how quickly she deferred to the Doctor, seeing her as a Witchfinder General when presented with the Psychic Paper id. The Doctor only implied she was someone in authority, not specifically what she was when she presented the id. It suggests strongly that Becka felt in desperate need of help, and perhaps as well, was easily willing to see another woman as someone in authority

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  10. 21 hours ago, magdalene said:

    How about Chibnall being the show runner but having a writers room of different writers who write all the episodes?

    From what I've read elsewhere, posters feel it's likely that since he's set out the tone of the show in the first season, he'll now being able to step back from writing for the most part and let more people do it. Apparently Davies and Moffet wrote less and less in subsequent seasons once they set the direction

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  11. On 12/12/2018 at 5:53 AM, DanaK said:

    From what I’ve been reading, the show is the most complex show the British produce and the BBC has limited resources, including no overtime. I’ll try to find the article that explains it. I suppose one option is to sell it to an American company that has a way bigger budget and better resources and would probably give it a more regular schedule, but I feel sure in saying that likely wouldn’t go over well with the British public

    Talking about the complexity of making the show https://www.newstatesman.com/culture/tv-radio/2018/12/taking-year-not-unusual-british-tv-series-it-s-still-bad-doctor-who

  12. In regards to the Ux and what they did with Tim Shaw, it seems pretty evident that the younger one felt they were doing wrong (or had a growing feeling that it was wrong) and the older one pushed him into it

    Is it me or did Jodie actually start skipping as the Doctor tried to figure out how to solve the big crisis? It also seemed like she did a few shoulder shrugs after that. I know Jodie said in at least one interview that she liked to show 13's energy in scenes, but those seemed like strange acting choices

  13. Well, this Doctor and previous ones claim to be a pacifist and against killing, but I’m sure Tim Shaw and Kerblam’s Charlie would dispute that, along with a whole host of others who have ended up dead or nearly so going up against the Doctor

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  14. On 12/9/2018 at 6:31 PM, magdalene said:

    Well, that should make the haters happy, they won't have new content to bitch and moan about. 

    From what I’ve been reading, the show is the most complex show the British produce and the BBC has limited resources, including no overtime. I’ll try to find the article that explains it. I suppose one option is to sell it to an American company that has a way bigger budget and better resources and would probably give it a more regular schedule, but I feel sure in saying that likely wouldn’t go over well with the British public

  15. The Doctor’s final words to the Ux:

    “None of us know for sure what’s out there. That’s why we keep looking. Keep your faith. Travel hopefully. The universe will surprise you. Constantly”

    I wouldn’t mind seeing more of the Ux again. Given how overstuffed the episode was, it would have been nice to spend more time on the Ux, the Doctor and Graham’s conflict and the planet’s psycho waves

    Even though Tim Shaw got dispatched, the rest of the Stenza are still out there causing trouble. I wonder if they’ll be revisited down the road?

    • Love 3
  16. I really enjoyed this. Good emotional stakes, new species, lots of explosions and we got closure on Tim Shaw (and he got his comeuppance, for now at least) and Ryan and Graham’s relationship. I liked that the Doctor didn’t crap on the Ux’s religion but encouraged them to explore the Universe. It had a lot of good humor and the Doctor was front and center

    The Sniperbots still can’t hit anything though

    As for the season, as a new viewer, I really enjoyed it and Jodie as the new Doctor. I can understand some of the complaints - not enough of the Tardis, not enough of the Doctor front and center or known enemies, etc - but I like what I saw. Even if some episodes were a little weak, like Arachnids, I enjoyed every episode in one way or another

    I wish we didn’t have to wait more than a year for the next season but I guess British TV just doesn’t have the resources to easily make this show on a regular basis

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