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Posts posted by DanaK

  1. I didn’t realize until a few weeks ago that Arthur Darvill, who I knew played Rip Hunter in Legends of Tomorrow, was the same guy playing the priest in Broadchurch (which I binge watched during Series 11) and the the same guy playing Rory in the one Doctor Who episode I’ve seen him in

    In another sighting, Freema Agyeman, who played Martha Jones, is a doctor in the NBC series New Amsterdam

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  2. A couple of things I noticed about Graham in this special. Even though he was a little short with Aaron when he showed up, he did bring out Aaron's childhood things that Grace had kept and shared them with Aaron. He showed a lot of understanding towards Aaron in that scene. I do wonder if Aaron's drifting through life is due at least in part to mental illness, like depression. He clearly can't seem to cope with life. It sounds like he couldn't cope with his wife's death and in this special, he made it clear he couldn't cope with his mom's death either

    The other thing about Graham is he seemed quite annoyed at various times, including when he and Aaron were left behind when the Tardis took off after the Dalek and when he called the Doctor to come pick him up

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  3. 34 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

    Does anyone know the name of the actor who narrated the episode? My daughter swears she recognizes the voice, but can't place it. Neither IMDB nor Wikipedia list the name of the narrator in their cast lists for Resolution.

    I'm very much wondering the same thing

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  4. I haven't watched that much of Doctor Who (I've watched the Capaldi era, Whittaker's first series, Series 1, and I'm currently on Series 2 with Tennent), so I may be missing something, but I don't understand why Capaldi's Doctor would become such a misanthrope and lack such an understanding of humans after being more warm and understanding about them with at least the two previous doctors. I understand that the personalities can be very different from one incarnation to another, but it's like #12 regressed or something. Given that the Doctor's memories are passed from body to body, I don't understand why it seemed like #12 forgot how to be around other people. If it was the result of PTSD or something because of surviving past his last regeneration and getting a new set, that didn't seemed to really be explained well or at all. It's like the showrunner just wanted to play with the Doctor getting real alien-y again and not worrying about it making sense

  5. 2 hours ago, The Companion said:

    My other "that guy" comment is the weird narration at the end. Totally unnecessary and distracting. 

    I believe it was to match the opening narration. For me it worked

    Did it seem like the Doctor had never been in Graham and Ryan’s apartment before, given she had to ask where the kitchen was when they first arrived with the Tardis?

    I’m still tickled at Polly the security helpline operator. The actress used the perfect inflection for at least the stereotype of an irritatingly unhelpful helpline operator

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  6. 4 hours ago, LiveenLetLive said:

    Resolution lost viewers--->https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-6547721/Doctor-New-Years-special-loses-MASSIVE-1-5-million-viewers-rounding-major-ratings.html 

    IMO not a highlight of the season which was mediocre but Jodie wasn't at fault, I love her, the writing is problematical. 

    You can’t really compare a New Year special to a Christmas special that easily. Plus it needs to be seen as relative to the rest of the programming for the night, which was lowered ratings all around. It was the 4th most watched program of the night and I believe the 2nd most watched BBC program of the night, which sounds pretty good to me

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  7. 14 minutes ago, WatchrTina said:

    That reminds me -- how did the Dalek reassemble itself (its organic self)?  How did the other two pieces get to Sheffield?  Or are they still on earth, buried in six inches of loose sand or snow, waiting to wreck havoc in another episode?

    And another thing -- that whole bit with The Doctor not being able to reach UNIT -- was that a slam at Brexit?  I think that was a slam at Brexit.

    I think the other 2 pieces rejoined with the Sheffield one after it was bathed in the ultraviolet light. Look carefully and you will see the other two transported away

    At the very least, it was a Brexit joke and a pretty funny one to this American

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  8. That was very entertaining, with the right amount of drama, thrills, humor, heart and explosions. I thought Jodie did a great job leading as the Doctor and the rest did well also. I really liked the Doctor’s faceoff with the Dalek in the junkyard

    The look was different than the usual episode

    As an American, the UNIT shutdown bit had me in stitches, especially given we are in a Government shutdown right now due to a funding dispute. 

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  9. The BBC head programming guy said the show will return with Series 12 in “early 2020”. There also seem to be hints there will be a New Year’s special in 2020 before the actual season begins

  10. 1 hour ago, benteen said:

    Season 11 was a disappointment to me but 30% sounds more like trolls than anything else.

    Hopefully, the New Year's special will be the beginning of a promising future for Doctor Who storywise.

    Given IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes are known for having trolls spiking things and given the over the top hate from some quarters on social media against Jodie and the show, including the #NotMyDoctor nonsense, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if the RT user scores were being driven by trolls

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