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Posts posted by Desperado

  1. I’m watching but skipping a lot, like the P. scenes and the awkward new spouse family event.

    I was distracted by Summer and Daniel wearing the same exact brown. It doesn’t take much. 😂

    Chase wants to buy Sharon FIVE bottles of champagne? That’s my kind of guy! 🥂 But… why?

    Another “why” - I hope Tucker being Ashley’s lap dog is a con and he’s planning to take over something, anything, because I cannot buy him being blinded by love by her. 

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  2. 20 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

    I find it shocking how many people on this board suffer(ed) from endometriosis and how similar the experiences are. It makes me angry because it doesn't have to be like this.

    I had excruciating period pain for 7 yrs before the pill, but no endo. On my bad days, I often had soaps on background. Maybe there’s a link there?

    It’s horrific to me that 40 yrs later, then pill is still the only “best way” offered by the medical system, to avoid life altering period pain.

    On topic: I thought KMansi meshed well with her mom and her sister, and so far I like her in the role. I’m just not interested in the story.

    Shallow on topic: again I ask, what is up with Ava’s look? The hair, the earrings - quite unflattering.

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  3. I have temporary access to the W Network and tried to watch the show live for the first time in eons. I started late and bailed early.

    The terrible overacting and screeching on the roof did me in. Even Sloan and Trask although good, seem to lay it on too thick also.

    I’m wondering if there was a general notice to the actors to go more “Beyond Salem” in their acting choices.

    Nicole and EJ were blah and his marriage proposal was as romantic as pavement. Yuck.

    I need more Anna. 

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  4. I’m almost up to date, only missing today’s show.

    I hate Nicole’s pregnancy storyline w/ the strength of a 1000 suns. I don’t want her near Eric now that he’s gotten more interesting with Sloan and I wish EJ left (with Chad). He reminds me more of Jake the mechanic, than a dangerous DiMera. DF’s ridiculous new haircut doesn’t help.

    They can offer the actor a better suited role, or not.

    I like Dmitri and his mom, as long as they don’t go too over the top with them à la Kristen.

    I surprisingly liked the banter between Steve and Harris and would enjoy seeing them together more often. It’s the more natural I’ve seen SB so far and if he must be on, then I prefer not to cringe watch his scenes.

    • Like 3
  5. This is so heartbreaking. Elizabeth Hubbard paid for years for a Long-Term Care policy which had an “elimination” period of 90 days so she never got access to appropriate funds in her last days.

    Exclusive: Famous Soap Opera Star's Family Shares Frustration Over Long-Term Care Policy


    Insurers have no heart.

    • Sad 4
  6. I’ve checked back in for the Daniel revelation. I really like Diane’s “house arrest” top, it’s a good change from her constantly similar dresses.

    At least now, Phyllis can’t hold “you faked your death” over her, every day.


    11 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

    It is really hard to believe that Christine, of all people, has doubts that Phyllis is capable of such a thing.

    I know!!! She’s like a run of the mill DA who’s just looking to make a name for themselves, when she knows everyone involved, who’s likely to lie (Phyllis!!!) and who isn’t (Michael, Daniel).

    I guess this storyline is for no history viewers. 

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  7. “I don’t have wrinkles; I have character”. - Tracy Quartermaine 👏🏻👏🏻

    Corporate espionage? I can’t even remember what beauty stuff ELQ has. Whatever…

    Sofia Mattsson looks so gorgeous. I hope they’re not setting her character up for a fall. Let her go on a prolonged cruise, show. That woman has suffered enough.

    Such good scenes with Trina and Taggart. I enjoy TA’s work with her screen mom and dad the best.

    Although I’m happy to see the baby rabies coming down a notch, I didn’t appreciate Spencer being so cool to Trina.



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  8. Her tribute at the Nurse’s Ball seemed heartfelt, but a last minute addition. I wonder if the show knew.

    Glad the actress got some in-person kudos though. Her character was foundational in the show in the 1980s-90s, and in spite of her storylines becoming more and more superficial and Carly propping, JZ always showed up to do the work.


    • Like 15
  9. It was great to see Réal Andrews on screen and his character make sense.

    Ace was totally enthralled by TA’s nail polish. It helped me swallow the “they’re a family now” anvil.

    I didn’t understand Tracy’s chat with Drew. The SEC being after Carly/Sonny instead of Drew?

    Poor Nina. Poor Ned.

    • Like 11
  10. From the previews, tomorrow should be much better but today, except for Robert’s scenes, and a bit of Tracy, it went from bad to worse.

    There was SO much Carly and Drew propping. I had to mute my beloved Liesl as she was going on and on about him being a hero.

    The hero, Madam, was Laura. F*cking. Spencer. And then anyone who was there, including Ace, before Drew.

    I assume this is so Nina won’t think of telling her she’s the SEC leak.

    Then we have Brook Lynn and Olivia yell at Ned for the whole show, ending in Drew punching him without a shred of evidence he was the leak. 

    And as a bonus, we get to watch Willow puking.

    All the strokes!

    P.S. I can’t see the spoiler of @PatsyandEddie

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  11. On 5/6/2023 at 8:49 AM, CanaryFan98 said:

    This show would never let EJ have a kid with someone that wasn't Sami.

    True, and WTFD stories are so overdone. I don’t want another tragedy for Nicole and I don’t want to see her tied to Eric forever. Lose-lose-lose proposition here.

    I also would’ve loved a menopause story for Nicole, but only if it included good information. Yes the average age of menopause is 51, but perimenopause can start a decade earlier. Many women suffer in silence over some many things during that time, a little information sharing especially linked to a woman as gorgeous as AZ, defying the stereotype that post-meno women are dowdy old hags, would’ve been appreciated.

    I’m skipping the Talia/Sloan’s brother storyline because I’m not in the mood for any type of intimate partner violence. It’s too bad, because I really like the actress’ work so far.

    • Like 8
  12. 1 hour ago, lala2 said:

    Why did I unmute? Why? I'm beyond DONE w/all things Nina/Carly/Willow on this crap show. I know I've said it before, but like an idiot, I unmuted today to see if Willow had anything kind or interesting to say to Nina. Hahaha. Of course she didn't. This bitch asked Nina to make peace w/Carly and to leave Carly alone!!!! Hahahahahaahahahaha! This show is such a freakin joke. Did she ask Bitch Carly to make peace w/Nina? No, she did not. A-hole Michael and his trash fire of a mother make snide remarks about Willow needing to rest and not getting excited when Bitch Willow asks to see Nina. The garbage dumpster bitch sister just can't imagine what Willow has to say to awful, evil Nina. Nina is only her biological mother. Who cares about that unless it's one of us. And of course Willow didn't have anything interesting to say. 

    Why can't they let Nina write her off? Why must she care about this girl? ARGH!!!!! 

    I unmuted too and lived to regret it.

    No one is talking about how dumb Anna was for risking an 80% chance of getting infected (20% chance she would be immune) so that whiny Valentin wouldn’t die alone? Had it been Robin being infected, I would totally understand the action, but not for Valentin. Romeo and Juliet they are not. Aargh!

    Have to admit I got confused about the whole plot and had no idea where the antidote Holly brought was at that point.

    1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

    Really, Curtis? You have the nerve to doubt Laura Fucking! Collins about anything related to a Cassadine weather machine? You've done jack-shit during this whole caper.

    She was trying to concentrate and he kept blabbing on…

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  13. Due to life events beyond my control, the last years left me plenty of time to cling to watching soaps to avoid my reality.

    I followed every US-based soap with the exception of B&B and the UK’s Coronation Street. As of now, I’m down to a bit of DOOL (the worst storyline is finally over and I don’t despise any of the characters) and GH (will see Friday if it got better because it’s ridiculous now, the pacing is horrendous and I hate a whole family of front burner characters).

    Writers have moved so far away from stories I enjoyed watching, new  characters are as thin as paper, old characters have morphed into ghosts of themselves and when there are decent characters (Coronation), the stories are way too dark for my taste.

    I’m here now, because this is the most fun board of all the shows, but the more I stay away from watching, the less I’ll understand the jokes and the thought of leaving sucks.

    Damn you, shows!

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  14. 1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

    They went to Greenland and no one thought to bring gloves? Drew and Curtis are stupid enough but I thought better of Laura and Valentin.

    I fixated on the absence of hats, but they would’ve messed everyone’s hair, I guess.

    24 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    That stuff on Greenland is like watching the Keystone Cops.

    Yes! I had high hopes but they were crushed today. Everything is taking FOREVER and the sets and stuff look cheap and pathetic.

    For the first time since I started watching again 5yrs ago, I checked the weekly spoilers to see how long this never ending storyline could be going on. I’ll skip watching for a bit, but will keep following the comments here.

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  15. 3 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

    So hold up...that's it with Bo? He's now in am offscreen coma indefinitely? The end?


    Da fuq?

    100% this.

    I loved the soapiness of the reunion being broken by Bo being shot - well done. Then, what?!

    Is Hope staying? Or will she leave with Bo taking him to a hospital in Switzerland? (I remember a time when that exit storyline was quite popular.)

    If Hope stays and Bo is alive/comatose after that loving reunion, she can’t be partnered with anyone, so pretty useless as a character.

    Regarding trip, I think he needs a Sloan to his Eric type pairing. Maybe Talia? Or a May-December with Trask?

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    Well, today was VERY underwhelming.


    2 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Y'all. I've been back a week after my vacation in India and have about three weeks' worth of episodes to watch! Should I just delete them all?

    Yes. You didn’t miss anything and can jump back in easily. We’ve had altogether maybe 10 min of Tracy.

    • Like 6
  17. My internet was down for half the show - apparently a blessing.

    It was nice of Victor to provide his hostages with coats 🙄. Not a fan of NC’s current acting choices, but oh well.

    I muted everything about the wedding but it looked like the bride (are we supposed to think she has a wig on? That was a lot of hair) was wearing a ready for the bedroom negligee, her bridal party was dressed for a summer outing and the groom’s side, for a funeral the men didn’t bother to shave to attend.

    Not even MW and CW could save the day. And who is styling MW right now because her hair looked dry and black roots were showing and her earrings didn’t go with her blouse.

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