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Posts posted by Bruinsfan

  1. I suspect the temperature at my actual home office desk is around 77°-78°, but to get that I have to set my thermostat (located on the inmost wall of my apartment, shared with a neighbor who refrigerates his) on 74°. Most of the exterior wall of my loft is windows, and my desk is close to the biggest.

    I make up for it in the winter by keeping my heat set in the low 60s and using a space heater and lap cat.129028233_10221491452907855_163290007154

    • Love 7
  2. Yeah, I don't think Desire had anything to do with Burgess' ritual (beyond the baseline of their function involved in him wanting to get his dead son back, any rate).


    Their big scheme started after that, conceiving a child with Unity Kincaid while she had the Sleeping Sickness so that their offspring would become the vortex in her stead  and force Morpheus to spill family blood. Now as to how Desire knew Unity was fated to become the vortex, the show didn't say. But we've seen that the Fates can be consulted in return for gifts, and know things that at least Morpheus does not.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Colleenna said:

    Gah. I had to stop feeding the hummingbirds because the #@$%ing squirrels would hang on the feeder and drink all the sugar water. I tried EVERYTHING. 

    A B&B I've stayed at has hummingbird feeders in several places, and also one of those spinning corn cob squirrel feeders that apparently keeps them sufficiently occupied to leave the hummingbird feeders alone.

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  4. I too am in the liked-but-didn't-love crowd. Tatiana's doing a great job as Jen, she was instantly likeable and had me in her corner from the introductory scene. I liked the chemistry between her and Ruffalo, but I thought a lot of his line readings as the Hulk were flat, like he was phoning it in. I hope that was a deliberate choice for the studied calm of the character and not an indicator that he's grown bored with his role.

    I agree that Jen accepting that she's a pretty green version of a werewolf in about three minutes is maybe a little too pat, but then again the theme of the series is supposed to be her wacky adventures, not a realistic exploration of how life-upsetting such a transformation would be.

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  5. I don't know, I don't see him meekly standing by and letting them make another attempt at capturing Death if he were freed. And he clearly could do things to interfere with such attempts even if bound by a vow not to harm Alex and other members of the household.

  6. 44 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

    Also, let's be really. Tony could of gotten the info out of him easily by needling him and prodding him with questions until Cap broke. Talking about losing your virginity isn't locker room talk. It's not out of the realm of possibility for Cap. He just wouldn't of done it casually.

    It wouldn't even need Tony to be particularly interested in getting the info out of Steve. You just know he'd be dying to brag about how he lost his with Cindy Crawford or when he was a 13-year-old freshman at MIT or whatever, and if even one other person volunteered their first experience the peer pressure would be on for Steve to share as well.

  7. I like Miracle Whip slightly better than real mayonnaise (which is not at all). Once every few years I get a craving for pickle & pimento loaf sandwiches and have them with very thinly spread Miracle Whip. Then the rest of the 8 oz. jar goes to waste because I don't trust it when it's been in an open container for years.

  8. I'm left wondering how in the world Hector managed to find his way to the Dreaming rather than his rightful place in the afterlife. Did Rose's nature as the vortex somehow draw him there long before it manifested in other ways? Did Death bring him there intentionally?

  9. 14 hours ago, quangtran said:

    I don't think this is true, because 1) Jesse Alexander was the showrunner of the second season of American Gods and 2) Fuller departed from most of his shows due to creative differences (The Vampire Chronicles, Amazing Stories, American Gods and ST Discovery). 

    Don't forget Dead Like Me, which was his own creation! I think Wonderfalls and Hannibal are the only shows he's stuck with throughout their run.

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  10. This was by far the best episode so far imho. Not a surprise given the source material, but I'm really glad the adaptation knocked it out of the park.

    On 8/5/2022 at 12:02 PM, PurpleTentacle said:

    Death said that she knew that the people who captured Dream where trying to capture her. How does she know and when did she find out?

    Just a bit of speculation (I don't recall if the issue is ever touched on in the comics), but Roderick Burgess and likely all the other people involved in the summoning attempt died quite some time ago. Even if they didn't volunteer the information upon meeting Death, she seems to know quite a bit about the people she collects.

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  11. On 8/7/2022 at 1:52 PM, Chicago Redshirt said:

    Netflix Sandman seems to have cut loose most of the references to superheroes, however. I think that's a smart change.

    That may be a matter of DC-owned intellectual property created by people other than Gaiman.


    For example, while Squatterbloat was the doorkeeper of Hell in the original comics, he didn't speak in rhyme or guide Dream to his audience with Lucifer. That was Etrigan, a longtime DC comics character rather than an original creation or a figure from real world foklore and mythology. I'd imagine that's why John Constantine became Johanna as well.

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