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I agree with you. Jenna is the worst! She is beyond entitled. Has no humility or gratitude. Her father should not have given in about the room. Who cares is Jenna is cramped in her room?! She's the one who got pregnant. It's her fault. I despise her. Myrka’s mother is correct. And has a spine.
Things are tough in Myrka's home because her mother is a single mom working her ass off to raise two kids. The mother was trying so hard to make sure Myrka did not make the same mistakes she did. She wants to best for her daughter and made her expectations clear. Myrka defied her mom's reasonable rule; do not get pregnant. Myrka made her own bed. Her mom is not responsible for the pregnancy or the baby.
Her mom "looks way old"... Probably from the stress of raising kids on her own. Working so hard at her job six days a week. And, having a dumb daughter to worry about. Ages a person.
Agree that all four of the Zolziaks are tough! Not at all warm and fuzzy. It’s odd to me. Sigh.
What is great is that Km and Kroy really love their kids. They are so lucky to have a large brood. It's nice to see the little boys with classic hair cuts. As opposed to say a mohawk. They look clean cut like Kroy. While the girls look so awful .. like their mom. Kroy is more sensible than Kim. I feel bad for him, because it seems impossible to reign Kim in... She just wont listen; buying the Louis Vuitton luggage: spending obscene amounts on parties. He also tries to discipline. Tries. Wish Kim would tone down the cursing. Such a bad example for the younger ones. And she needs to stop with the plastic surgery and the lip fillers. And start being tougher on the kids Especially Brielle and Ariana. Also, still kind of surprised Kroy, who is more mainstream, is into Kim . With the wigs, stilettos all the time, the make up, trashy clothes ( even to the swim with dolphins), constant use of the f word. They are so different. ; ; ;
S02.E10: One Wedding and a Funeral?
SuseQ replied to PrincessPurrsALot's topic in Seeking Sister Wife
I agree! Vanessa is bright, bubbly, and beautiful! She could easily find a man just for her! Why in the world would she want this? Also, an ankle bracelet?! Really? That’s bizarre. Most women like engagement and wedding rings. Good thing is it won’t be a legal marriage, so Vanessa can leave whenever she wants. -
I haven't seen much of this show over the years but have been tuning in this season and catching old episodes as they run. Kim is so lucky to have found the love of her life and to have six healthy children. What an amazing situation. It is just so sad that neither her parents or Kroy's family are part of their lives. I do not understand it. How can she and Kroy be at peace? Their children would benefit in so many ways from having their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins in their lives. Such a shame. About the daughters, they were so cute as young kids. Good grief they are just so simple and shallow. Kim, wake up. You are a lucky woman. Change the way you do things for the sake of your kids. Kim could still be fun, goofy and entertaining while running a tighter ship and living a more meaningful life. I think. Sigh
S09.E06: Fifty Shades Of Shade
SuseQ replied to KungFuBunny's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
It's so irritating to hear these ladies say they were manipulated by LVP. Please! They are grown women, savvy business people. Not helpless, hapless innocents. They could have chosen to take the high road but instead happily participated in the scheming and gossiping. They are crazy, which is why I watch. -
I wonder if Kendra’s parents will have even more children after the eigth is (was ) born? That’s a big enough family. They are lucky to have healthy kids. Also, Kendra is a sweet person. Genuine, and kind. Adorable.
Wow; Jazz's three transgender girlfriends are very pretty. Sweet too. The trend of blocking puberty definitely makes for a more feminine appearance and voice. Though presents more issues for surgery.
I agree! Greg is a good man. Nice looking too. Works hard and is incredibly loving and supportive. I think he is absolutely drained. Demanding profession. Responsible for four children and his wife. Worried about Jazz's mental, emotional and physical well being. Major stress. I feel for him. And Jeanette.
It was rude of Jazz to hang up on Ahmir’s mother. A nose job would improve her looks. A nose job would improve my looks. Lol
Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage
SuseQ replied to Maverick's topic in Commercials
The Paragard commercial is ridiculous! The scrawny overly happy lady wearing yellow flowered dress dancing in outdoor food market singing stupid song. Omg. And all of the other people dancing, including kids!? Backflips. What the heck. Dumb. Irritating! Anybody else despise this commercial? -
Jenningspalooza: Jack, Jackie, Greg, Jeanette, Ari and the twins
SuseQ replied to Grammysherry's topic in I Am Jazz
Greg seems like such a good man. It's sad he is estranged from his family. -
S05.E09: I Want to Meet Your (Transphobic) Mom
SuseQ replied to PrincessPurrsALot's topic in I Am Jazz
I had no idea the family has that much money. How did they accumulate such wealth?