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Geez, Jill, your other children may have also enjoyed dinner at Applebee’s. The favoritism she shows is so blatant. I grew up with 7 siblings and even if it was one’s birthday, we all celebrated together whether it was at home or a restaurant (although as a large family, going to a restaurant really only happened on a birthday or very special occasion). None of us were whisked off for a nice dinner out while the rest of us ate scraps at home. Maybe if it’s something they did with each child every now and then, it would be different, but so often it’s just with precious Nurie when she’s visiting or the Rods are on one of their frequent trips to Florida. Mahmo just infuriates me!
I do hope she had the silver monstrosity cleaned. I can only imagine how that thing must stink if she didn’t. I recognize the brand on the tag - they sell formal dresses and pantsuit geared toward mother of the bride/groom. I did buy one of their pant suits a couple of years ago for an event I had to go to. I’m sure the girls won’t see a penny from any of their clothes that sell - Jillpm probably has to go buy more cheap decor for the barndo!
Jill’s got a video on IG of the three youngest girls and Tessie at a farm petting pigs and goats. Janessa’s got her rag with her and it’s dragging on the ground by the pig pen. I hope it gets washed before it goes back in her mouth but I sincerely doubt it. Just rewatched and although the rag wasn’t in her mouth in the video she was rubbing it on her face near her mouth. More germs. I guess she didn’t get enough at the bacteria pool water slide.
She’ll probably have another post about the kids begging to stop at some tourist attraction on the way home even though they were all so sick with a stomach bug that she had to do the girls’ hair and make up. And she’ll never realize that the stomach bug is something they all picked up in that disgusting water. Just gross.
I so dislike this new format of my once favorite show. When Easton and Madison were dancing together, I got a glimpse of what it used to be, when we could watch a duet dance an entire dance and really partner with each other. I don’t feel like we’re really getting a chance to see what an individual dancer can too when it’s all group routines, even though the group size is shrinking. I couldn’t care less about the dating and shared house stuff - that can be edited out and we wouldn’t lose anything. Plus there’s too much focus on the judges. I wanted to watch great dancing and see who rises to the top, who can master other styles, whose unique skills are really brought into the choreography, etc. I’ll watch to the end of the season but I hope if they come back next year, they go back to the original format.
I wasted 3 1/2 years in a relationship with an emotionally abusive jerk like Vinnie. When he started up like Vinnie did this episode you shut down because you know anything you say is only going to make it worse. But you overlook it because you still have fun together at times, even though you know you deserve better. I see the same in Amber. I’m sure they can have some really good times, but he has absolutely no respect for her, and she doesn’t have the self esteem to walk away. If they do get married this year, I hope they have gone through a ton of counseling because I don’t see him changing without it, and not sure if he will even with it. If he’s like this when the cameras are rolling, what’s he like when they’re alone? I had a really hard time watching them this episode. Nobody deserves to be treated like that - it’s verbal and emotional abuse.
Actually, there was a time for Hannah Duggar - can’t remember which one she’s married to - and an 18 year old Duggar Hannie. I guessing that’s Johanna?
I saw results for Johannah and Ben too. Wonder if Johannah had to run in a skirt.