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If she's trying, she doesn't seem to be succeeding. Evidently, she was "teaching" some of Maddie Massengill's choreography (I think it was some she'd done for the DCC, but it could be some of her own personal stuff) and Victoria was saying it was something she had come up with instead of giving Maddie credit for it. Maddie had reached out to her and told her to stop teaching it, but Victoria didn't. No one would have known if someone hadn't posted a video of it and Maddie called Victoria out for it. When someone asked her why she hadn't reached out to Victoria about it privately, Maddie said she had, but Victoria didn't stop teaching it. Rumor also has it that Judy and Kelli have asked Victoria to stop teaching DCC routines, but Victoria has refused (not sure if Victoria's trying to pass them off as routines she personally came up with or if she's truly teaching DCC stuff, but I'm leaning towards it being a combination of both reason). If she keeps this up, I wouldn't be surprised if she (and possibly her mom) is issued a lawsuit. If so, I doubt any dance company (Rockettes or otherwise) would touch her because they wouldn't want someone like that in the mix.
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They cut out a LOT about Victoria's weight that season, but mainly that scene where Victoria, Jinelle and Kelli were in the office and Victoria was called out for ignoring Jinelle and NOT going to the doctor's appointment (I think the doctor thing was mentioned briefly and rumor has it that Victoria claimed to have an issue that caused her to gain weight and the doctor's appointment was to confirm that condition). It's fairly obvious because of all the "jumping around" the cameras did. If they were showing most, or all, of the office visit, there wouldn't be nearly the amount of jumping between shots and the like (and, no, it's not because of all the people in the room). There was a LOT cut out from that scene and I, for one, would like to have seen the entire scene, but it's also interesting that they left in at least one piece of Victoria lying to Kelli's face and Kelli calling her out on it.
I'm late to the party with this, but I clearly remember one of the girls from several years back state that, when they made the trek from the field to the lockers rooms (and vice versa), one of the fans stated he'd like to rape one of the cheerleaders. He said it loudly enough that many of the cheerleaders heard it and none of the security personnel did f*ck all about it. IIRC, the cheerleader said that several of the other men either vocally agreed with the first fan or looked like they agreed with him. I could be misremembering part of it, but I clearly recall the girl talking about it because it rattled her pretty badly.
Yes, this was the same Jerry who, when he bought the Cowboys, wanted the uniforms MUCH skimpier as well as wanted the girls to "sell" alcohol in commercials and he also wanted to pimp them out to his friends and/or the highest bidder. IIRC, these were some of, if not the main, reasons so many girls walked out that season and possibly the DCC director replaced (because, IIRC, the one at the time didn't really protect the girls or stand up against Jerry). Once everything hit the media, Jerry backed off and really didn't push the issue again, but he also really doesn't protect the girls or, really, any of the workers that are part of the organizations unless it's the players and likely the support staff for the players.
I'm glad to know she was asked to come back for a 6th year, but I'd like to know if she would to have actually had to audition or if she would have been guaranteed a spot without having to do so. Given Kelli's insistence on her being the ONLY person who was guaranteed a spot on the squad without having to audition (though I remember hearing that there was another girl prior to Kelli's tenure who did just this), I wouldn't be surprised if she made Nicole go through auditions anyway.
I think Meghan Flaherty could DEFINITELY have used the videos as well as Malena. I would have liked to see what could have happened if those two had access to the dances ahead of time and could work on polishing the rest of it up. Despite this, I think there are some girls who could have the dances down so solid outside of rehearsal that NOTHING could shake them on it, but the moment Kelli and Judy show up, even muscle memory and all the practice in the world couldn't help them and the dances just go right out the door.
I think Kelli Quinn's first husband wasn't all that much of a catch. They got married and divorced within a year for, IIRC, him cheating on her. Like, dude. You scored with an NFL cheerleader and you decide it's worth catting about? I don't know what his thought process was, but the first two that crossed my mind were that he thought she was a stereotypical "dumb" blond and that she was a "stupid" cheerleader, both indicating that he thought she was lacking in both smarts and intelligence. Then I thought, the only "dumb" or stupid things she did was to date, then marry, him and the smartest thing she did was dump/divorce him! LOL
It's been what, only two weeks or so since Training Camp started and it used to be almost 2 and a half months? TPTB may make it longer if they have more spots but I doubt it's going to take them as long as it did during the show to fill those spots. They'll probably go back to taking who they want and a few extras in case someone gets injured or just doesn't pan out like expected and be done with it in a month or a little more. I also wouldn't be surprised if TPTB had continued with the practice of sending out videos of the dances ahead of time and expected the girls to have learned the dances ahead of time so that all they had to do in Training Camp was polish everything up and see how the girls do in person.
Good point. I'd rather she pull out due to an injury (that wouldn't heal in time for the season) then get cut for reasons. This gives her time to heal and fix whatever issues TPTB had with her for next year. I'm hoping that Darian, Kalyn and Anisha come back for next year because they all have the look and the dancing (especially if they improve a LOT) that the DCC needs. At least, in my opinion. I think it proves that the show drew out Training Camp far too long just for the drama and the suspense (and possibly other things). I remember hearing that one of the major complaints about the show was that it made Training Camp too long, that Kelli/Judy/Charlotte/etc. probably already knew who they wanted in camp and could make the decisions more quickly, but that it was drawn out to get however many episodes they needed for that season, especially after the show went from being a half-hour long in the early seasons to an hour long (I'm including commercial breaks here) in later seasons.