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Everything posted by Xazeal

  1. I'm even more excited about the fact that Frankie will be in the running for America's Player (since he'll be on the jury) but most likely won't even be in the top three vote-getters. At least I pray he won't be.
  2. This is exactly where I'm at. Last year, I had a feeling at this point that Andy would win, and unfortunately, I have the same feeling this time around. I'm still praying that Victoria will take him out. As for boos, I used to think CBS disliked booing, but I really don't think so anymore. Viewers responded really well to watching terrible people get booed last season, and when Christine got booed they even aired some comments about it on the show and they know everyone was talking about it. I don't really think they're going to discourage booing, UNLESS it's for Frankie. They may be over him, but they're not going to let him get booed.
  3. Alexander's, Char's, Amanda's and Emily's are straight up horrifying. Kini's is surprisingly basic and expected. Sean has some really nice pieces, but most of it is drab. Sandhya's got a little too awkward for me at times. Some of those pieces are not so much interesting as they are ugly. Korina's surprised the heck out of me, and even though the graphic color blocking has been done to death, I'm fairly confident that she's a finalist. Unsurprisingly, I love fäde's. I'm trying not to be biased because he's awesome, but seriously, that collection just made me smile after all the drab crap the others brought. It had personality, it had polish, it had COLOR, and there is no way in hell he's winning. But I'm glad he did that. I think Sandhya, Korina and Sean are in the finale, with Sandhya as the winner.
  4. Frankie managed to look both 12 AND 70 in that one shot. And I guess this is how they're going to pull in viewers even though literally nothing is happening game-wise this week.
  5. Frankie's face when Julie drops this bomb will be delicious. I have a hard time getting excited, though. Frankie has won almost as many comps as the other four have won combined. Chances are he'll win the "real" HOH or Veto, and this week won't even be funny in hindsight. It will just be yet another installment of regular fucking Frankie. Please, Victoria, go on a crazy winning streak.
  6. Yeah, Caleb is not a very complex individual, is he? Unsurprised by the safe play. Torn between wanting Frankie to destroy Derrick's game and wanting Derrick to destroy Frankie, period. Still rooting for a Caleb/Victoria F2.
  7. If we didn't actually see Char in the "rainway" preview, I wouldn't think Tim's comments really meant anything, but since we knows she's there it seems incredibly likely that Tim actually does use the save for her in the next episode. I do wish he would wait to use it for Fäde, but then again I really don't think Fäde should ever be eliminated in the first place.
  8. I'm glad he got a bit more attention tonight, and that most of it was positive. I'm still not sure if his team was in the top four or bottom six, since they were mostly negative towards Emily's dress but mostly positive towards Fäde's, but either way it seems like the judges are responding positively to his aesthetic. I still don't know how he's only been safe all these weeks, but I hope that's about to change. His interactions with Amanda were pretty adorable. I'm not a big fan of Amanda, but I liked that Fäde was there for her when she was upset. He seems to be very kind and easy-going.
  9. I really wish there was a chance in hell that they would show Frankie's freakout on the show. Even if production hates him as much as we do, it would be way too out of the blue considering how positively he's been portrayed up until this week. Now that I no longer have to worry about Donny's safety in the game, it's a whole lot more enjoyable to watch these people suffer. For the second season in a row, that is the only reason I'm watching. It's sad, but I'm fine with that.
  10. That's true. Can she get the votes, though? Again, she could probably beat Christine. I literally have no idea what would happen if Caleb and Victoria were the final two.
  11. Late to the party, but of course Cody won the veto and didn't use it. Now the next episode will be all about Cody hyping himself up and going on and on about the "big move" that he's about to make. But honestly, I don't think I'll be watching anymore. Nicole and Donny are going next, and after that I might watch the evictions just to see the rest of them crying at the realization that they weren't going to split the prize five ways. Towards the end of last season I was rooting for Gina Marie out of spite. I am now rooting for Caleb for the same reason. But really, who can he beat at the end? Christine?
  12. Loved it. Especially loved the callbacks to AtLA - the crystal cave they were in was very similar to the one where Azula tried to kill Aang in the Avatar State in the Book 2 finale (it might've been the same one, I'm not sure about their geographic location) and the place where Korra had her final fight with Zaheer was definitely the place where Aang fought Ozai in the series finale. Yes, someone's head literally exploded on this show for kids. Keep pushing boundaries, LoK. Though, pretty much the same thing happened to the original Sparky Sparky Boom Man. For whatever reason, this one seemed... more gruesome. And I guess any theories that Suyin is a Red Lotus member are officially squashed, what with killing P'Li and saving Korra and generally kicking a lot of ass. I was completely convinced that she would turn out to be the main antagonist somehow, so consider me shocked. I'm also shocked that Toph didn't show up, although I guess there's time for that in the final book. I will be thoroughly disappointed if we don't see her at all - she's clearly out there, otherwise they would've just said she died. I could do without the Kai/Jinora thing, but I really do like Jinora. She has really come into her own, and I love that she finally got to save the day a little bit and get recognition for it. I figured Bolin would be lavabending in the finale, but Mako lightningbending surprised me since I completely forgot that he could do it - has he even done it since Book 1? I wish Asami got more to do, but she still probably had more badass moments than Mako did this season. I had to laugh a little bit at the dramatic music and closeup when Kuvira introduced herself to Tonraq. Who wants to bet that she becomes a major character soon? Overall, a somewhat shaky start to the season, but they made up for it in the final stretch. Unlike last season which dragged on, this one might've benefited from being a 24-episode season. The Beifong family drama was rushed, the rebuilding of the Air Nation could've been explored further, the villains could've been fleshed out more and it would've been interesting to see them attack the Northern Water Tribe and/or the Fire Nation the same way they did Ba Sing Se. And the revolution in Ba Sing Se was left hanging, but I guess it'll play a part in next season.
  13. Julie usually mentions the top two or three HGs in the fan favorite voting, right? Because at this point I think Zach sort of has it in the bag, but I at least want to see people's faces when Donny is listed as one of the top vote-getters.
  14. Oh, I do want to see this. Another Pressure Cooker comp, please. You know Cody would start crying within the first hour. ETA: Have they done the counting veto yet this season? Doesn't that usually show up fairly early? Did they replace it with *gasp* a new idea?
  15. This season is such a weird one for me. I enjoyed it, and there were tons of memorable looks, but I never want to watch it again. There was so much fodder, and some of them (Stella, Blayne, SUEDE) made it way, way further than they should have. I had no problem with Kenley and her hysterics, though. Sometimes I do wonder if Rachel Reilly studied Kenley extensively while coming up with her character. I would never want to meet them in real life, but I find them highly entertaining. "I wasn't going for elegant, Heidi!" Leanne kicked all kinds of ass and her collection is one of my all-time favorites. This was one of only five seasons where I thought the best collection (including decoys) won. I don't know, as much as I enjoyed it, I feel like this was the first season that felt sort of bland. I think season four was the last season that was truly great, and this one is just the best of the rest.
  16. Sadly, yes. It's been a problem in several seasons, and is rarely (if ever) shown on the actual show. It hasn't become nearly as big of a deal as last year's racism, so CBS can get away with pretty much ignoring it, and they will make sure the audience doesn't boo Frankie. They may just fill the studio with mannequins or puppets. I can't believe it's Thursday already. I'm praying for a pedicab-related HOH comp, followed by hedge-trimming trivia comp next week.
  17. Yeah, stuff like this is why I could never understand or get behind the idea that Zach should win fan favorite. Yes, he has sympathetic moments, but so did GinaMarie, and she was still horrible. I would feel terrible for Donny if Zach wins fan favorite with the way he's acted.
  18. From Jokers: I know this isn't the first time they've talked about Donny like this, but I still just don't understand it. Who are they trying to fool here? Is this targeting those hordes of viewers who stay away from all BB-related media and then sign up for the live feeds on day 62 to catch this conversation? Because everyone else knows that these two are full of shit.
  19. I think Derrick knows what's up, and that's why he's upset. A couple of weeks back he observed that the Team America missions seemed to hint that they were boring, and this week he noticed that the crowd didn't seem too excited to watch him and Frankie win. After hearing production cheer for Donny, I think he's well aware that he's not making America very happy, and it seems like he really cares about that stuff. Of course, the fact that he's not controlling the entire house at the moment is probably part of it too.
  20. Donny breaks my heart a little bit, but at least this can only end well for him. If he makes the finale, great for him, and if he doesn't, he gets fan favorite. And if Frankie's on the jury, we'll get to see his face when he's not even mentioned as one of the top vote-getters. I'm optimistic. I guess Victoria is leaving this week, which sucks because I like her, but at least it fucks up Derrick's game. Now Hayden can come back and unite with Donny to kick his ass out. I'm optimistic.
  21. He is definitely my favorite, and I can not believe that he hasn't even been in the top yet. He's done well in every challenge and in my eyes he clearly should've won this one. However, I'm not too worried about his chances here, because despite his quirky behavior, he's not getting all that much screentime. If he was pure fodder who went early, they would pump him for all he's worth. If he sticks around for a long time, they may as well save him for later so that the early aufs can get their 15 minutes. In almost every season, there's one finalist who we don't really see much of until halfway through the season. Long story short, this guy is awesome and if he doesn't win I'll be really sad.
  22. I can't even remember what happened with Korra and the gang in the first half, because the second half was seriously intense. It had some really fantastic action. I honestly expected either Tenzin or Kya and Bumi to die. You know a fight scene is intense and well executed when I actually fear for the life of major characters in a non-finale episode. The way they left it as a cliffhanger, I don't see them doing it. Cliffhangers with clear good/bad outcomes just never end badly, at least not on kids shows. Then again, a murder-suicide happened. Who the hell knows. I have to say, bending-wise, I really enjoy this group of villains. The lavabending dude brings something that we haven't seen before, the combustionbender is a nice callback to old Sparky Sparky Boom Man, Zaheer is the first airbending villain, and the waterbending woman utilizes an advanced version of Katara's water whip as a weapon. I would like to get some more backstory on them, but I'm not sure that can be crammed into the last two episodes.
  23. This gives me a headache in my entire body. I know I shouldn't expect these HGs to have any self-awareness, but this is just too much.
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