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Everything posted by FizzyPuff

  1. Oh god when Ben gets qualified will this be his church (also owned by JB)
  2. Did anyone else laugh when Austin called Gideon sir?
  3. Did you misquote? Because you quoted about Michelle and Jana giving each other weird looks? And started talking about in laws. Anyway Jana is not a daughter in law although I’m sure she wishes the Duggars weren’t her family and Michelle her mother.
  4. The one thing that annoys me is I thought Austin and Joy were building that home for themselves, not building it to flip and then move on. They need a house for themselves that they will never flip, the house they built and sold was 30 mins away from Joys family so not too far for her to go visit, So maybe it was too close for Austin? If it was Austin and Joy on there own then they can live in the RV and move around all they want but they have a baby now, Don’t they want a home that’s for them and not the RV.
  5. I hope it was Tyler that poor boy was way too close to them when they kissed ? I’d probably say eww too or at least think it. I’d love to know what this boy thinks of Michelle and JB I’m sure he thinks they’re nuts. Edit just watching it again it was the little m kid that said eww and the other m kid covered his mouth lol
  6. Ok I'm gonna try and be positive about this maybe sitting in a class will make her think she could get an education, go to college and become whatever she wants. Negative point she cant spend alone time in a lecture, meet him after and go for dinner or something.
  7. I want just thinking counting on is on tlc pure filth it is ?
  8. Well I thought they looked fine, Kendra's outfit was a bit too casual for a date night but she was pregnant so I'd let that pass only Josiahs joke one where He was in gown and slippers was silly but at least Lauren got him another nice outfit as well. Yes
  9. Omg When I first saw that sign I thought it said baby rape ?
  10. I honestly haven't got a clue what kinda mother doesn't see there child until what a week or two before her grandchild's birth? Especially when she only lives 30mins away (If Joy lived in another country or Laredo like Jinger I could understand) but she hadn't even popped by to see where her daughter was gonna be living and what the house looks like? Mind Boggling.
  11. Duggar family blog posted Michelle visiting Joy & Austin before the birth, apparently Michelle hadn’t seen the house before and she came by herself! Where was JB? I thought married couples don’t go anywhere without each other. Also poor Joy looked like she was so done with being pregnant. http://www.duggarfamilyblog.com/2018/09/michelle-and-joy-discuss-birth.html
  12. Bigskygirl: Surprises can still happen even with condoms. True well as long as I don’t here we’re leaving it up too god on how many kids they’ll have from a 28 year old I’ll be good.
  13. Let her breasts fill you all all times with delight *sniggers* Now there’s a Duggar friendly verse perhaps Jill should show this to Jim Bob and he can read it to all the family.
  14. I hope JD has at least a years stash of condoms so they can really get to know each other before a baby comes.
  15. They've been brainwashed to think all of us on the outside are evil or I dunno were just not ''special'' like them, so I'm not surprised they want home births. Us outsiders will bring are heathen ways with us, we might even turn one of them into satanists lol. Honestly I think they're not too comfortable around people not inside their group which does make me wonder why they even have a midwife turn up at there births (unless she too is part of their cult) I mean the midwife gets a view of Joy's vagina no one can see that except her headship & if she goes into hospital think of all the male doctors and nurses who see Joy's vagina oh the shame, she'll have to whip herself after that cesarean.
  16. One thing that annoyed me about this episode Jessa scaring Joy even more about child birth, I swear she enjoyed it.
  17. Have you all seen this photo? Josh looks enormous, At first I thought they stretched him but no one else looks that big :O
  18. Longtime lurker (well about a year at least) hey everyone I’m enjoying all your comments. Anyways when I saw this picture I was thinking WTF take your damn hat off but then I realised this was at Joys Caesarian so maybe the guy just wasn’t thinking straight either that or the cap is permanently stuck to his head.
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