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Everything posted by SmpIsimon

  1. The person who selects these "swimsuits" should be fired.
  2. I apologize for not being clearer. I revised my original post to be more precise.
  3. To be fair, I don’t know for sure who it was. I just heard that it happened and was understandably upsetting to Jinelle.
  4. Could be wrong, from what I can tell that's just the sense of those in training camp.
  5. It is assumed that Meredith and Kristin will likely get cut. And I'm not surprised there was nothing publicized about Jinelle. I heard that somebody made Jinelle's sexual orientation an issue in an attempt to justify not wanting to work closely with her.  It was pretty gross.
  6. The irony is that if they focused on all the back-stabbing and shit-stirring that VK and TK do, they'd have a hell of a reality show!
  7. What I heard didn't sound particularly harsh, I just heard she complained about the nepotism and the fact that Victoria was allowed to gain 13 pounds with not even a warning while other girls were placed on weight warning for gaining just a few pounds.
  8. I agree. Kelli apparently selects all the shots herself, and it's clear she just doesn't have an eye for it.
  9. They have considered putting together a group to go and talk to Kelli, but girls are understandably frightened of the ramifications. There's talk of trying to get some of the vets to do it as many of them are super concerned about how all this is hurting the brand.
  10. Respectfully, it isn't fair. Victoria lied to her employer during last year's training camp -- she lied about having a medical condition, she lied about going to the doctor, and when her lies were discovered, she attacked Jinelle. In light of all that (not even counting her massive weight gain from poor eating habits) -- it is entirely UNFAIR that she was even permitted to audition again, much less make training camp, and certainly not show group. Plus, I know that when it was announced that VK made SG, several of the girls were stunned. One even gasped. Those girls (who have some expertise in this style of dance) saw her audition and were absolutely shocked that she made it.
  11. The truth about Chelsea is she charmed Kelli for a long time, and so Kelli turned a blind eye to how poor a dancer she was. But, when she had her "meltdown," it really wasn't that big of a deal, but it showed Kelli how blinded she had been by Chelsea (who was very kiss-ass normally). At that point, she saw her for what she was -- a weak dancer. And they cut her. In other words, It had more to do with dancing than the meltdown, it's just the meltdown effectively melted the rose colored glasses Kelli had been wearing when it came to Chelsea.
  12. VK will do her five years (after all, what else does she have going on) but she will greatly damage the brand in the process. She is still just a rookie and the level of toxicity she is causing is off the charts -- imagine her as a vet. I suspect though that she'll have trouble maintaining the weight (she's already gained a few pounds in this current training camp), and I wonder how TPTB will justify putting folks on weight warning with VK on the squad.
  13. Agreed. Rachel is giving nothing in the face. That picture of Miranda is just ridiculous.
  14. Thank you for that -- this is what I was told as well. Jalyn gave Victoria what she thought was some helpful corrections, and Victoria got really insulted. She then complained to her mother, who went to Kelli. The girls were then lectured at a subsequent practice that if someone needs feedback, leave it to Kelli or Judy to tell them. This is in contrast to past years where Vets were encouraged to give help to the rookies. Ever since then Jalyn has been in the dog house. And nobody has really stuck up for Jalyn because the girls have learned just how bad things can be if get the wrong side of the VK love fest.
  15. My theory is that last year Kelli wanted her to make it because she likes her and she's the daughter of Kelli's good friend. Nothing wrong with either of those things. But, then it came out that Kelli had promised Victoria a slot, which she eventually had to renege on given Victoria's massive weight gain. It also came out that the judges who questioned Victoria were silenced, Victoria's role in Tara's elimination, how Victoria lied about a medical condition, lied about going to the doctor and then threw Jinelle under the bus. All of that understandably built up a lot of VK hate. Well, from what I heard, that really pissed Kelli off and made her feel like the fans were trying to tell her who she could and couldn't have on the team. Thus, this year she has really doubled down. Not only was VK promised a slot on the team but on SG as well. Also, everyone associated with the DCC has been instructed to share nothing except praise for VK. Even Kristi had to take down that video of the kick-line for fear folks might use it against VK. Someone needs to tell Kelli that she's allowing her ego to overpower her rational thinking.
  16. It's very clear to me that Kelli is quite comfortable putting the entire organization at risk just so Tina Kalina can live vicariously through her untalented daughter.
  17. No, I was thinking of the one where she's showing off her ass in a bikini. The camera is down below her pointing up at her butt. Disney won't go for that kind of stuff.
  18. She better delete some of the stuff she posted on Instagram then.
  19. There's a reason Jalyn didn't make SG. I'm honestly surprised nobody has quit TC at this point.
  20. To say she treats her teammates poorly is an understatement. Just ask Tara or Jalyn.
  21. I'll be interested to see if they show the (undoctored) announcement of Victoria making show group. I've been told that it was a very awkward moment with many stunned and disgusted faces. In contrast, Victoria didn't seem the least bit surprised.
  22. From what I've heard about her behavior so far this year, not much has changed . . .
  23. If they ever get sued for racial discrimination, they'd be in BIG trouble. We have tons of footage of Kelli cutting diverse girls because they "don't look good in our uniform" -- well, the uniform was designed for an "ideal" white body. Thus, by continuing to use that standard, they are discriminating against women of color. Only a few can ever satisfy that standard.
  24. Exactly. Just look at Jacie's hair while she was a DCC and her hair after she was freed of the DCC restrictions on appearance.
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