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Posts posted by Dagny

  1. But her strength is not her own intelligence but that she realizes she never should she is the smartest and that many times she is not and appreciates the knowledge others bring to a matter.  It is why if you go back the situation in Flint in regards to Rachel goes back to her talking about water issues as far back as her look at the pending fiasco that was the whole Governor dictatorship in regards to overturning local elections and the imposition of picked individuals to hold what should have been elected positions.



    I like that she always checks with her guest to make sure that the long lead in did for them was factually correct.


    It drove me bonkers this morning that Joe seized on the <<<EPA>>>> being the big bad GOVERNMENT agency that was at fault for poisoning Flint's water. I can think of four other groups that had closer interaction with the actual water that I would blame even before the Governor.  

    • Detroit Water (I keep hearing weird things about how more expensive the water was going to be then I hear not)
    • Emergency manager for selling off the connecting pipe.
    • Flint Public Works - the manager, the water supply superintendent, any engineer, the water plant operators, etc.
    • The labs that test the water - they have to do grab samples and the lab technician that read the results of the lady that screamed the loudest about the water quality


    But no, to Joe, its all about EPA, like there are no other local City or State people who are afraid of losing their jobs.

    • Love 7
  2. She also smartly made allusions to the fact that there aren't a lot of fleshed out policies for Bernie's vision.


    I like the fact that she doesn't just say - "It will be great" There is meat, sinew and veins on that bone she has.

    • Love 8
  3. They also had a lurve fest over Peggy Noonan's Op-Ed that praises the GOP mess and calls Clinton a queen that deigns to select who could interview her.  Eugene Robinson was the only one to say the Emperor had no clothes. What a mess.

    • Love 4
  4. He truly is isn't he. He scares me more than Trump. I can't put it into words, but he does. He's horrifying, I truly get scare just looking at his face. Trump, I roll my eyes at and get pissed at the media riding his jock all the time and giving him legitimacy, but Cruz, he's frightening. There is something that seems extremely sinister about him, always has been.


    There has always been something about that guy that has set off that part of my lizard brain. "Don't Trust Him!" I don't get how nobody else goes running to the hills when the guy starts talking.

    • Love 3
  5. It bothered me all week that the pundits forced Obama to make a speech to calm a frightened America about how we are going to combat ISIS. It makes me think that we are scared shaking children who needs daddy to reassure them about the scary monsters out there.


    I woke up this morning to one Repub candidate after another blathering on about stuff they don't know. I was done and went to catch up on my Warriors.

    • Love 3
  6. I know. What's Obama supposed to do? Run around screaming and freaking out?


    He wants Obama to go off the deep end and start rounding up people who have funny names and look different. It makes people FEEL better. It doesn't help in the long run, but FEELINGS are better than logic.

    • Love 5
  7. We all ought to aspire to a find short term, physically demanding solution until our strength, health, and financial needs change?  What if we want a new career, what then?  Vocational school in our 40s?


    Of course we still need to raise the retirement age to 70. Everyone should work until they're 70. Doesn't matter if the body has already broken down.

    • Love 3
  8. Rubio said that being a welder is a better option than getting a college degree??  Wow.  Just... wow


    I would probably never even agree with Rubio on even the weather, but you can make good money as a welder. It is one of those jobs that are harder to ship overseas. It will take a toll on the body though.

    • Love 2
  9. If these folks what to be PRESIDENT OF THE UNTIED STATES they had better prepare themselves for a few hostile questions.


    So, they can't deflect a hostile question and go to their talking point? Heavens, how can the expect to stand up to PUTIN!!!

    • Love 2
  10. My guilty pleasure is Naked and Afraid, don't hate. After watching a bunch of those episodes, you understand how critical food, fire and water are to one's survival.  Within an hour of her chatting to herself (without water), Simmons would have done the inner monologue.  Depending on when she ate lunch, she'd start looking for food within 6 hours. Definitely stumbling, crawling and hallucinations within 36 -48 hours without food or water.


    It was nice that the water she stumbled upon wasn't stagnant and didn't have bugs that ripped her insides to shreds. It also have something that she could eat that wasn't poisonous to her.


    Other than that and the blue filter, I had fun.

  11. I actually ate at one of the restaurants he ate at! The moment they showed the Buddhist Temple, I knew exactly where they were. Squee. J-Town is slowly being taken over by the hipsters, but it is a great place to get old school Japanese food. Minato's isn't known for its sushi menu (I think they only make three types of rolls), but good food at a decent price.  I don't think that was brown gravy on Tony's plate , I'm pretty sure it was the curry plate. Fairly mild curry, but it doesn't like me.

  12. Whether you're talking about fetal tissue donation, organ donation from accident victims, procuring cadavers from nursing homes for medical research - it's ALL gory and upsetting. Of course it sounds callous if it's being discussed as a business transaction. But how is the fact that you're talking about an embryo or a fetus make it any more upsetting than if you're discussing Grandma?


    That is the part that bugs me. Surgery is messy and gory, but for the med staff it is normal. I think talking about poop treatment plants is normal stuff you talk when eating lunch.  Some people don't want to know how the sausage is made. 

    • Love 6
  13. The NY guys  -  something tells me that Sedona is  the place where if you say you're from New York, people are  not only not impressed, they will walk fast to get away from you


    When they kept getting the "we're from NY, we're hustlers and we can sell anything" cut, I figured their time was coming up.

  14. Sigh. Sedona? Rattlesnake? Pink jeeps? I just don't know where to go with this one. I bet they get the pink jeeps so the pho truck girls can get their truck fixed and sell, or some other production mess.


    My mom did a tour out to Sedona and the Grand Canyon. It included the pink jeep trip. She loved it.

  15. Yeah, isn't MSNBC supposed to be the sort-of liberal network? I don't think their core audience cares this much about this asshole. Really ridiculous at this point and it has been for weeks now.


    This pisses me off every night. I even FF through the parts where they talk about his "impact".


    What does Joe know about being a reporter? Ramos isn't a reporter? Kasie was having none of Joe's BS this morning.

    • Love 1
  16. And the swollen eye chick still has not found her team in 3 days?


    She built a better temporary shelter than most of the other groups that decided to stay in one place.


    Really interested in the groups where the multiple women sit around and bake in the heat without actually building anything.

  17. The show (the first one apparently anyway) is two hours long and involves 12 men and women IIRC, and is 40 days instead of 21


    That one will be really interesting. Most of the pairs barely made it out of there and coasted the last couple of days on body fat. After 40 days, they would tap out or carried out.

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