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Posts posted by Dagny

  1. It bugs me that they do a mini disclaimer that NBC hasn't verified the contents of the emails, then the group goes on a rant for the next half hour.

    NBC has a talking head guy on call that has been warning that the Russians were the ones who did the hack and that the best way to undermine someone is to plant false and damaging information inside a wealth of true information so you can't figure out what is true and what is false.  The English word "disinformation" is a loan word from Russian only dating back to the 1980s.

    It is getting to the point where we have to be wary of the planted emails.

    • Love 10
  2. 48 minutes ago, oakville said:

    Wikileaks proves Hillary thinks sanders & his supporters are naive dufuses.

    The panel failed to note that Bernie said that in his emails, they were not nice to Hillary.

    There was a blonde that basically said that the emails were typical campaign emails. no biggie.  There was also something about how if this is the big October surprise, it was a dud.

    • Love 7
  3. No Joe, both the Republicans and Democrats don't equally hold up ambassadorships, judge appointments, executive confirmations, SC appointment hearings, etc.  Joe pointed out the Thomas hearings, he still had a hearing and was confirmed! The Senate didn't chose not to allow an up / down vote. They voted. 

    Joe is using his beady little eyes and only seeing both sides, when only one side has been doing it for the past 7 years.

    • Love 5
  4. Gah, Joe went there again. The media is not being fair to Trump and is unfairly attacking him. "Like I said two months/a year/ 6 months/ fill in the blank ago blahblahblah I was right and only I saw it". Finally figured out why he likes Trump, both of them are always right, saw everything happen long before everyone else and are never wrong.

    • Love 8
  5. 2 hours ago, abbyzenn said:


    Last week we had Joe crowing that Ohio was in the bag for Trump since he was ahead 5?7? (I can't remember the exact amount).  Now he's ahead by 1 but instead of saying his numbers had fallen it's that he's coming on strong in Ohio despite the bad week. 

    I would have liked in Katty Kay asked that steel worker how Trump was going to save or bring back the steel industry.  I recently read a report that talked about how today's US steel industry puts out the same amount of steel as 20 years ago with 1/5 or 1/4 (can't remember exactly) the number of workers.  It can do this because of technology.   Does Trump actually have a policy on this other than rail about free trade (which he totally ignores the fact that there are some US industries/companies that have won under such agreements).  Or to get rid of all EPA regulations?


    I would have liked Katty Kay to ask if the steel worker knew that Trump used China steel/ aluminum and concrete (probable mob ties to concrete business) on his last buildings.

    • Love 10
  6. I was barely paying attention this morning and they were discussing why Hillary doesn't open up to the people and show a little vulnerability.  Among the cross talk, one of the guests mentioned that she has in the past, but it has bitten her and she pulled back. He then tries to close with the old Washington saying of "just because you're paranoid" - Joe blerts "it means you are" - "doesn't mean they aren't out to get you". 

    Thanks Joe.

    • Love 3
  7. I guess most of the crew thought it was normal for a candidate to threaten to lockup their rival after he is elected that it wasn't mentioned. I think that Yamiche was the only one to mention it in passing then Joe went back to the 90s.

    Really Joe? Do you really want to revisit the 90s?

    • Love 10
  8. I don't record it. I try to set the cable on it when I go to bed so in the morning I can rewind the DVR and catch the last hour or so (West Coast it is off by 6 am PST). 

    If Kelly Ann is on spouting her normal gibberish, I FF through it. Half the time I jump ahead if Joe is going off on his rant.  Only if I can't sleep do I get the first hour.

    • Love 1
  9. When the gang were apalled that the "liberal" media, as a group, went after Trump, it bugged the crap out of me.  No, I understood it as the media stopped trying to say that ALLLLLLLLLLL of Trumps faults were equal to Hillary's emails. Trump ran a charity like his personal piggy bank, but Clinton may have traded favors for donations, but there is no proof.  Certain papers decided that it wasn't the same, not even close and the gang can't stand it.

    • Love 8
  10. So Joe, Mika, and the Politico guy were ranting that the IRS won't let you pay more taxes. IIRC, the Clintons have been paying more taxes because they weren't taking the full amount of deductions that were available to them to use.  I believe that when people looked at Romney's sole tax return that he made available, they did a similar thing of not taking a $1.4M(?) write-off in order to get them up to him paying 14% in taxes.

    If you don't fully claim your deductions you can pay more. Trump isn't a genius, his accountant did all of the hard work. Typical, claiming credit for work done by others.

    • Love 10
  11. Why was Trump sniffling during the debates? What was he hiding? Doesn't this raise questions about his transparency? He should just come out and tell us? Is it Zika !?!?!?! He has property in Florida! Why won't he tell us? What health news is he hiding from us? - Questions the panel could be asking just like when they went nuts about Clinton and her flu.

    When did Joe and the panel believe in Climate Change? Past couple of years he's been boo-hoo'ing it.  They talked as if they were long time believers and just had the people do their little chat about what they saw in the Arctic. No challenging or raising denier language.

    I just came from an Arctic trip. My friends who don't believe it won't discuss it with me. Told them that we sailed up the fjords that should have been iced over. They change the subject. It's hard when the person confronting you saw the visual evidence. 

    • Love 10
  12. 4 hours ago, madfortv said:

    Mika talked about how difficult it is to pin down Trump and that he lies all the time.

    What was really interesting was later in the program she tried to pin down some Florida representative about what he was going to do in session today to get Zika funding. He gave generalities and she asked him about 4 or 5 times. Weird.

  13. 3 hours ago, Queena said:

    Steve King is reprehensible. Michael Brown is a cop killer? Since when? Fuck you Steve King! Fuck you so much. I'm off to watch happy shit. He's ruined my day. ????

    Thanks for taking one for the team. I can't watch King (I initially typed "Kink", heh). I FF through him.

    Paul Ryan - profile in courage right there.

    • Love 1
  14. They were reading the polling numbers (Clinton leading Trump) for Georgia with the graphics (Trump #> Clinton #) , but I kept staring at it and it looked like the numbers were reversed. It was so obnoxious that a random voice behind the graphics corrected him to reflect the numbers displayed.

    Georgia - 

    Two person - Trump 40%, Clinton 44%

    Four person - Trump 38%, Clinton 41%, Johnson 11, Stein 2

    Too early to confuse me like that.

    • Love 2
  15. Mika had an honest to God real opinion and then had to walk it back. She didn't think Trump loved America. She was that close to saying he just loved money, did say he loved making deals. It finally dawned on her after all of those painful family dinners growing up, talking about actual policies to improve peoples lives and actions, that Trump didn't have it.

    • Love 4
  16. 16 hours ago, NewDigs said:

    I think they should get rid of that ridiculous "Breaking News" chyron and replace it with a Politifact chyron. Or something. It can't be that hard when lies are repeated so often. Could almost have a loop. Or a Politifact closed-captioning type thing.

    MJ should have a chryon fact checker, but the poor intern would get carpal tunnel within a week with the people they bring on. It would look like the SNL parody of Fox & Friends and scroll of corrections at the end of the segment.

    • Love 2
  17. Mika gushed when they showed Trump, backlit, and coming out through "smoke? No Mika, fog" Ugh.

    Which one of those bozos kept saying that Kasich was popular in Ohio?  I guess they're just throwing random lies out there knowing that no one will call them out on it.

    • Love 3
  18. I've been rewatching the past 6 episodes this weekend and when Root was cajoling Harold to let the Machine fight back, she said "We will be the most principled corpses in Potter's field". And she ends up in Potter's field. sniff. Long live Root.

    • Love 2
  19. It was really telling that Mika, at one point, told the group of collected heads "I don't get it" (about the email). Dead silence for about two seconds. Halperin finally explained that it was about classified information being sent (<cough>BS<cough>) and that if she did it, she should be indicted.

    Which bozo said that Bill Clinton was caught doing the worst thing EVER in the WH? Really? The worst? sigh.

    • Love 4
  20. 59 minutes ago, oakville said:

    At the end of the show today, Mika teased Donnie about whether he would be allowed on Nantucket this weekend to visit Joe's house. It looks like Mika & Joe will be spending the weekend together. Mika was dressed like she was ready to travel.

    The first topic was the scandal over Bill Clinton meeting Loretta Lynch on a plane. It is considered to be highly inappropriate given that Hillary is under investigation.

    Donnie said the Clintons play by their own rules.

    Donnie said Trump has political turrets syndrome. He can't stop making dumb comments about Mexicans.

    Joe said the panel knew Trump personally & he never made any racially insensitive comments.

    It just boggles my mind that Joe jokes about people from Nyack, but has a place in Nantucket. The hypocrisy is killing me.

    Bill meeting with Loretta Lynch is BAD, very BAD, but the multitude of lawsuits, get rich quick scams, outsourcing of clothing fabrication, etc of THE Donald is old news and just runs off him. The panel never brings it up. Gah!

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